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The following resolution was adopted:

  • WHEREAS Mr. F. Bradley Peyton, III contracted to purchase a parcel of land on Rugby Road in Charlottesville from the Estate of Mary Garth Peyton, his mother, for the sum of $75,400 and subsequently caused this property to be conveyed to the University in consideration of the sum of $60,000, which acquisition was authorized by the Buildings and Grounds and Finance Committees on 3 April 1969;
  • WHEREAS the difference between Mr. Peyton's contract price with his mother's estate and the University's purchase price from him represents a gift of $15,400 by Mr. Peyton to the University in honor of his mother, Mary Garth Peyton;
  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the purchase of the Peyton Property on Rugby Road, title to which was conveyed to the University on 1 May 1969, be and the same hereby is approved, ratified, and confirmed;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we express to Mr. F. Bradley Peyton, III our sincere thanks for his generosity and direct the Secretary to transmit a copy of this resolution to him as a mark of our deep appreciation.