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His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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With Father, coeternall Lord,
Coequall, consubstantiall Word,
His Wisedome, Glory, grauen Feature,
Thou Maker, made (for Vs) a Creature,
Took'st humane Flesh and Seruants Forme,
Man-kinde to ransome and re-forme:
Eternitie (in time) began;
Immortall, Mortall: God and Man,
Man, Godhead's bodily Aboad:
One, vnconfounded, Man and God;
Not Godhead into Flesh conuerting:
Nor Godhead by the Flesh subuerting:
Nor by the Godhead Flesh consuming;
But, to the Godhead, Flesh assuming.
As God, coequall with the Father:
As very Man inferiour rather
God onely Father, but of Godhead:
Mayd onely mother, but of Manhead.
In This so sacred secret Band,
So Ioyn-distinct Both Natures stand,
That Either's What it was before:
And both together Somewhat more;
One Christ, our only Aduocate
(Prince, Prophet, Priest) to mediate;
True God, true Man (excepting Sin)
Like vs in all without, within:
Borne, circumciz'd, baptiz'd, contemn'd,
Tempted, tormented, mockt, condemn'd,
Crosse-fixed, dead, buried, descended;
Arose againe, and then ascended
To his bright Throne of Maiesty,
At the right hand of God on high:
From whence Hee shall returne afresh,
Iudge to his Iudge, and to all Flesh.