University of Virginia Library

The Canticles of Salomon.

The i. Chapiter.

A frēdly talke the Churche dooth vse
to Christe her loue so deer:
And he again so sets her out,
as none to bee her peer.
Though foes doo fume to see their looue,
and faultes in her there be:
Yet by his fauour and his grace,
they bothe doo wel agree.

The ii. Chapiter.

Beautifully as Lilly fair,
her song forthe on shee sings
And shade shee took to rest her self,
euen vnderneath his wings.
Shee heares his voice as dooue ful milde,
and dooth thereto incline:
The Fory foes they are forbod,
from hurting of the vine.

The iii. Chapiter.

Cast care shee did her loue to finde,
and sought in euery ground:
Shee ceased not to seek and aske
vntil shee had him found.

How shee did passe from wildernes,
with smoky pillers smelt:
How Princelike eke King Salomon,
within his Pallaice dwelt.

The iiii. Chapiter.

Doutles ful fair thou art my loue
and blemishe hast thou none:
Thy teeth, thy lips, thy neck and brestes
are comely euery one.
My sister deer hee dooth her call,
and looue on her he showes:
Commaunding windes to doo her good
though contrary it blowes.

The v. Chapiter.

Eche thing that Christ hath of his own
vnto his Churche he giues:
For to perfourm his tresures great
to her, it not him greeues.
His voice shee heares and dooth confes
her self to be but bare:
How beautiful her husband is,
shee dooth at large declare.

The vi. Chapiter.

Ful sure shee is of Christes looue,
and he of hers ful sure:

Whose comely state is painted out
to be ful fair and pure.
Shee is but one and vndefilde,
by Christe who made her cleane:
Where puritie of her is spoke,
none other dooth it mean.

The vii. Chapiter.

Go on shee dooth in comely wise
ful seemly to beholde:
Of all her parts so beautiful,
heer vnto you is tolde.
From top to toe shee is describde,
of Christe the onely spouse:
Who like a palme dooth growe ful trim,
with Christe vpon her bowes.

The viii. Chapiter.

Him dooth shee chuse her for to teache,
by him shee is vpholde:
The looue that hee to her dooth beat,
with tung can not be tolde.
Shee is again that plesant vine,
that foorth her frute dooth bring:
For Christe her looue forefigured,
by Salomon the King.

This song ful hard to vnderstand,
dooth end with Chapters eyght.
VVith iudgement great it woold be red,
it is of mickle weight.
Though fooles doo laugh and toy there at,
yet be you sure of this:
The ioyfull'st song in Bible book,
assuredly it is.
Now shall ye hear what Esay saith,
he tolde of Christe to fore:
Ful Gospel like he telth his tale,
now harken to his lore.