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Enter GRIPUS.)
Thanks to my patron Neptune, whose abode
Is in the briny regions stor'd with fishes,
Since he has sent me from his watry realms
Full fraught, and laden with the choicest booty;
My boat too safe, which in the stormy sea
Has blest me with a new and plenteous fishing.
'Twas a rare chance this kind of fishery,
How very wondrous and incredible!
I have not caught me an ounce weight of fish,
Save what I have here in my net. I rose.
At midnight all alert, prefering gain
To rest and sleep; and though the tempest roar'd,
I labour'd to relieve my master's wants,
And help me in my state of servitude.
I never have been sparing of my pains.
The sluggard's good for nothing: I detest
Such kind of fellows. He, who in good time
Would do his duty, should be vigilant,
Not wait, 'till he is rous'd to't by his master.
Those who love sleep, indulge it to their cost;
They get no profit, and are sure to suffer.
I, who was ever diligent, have found


That which will keep me lazy, if I will.
I found it in the sea, whatever's in it.
Whatever's in it, by my faith 'tis heavy:
I think there's gold in't. Not a soul besides
Is privy to the chance. Now, Gripus, now
Thou hast a fair occasion to procure
Thy freedom of the Prætor. This I'll do,
This I'm determin'd, I'll address my master
With art and cunning, proffer him a sum
By little and by little for my freedom:
When I am free, I'll purchase house and lands,
And slaves, and fit out vessels, and engage
In traffick; among kings I'll be a king.
And then for my amusement I will build
A pleasure-barge, and copy Stratonicus:
I'll sail about from place to place: and when
My greatness is notorious, I will found
A mighty city, and will call it Gripus
After my own name, as a monument
Of my exploits and fame: there I'll erect
A potent monarchy.—My mind's resolv'd
On high and mighty matters.—But 'twere best
To hide this wallet; and this king must dine
On salt and vinegar, no better chear. (Going)