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  • The following resolutions were adopted:
  • (a) RESOLVED that the firm of The CEGG Partnership of Virginia Beach, Virginia, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for Central Air Conditioning of the East Wing, Blue Ridge Hospital. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full engineering design services upon approval of the project by State government.
  • (b) RESOLVED that the firm of VMDO of Charlottesville, Virginia, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for the renovation of Minor Hall. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full architectural design services upon approval of the project by State government.

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  • (c) RESOLVED that the firm of Henningson, Durham, Richardson of Alexandria, Virginia, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for an addition to the MR-4 Building. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full architectural design services upon approval of the project by State government.
  • (d) RESOLVED that the firm of Mariani and Associates of Washington, D. C., be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for the Children's Rehabilitation Center, Phase III. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full architectural design services upon approval of the project by State government.
  • (e) RESOLVED that the firm of Ekstrom and Associates of Richmond, Virginia, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for a Library Storage Facility. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full architectural design services upon approval of the project by State government.
  • (f) RESOLVED that the firm of Odell Associates of Richmond, Virginia, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for a Clinical Faculty Office Building. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full architectural design services upon approval of the project by State government.
  • (g) RESOLVED that the firm of Thompson and Litton of Wise, Virginia, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for a Fine Arts Building at Clinch Valley College. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full architectural design services upon approval of the project by State government.
  • (h) RESOLVED that the firm of Pasanella and Klein of New York, New York, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for the Physics Building Addition. At the option of the University Administration, the firm may later be continued for full architectural design services upon approval of the project by State government.
  • (i) RESOLVED that the firm of Construction Technology Laboratories, Incorporated, of Skokie, Illinois, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for the Correction of Structural Conditions, Scott Stadium Seating. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full engineering design services upon approval of the project by State government.
  • (j) RESOLVED that the firm of Michael Graves of Princeton, New Jersey, be approved for the performance of a preplanning study for the New Arts and Sciences Building. At the option of the University administration, the firm may later be continued for full architectural design services upon approval of the project by State government.