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Page 189


LOOKING back upon this work; for I do not
know that I shall add any more; it occurs to me
to reflect whether it will do good or harm. I cannot
think it will do harm. It contains a good deal of moral
sentiment, the result of my own reading, observation and
experience; “All which I saw and part of which I
was.” I have myself been of the bar; have had to do,
in a canvass for elections; and have been of a legislative
body; like all young orators, I have babbled as others
have done. This day do I remember my faults; and if
I were to go over the same ground again, I would make
one word do where two were used. The fact is that I
have spoken upon subjects I did not understand; and
had an ambition to display oratory. In correcting the
errors of ambition for place, or the mere display of powers,
this book may be of service in a republic. It is a
caricatura doubtless; but it is by caricatura, that the
ridiculous is discovered. For this painting I claim credit;
but I have more the useful in view than the amusing
of the work. I will acknowledge that I value myself a
good deal upon the performance. Any animal of the human
species, with a mediocrity of talents, may come to be
a judge, and may appear pretty well in a book of reports,
provided he cites precedents; but how many are there
in an age that could write such a book as this? And yet
to my astonishment, it has not got up in the world as I
think it ought to have. But a great deal depends upon
having a felicitous introduction. When it comes to be
published with drawings, or what are called cuts, it will
look quite another thing to grown gentlemen; and will
come into vogue, and be a stock book.

I do not affect to be the first in this line of writing that
has appeared in America. There is a New-England publication
entitled, “the Cobbler of Wagram,” which I have
never seen, but have heard of; and which, I would thank
some of the New-England literati to procure for me.


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For though I have made some flings at our young John
Bull, yet I have had in view, but a few persons of the
present time,and as touching a political way of thinking
in alluding to them under the appellation of young
Johnny; but as to their literary standing, I have a high
respect for them; and at the same time am sensible, that
the great body of them are true men, and err only in
particulars; and this, a good deal from the not having
the helm in their hands. They will get it in due time, as
much as will fall to their share. But they expect too
much, and cannot have every thing their own way. A
separation of the Union they never thought of; it is all
in Terrorem; but such talk may lead to the catastrophe
which of all people, as they border on the British settlements
it concerns their safety most to avoid. When I
say the states of New-England never thought of a disunion,
I distinguish individuals, who, for ambition, and
the hope of obtaining power from a change, may not
talk, but think, of such a thing. I am persuaded, there
are in those states, at this moment, a minority, perhaps
approaching a majority, that are as much anti-John
Bull, as any other part of the Union. This
is said as explanatory of what may be thought otherwise
from my allusions to young Johnny Bull. I call
them young Johnny, because old England, is old Johnny,
and they are New-England; and because there are some
of their editors at least who advocate British politics,
and call the war unjust. I do not say British interest;
because it is not less the interest of Britain to yield her
claims of domination on the sea than it is for us to resist
them. If the war continues seven years, I do not wonder
if we should burn London; at least then that we have
it in our power to burn it. For I should be sorry to burn
any thing, or kill any one. But, I will acknowledge myself
an enragee against uncle John on account of the injustice
of his claims, and the barbarities of his allies. I
am confident there are few of the people of that island,
who if they were to see a single scalp taken, as I have
done, and hear the savage yell, would not have the same
impression. The war in disguise upon the western parts
of the Union, in furnishing with implements, not of agriculture,
but of hatcheting and scalping, the Indian tribes,
was a cause of war long before it was declared by our
republic. The invasion, was justifiable only on the
ground, and it was expedient on the ground, of interposing


Page 191
between the vendors of scalping knives, and the
purchasers, the Indians. The love of gain propels all
the measures of John Bull; I speak of the government.
It is an inconsistency, and a calamity at the same time,
that a people who have the character of humanity,
generally, and bravery, should exhibit with regard to
nations, a conduct so profligate.