University of Virginia Library

Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland is fun to watch. He enjoys preaching. He paces up and down the stage when speaking, and he loves to make his audience laugh. His audiences get into the fun-filled spirit of it all—they chuckle, roar, whistle, and applaud. Copeland loves it, and he pours on his special brand of Spirit-filled, good-humored gospel in response. But he is not good-humored about the dead, dry churches of the respectable mainline and the safe, sane gospel they preach. He likes churches and people who believe in healing, speaking in tongues, expecting miracles, and letting it all hang out for Jesus, homespun and high-powered. He made his television ministry debut in 1979, and he is already seen on thirty-eight stations, with more being added as fast as time can


be bought. He is a zestful pilot and motorcyclist and probably will keep on moving as fast as he can in television, too.