Flamma sine Fumo or, poems without fictions. Hereunto are annexed the Causes, Symptoms, or Signes of several Diseases with their Cures, and also the diversity of Urines, with their Causes in Poetical measure. By R. W. [i.e. Rowland Watkyns] |
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The Soul. |
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The Soul.
What will it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Mat. 16. 26.
Bright are the pearls of dew: the gold is pure,
Try'd in the fire, and from all drosse secure.
White is the untoucht snow: the light is fair
Which guilds the day, and clears the cloudy air.
These to the soul compar'd, are dark, and vaine,
Which doth more beauty, sweetnesse, worth containe.
Try'd in the fire, and from all drosse secure.
White is the untoucht snow: the light is fair
Which guilds the day, and clears the cloudy air.
These to the soul compar'd, are dark, and vaine,
Which doth more beauty, sweetnesse, worth containe.
I do respect my garden, and take heed
No poisonous herb may grow, no stinking weed.
I love my actions just, my words compleat,
My body clean, my garment fair and neat;
But yet my chiefest care, and study here,
Is to preserve my soul, and conscience cleere.
No poisonous herb may grow, no stinking weed.
I love my actions just, my words compleat,
My body clean, my garment fair and neat;
But yet my chiefest care, and study here,
Is to preserve my soul, and conscience cleere.
I am ambitious of an honest fame,
And to preserve the candour of my name.
My wife and children, and my friend I love,
These are strong tyes, which may affection move.
These are delights, but my delight is most,
To watch my soul, lest that rich pearle be lost.
And to preserve the candour of my name.
My wife and children, and my friend I love,
These are strong tyes, which may affection move.
These are delights, but my delight is most,
To watch my soul, lest that rich pearle be lost.
Lord, let me feed on bread of cares, and fears,
And let me wash my bed with constant tears.
Let me be subject to all storms, and wind,
And for my bed let me a dungeon find.
Do, what thou wilt, (sweet Lord) I'le take it well,
Onely preserve my self from death, and hell.
And let me wash my bed with constant tears.
Let me be subject to all storms, and wind,
And for my bed let me a dungeon find.
Do, what thou wilt, (sweet Lord) I'le take it well,
Onely preserve my self from death, and hell.
What if I heard the musick of the sphears,
And sweetest Anthems to content the ears?
What if I had strong wines, delicious meat,
And all the pleasures I could tast or eat?
All this is gall, unless the soul is free,
Which is more dear than twenty worlds to me.
And sweetest Anthems to content the ears?
What if I had strong wines, delicious meat,
And all the pleasures I could tast or eat?
All this is gall, unless the soul is free,
Which is more dear than twenty worlds to me.
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