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by William Allingham
Allingham, William (1824-1889)
[Dear Poet! is thy free light step the same]
[Tho' out of fashion, still to me]
[With wrappings and knottings your meaning you hide]
[A song or a riddle? I best like a song.]
[For Heaven's sake, Mighty Poet! leave thy tricks]
[Accurst, O Poet! be thy song]
[“Love's but a kind of itch”]
Epitaph (between the Lines).
[“Why murmur at this foolish crown of bays?”]
[A new Thing's rare indeed! The Poets play]
[Good Sense and Poetry, old friends, are now not seen together]
[The Poet launched a stately fleet: it sank.]
Advice to a Young Poet.
A Public Monument.
[Apollo smiles on bards of every sort]
Inscription omitted on a Public Monument.
Statua Infelix.
To a Modern Poet.
Modern Poet answers
[A brilliant literature, no doubt, have we.]
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[By and by, we shall meet]
and by, we shall meet
Something truly worth our while,
Shall begin to live at last,
By and by.
By and by, days that fleet
After days, in countless file
Bring one day, like all the past,
And we die.