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Good heav'ns! was ever man more blest than I,
So unexpectedly to find my daughter!
Is it not plain, that when the Gods would shew
Favour to men, they shew it to the virtuous?
Thus I, beyond my hope, beyond belief,
Most unexpectedly have found my daughter:
And I'll bestow her on a noble youth,
My kinsman, an Athenian. I would have him
Fetch'd here directly; and I bade his servant
Come forth, that I might send him to the Forum.
I marvel why he is not come.—'Twere best
Go to the door.— (He looks in.)
What do I see?—My wife

Hugging and hanging on her daughter's neck.—
This fondling is absurd, 'tis all too idle.
(Calling at the door.)
Nay prithee, wife, a truce with your caresses;
See all things ready for the sacrifice,
Which we must offer to our houshold Gods,
Who have increas'd our family.—We have lambs
And hogs nurtur'd for sacred use.—But why
Do ye detain Trachalio?—Oh, he comes.