University of Virginia Library

Mrs. Kirkwood Otey matter:

The President presented to the Rector and Visitors a resolution approved by
the Executive Committee of the Board at a meeting held on March 8, 1939, reading as

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the claim of the University Hospital, $895.10 against Mrs. Kirkwood Otey, of
Charleston, West Virginia, be and the same is hereby cancelled, for reasons set
out in a letter from W. Allan Perkins, Esq., Attorney for the University, dated
February 14, 1939, to the President, said cancellation, however, to be conditioned
upon authority from the Comptroller of Virginia or such other official as may be
authorized to act.

He further presented a letter from Hon. A. P. Staples, Attorney General of Virginia,
addressed to Mr. W. Allan Perkins, under date of March 28, 1939, and Mr. Perkins' reply
thereto, dated March 30, 1939.

After full consideration by the Board, the following resolution was unanimously

RESOLVED, by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
said claim shall not be cancelled but that action at this time shall be suspended
in connection with the claim of the University Hospital, $895.10, against Mrs.
Kirkwood Otey, of Charleston, W. Va.