University of Virginia Library


The first Chapiter:

Almightie God then Moyses tolde,
within Leuiticus:
How he should offer sacrifice,
the Lord did it discus.
Whether it were of beastes great,
or els of cattel small:
Of turtle dooues the maner how,
they should be offerd all.

The ii. chapiter.

Baked in cakes and offering
The manner them to trim:
If leauen were put in therto,
then should it not like him.
Fine wheat flower and frankincense,
must go vnto this feast:
Salte must season eche sacrifice,
where it be foule or beast.

The iii. chapiter.

Comely how that the offering,
for peace it should be vsde:
To make accorde where strife was had
that hate might be refusde.
Of Oxen, sheep, with lambes and gotes,
attonement should be made:

Leuiticus the third Chapter,
dooth shew the forme and trade.

The iiij. Chapiter.

Default if that the preest had made
and doon by ignorance:
Should reconcile with sacrifice,
confessing his mischaunce.
And if a Lord did likewise so,
offer he must likewise:
The subiect for the same offense,
must offer sacrifice.

The v. chapiter.

Eche one that sware & not perfourmd
they must confesse the deed:
And offer a Gote or els a Lambe,
vnlesse he be in need.
The order how he should be clensd,
that toucht an vnclean thing:
The ignorant that sinned then,
an offering must bring.

The vj. chapiter.

For him that stale or did deceiue,
his neighbour willingly:
Or found a thing and it denied,
fiue folde restore should he,

The dooers euil then offer should,
for their offence and sin:
An offring eke is tolde ful right,
for Aaron and his kin.

The vii. chapiter.

Giue for their trespasse thē they must,
likewise for sin and peace:
The bakte and broilde, with fryed fleshe
is theirs that it dooth dresse.
The fat or blood may no man eat,
it is denied plain:
Of beast or foule where so it die,
by chaunce or els be slain.

The viii. chapiter.

How Aaron should, lo heere is tolde,
anointed preest, then be:
And all his garmentes fit for him,
then meet for his degree.
And likewise for his sonnes therto,
to minister also:
With all their Albes and Tunicles,
wherin that they should go.

The ix. chapiter.

In office Aaron offring made,
for him and all the rest:

And then the people out of hand,
by Aaron were all blest.
This likte so wel the God aboue,
his glory did appeer:
Consume he did the sacrifice,
afore them all with fire.

The x. chapiter.

Knowe wel ye may that fier straunge
was offred vp a new:
And they were slain for their offence
Nadab and Abihu:
The preestes were then forbidden wine,
to drink they were denide?
But they might eat the sacrifice,
if ought were left beside.

The xi. chapiter.

Leaue beastes must they that chue not cud
nor wear their hoofes in twain:
For man to eat for sustenance,
they might not then be slain:
Fishe lacking scale, or fin to swim,
might not be eaten tho:
Nor diuers foules, nor creeping beastes
whiche on the earth dooth go.

The xii. chapiter.

Moyses receiued a law him giuen,
for women that bare childe:
Suche pain to them and to the like
might teache them to be milde.
Eight daies in house remain they should
and then be purified:
And offer giftes for sacrifice,
suche as shee might abide.

The xiii. chapiter.

Notes for the Lepers had the preestes,
to iudge them by their skin
A white spot that is waxed black,
a Lepre dooth begin:
All other notes if ye wil knowe
a Leper how to deem
Let him then read the chapter all,
whiche is of L. thirteen.

The xiiii. chapiter.

Of them when he must be receud,
among the folke again:
He must be clensd then of the preestes,
by order written plain.
And all the house that he was in,
it must be clensd also:
With searching had when it beginnes
ere further that it go.

The xv. chapiter.

Pointed out is how men should be,
clensed and purged clean:
If they were staind by course vnkinde
vnpurenes it dooth mean.
For women also it dooth shew,
that haue their birthright kinde:
A sacrifice to purge them with,
for them then was assignd.

The xvj. chapiter.

Quuickly is tolde then Aarons woork
within the holy place:
And how to clense the sanctuary,
the maner and the cace.
The feast of clensing then is tolde,
how that it should be vsde:
And all was doon as God them bad,
and nought at all refusde.

The xvii. chapiter.

Requirde they were wtout the doores,
their offrings to be slain:
So was the Lord without the gates,
whiche died for our pain.
And God did them commaund they should
not offer vnto deuils:
Nor eat the blood nor carren meat,
but keep them from suche euils.

The xviii. chapiter.

So then the ten and eyght dooth tel,
what kinreds are forbod:
To mary spouse in wedlock rate,
whiche are denide of God.
But chargd they are to keep and saue,
the Lord his hestes and wil:
And quite to flee from gentils trade
whiche all together are il.

The xix chapiter.

Tolde then is eke the ten precepts,
in ten and nine of L:
Let euery man that looues the woord,
giue ear what they doo tel.
To steal or lie, or false to deale,
or iudge in matters wrong:
Nor man to wear a womans coat,
where it be short or long.

The xx. chapiter.

Unto the Gods ye whiche were strāge
their seed they might not giue:
Who that did so should feel this wo,
among them not to liue.
And those that woork by sorcery,
thou may not to them trust:

And certain kinreds are forbod,
in whiche not cope thou must.

The xxi. chapiter.

And if that one did hence depart,
the preest might not be by:
Nor yet be shauen on head nor chin,
for God did it deny.
Also their wiues they must be maids,
their daughters liuing chaste:
Mishapen men may be no preestes
of holy things to taste.

The xxii. chapiter.

Bear in minde those that might not,
eat of the sacrifice:
Almightie God tho in his law,
shewes then who he denies.
The maner how, that they should doo,
when they to offer went:
All this was doon to keep them back,
from dooing their intent.

The xxiii. chapiter.

Commaund did God the Saboth day,
and Easter to be vsde:
The first frutes feast, and Whitsontide,
it might not be refusde.

The feast of clensing also must,
be kept in order right:
With other feastes that ther are mingd,
as Moyses them did write.

The xxiiii. chapiter.

Decreed was then that lamps should be
and oyle in them light:
With shew bread set vpon a boorde,
eche saboth in their sight.
The childe that curst and did blaspheme
was stoned vnto death:
And he that kils a man must die,
as God almightie saith.

The xxv. chapiter.

Eche seuen yeer tho the saboth yeer
must solemnly be kept
No vine was cut, for that whole yeer
nor corn yet sowne or rept.
The first yeer were the bandmen free,
and lands restorde again:
All vsury it is forbod,
by woords that are ful plain.

The xxvi chapiter.

Forbid did God all Images,
by woords moste plainly tolde:

To them to kneel he dooth deny,
a man to be so bolde.
God wil defend his people all,
that wil his woord obay:
But they whiche not regard his wil
their councels shall decay.

The xxvii. chapiter.

God tolde how vowes should prised be
woman were it or man:
And for the tithes that should be paid,
whiche were apointed than.
All these commaundementes afore,
were giuen in mount Sinai:
With charges great them to obserue,
from God the almightie.
Leuiticus is past and gone,
twentie and seauen in all:
And Numeri ye shall haue next,
the fourth book we it call.