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The President told the Board he wanted to bring two matters, not on the Agenda, to its attention.

The first concerned an incident which, he said, took place at the Corner about ten days before in which two students were assaulted by a group of students from the University of Mississippi, in Charlottesville on a fraternity trip. Although it was clear that racial insults were part of the assault, it was not known for several days that the persons assaulted are students at the University. Several of the University of Mississippi students were arrested by the City Police and they are to appear in court later this month.

The President said the incident was of grave concern to him and to the Administration. He has conferred with the Chancellor of the University of Mississippi which has taken action against the fraternity and will take action against the students once the civil charges have been resolved.

There will be a rally this evening (Friday, February 5), on the Grounds, across the street from the restaurant where the incident occurred, the President said, and he and the Rector will attend.

The second matter, the President reported, concerns a statue of Thomas Jefferson which the Board authorized the University to present to the College of William and Mary to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the founding of the College. The statue was done by the sculptor of the Jefferson statue which stands between the Law School and the Darden School, and is very similar to it. It has been so well placed at the College that one has the impression of coming up on a living person dressed in 18th century clothes. The statue was dedicated several months ago and the President showed the Board a copy of the William and Mary alumni magazine with pictures of it.