Flamma sine Fumo or, poems without fictions. Hereunto are annexed the Causes, Symptoms, or Signes of several Diseases with their Cures, and also the diversity of Urines, with their Causes in Poetical measure. By R. W. [i.e. Rowland Watkyns] |
Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will ease you
Flamma sine Fumo | ||
Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will ease you
Clamat Diabolus; Venite ad me, & ego interficiam.
Clamat Mundu's; Venite ad me, & ego deficiam.
Clamat Caro; Venite ad me, & ego inficiam.
Clamat Christus; Venite ad me, & ego reficiam.
Clamat Mundu's; Venite ad me, & ego deficiam.
Clamat Caro; Venite ad me, & ego inficiam.
Clamat Christus; Venite ad me, & ego reficiam.
Not David's Hyssop, and no Angel can
Or blessed Saint in heaven cure the soul,
When sin hath made it, like a Leper, foul:
Christ is our Balsom; and we have no Tree,
Whose leaves do Nations heal, but only he.
Our Saviours sacred blood speaks better things
Than Abels blood; and greater comfort brings:
Gods anger was incens'd when Abel dy'd,
Our Saviours blood his anger pacifi'd:
The blood of Abel did for vengeance call;
Christs blood for love, and mercy to us all:
Just Abels blood cry'd once, and cry'd no more;
Our Saviours blood cries still; God hath in store
On Christ our loving Bridegroom, and our Friend:
He makes the lame to walk, the blind to see,
The sad to sing for joy, the pris'ner free.
Come all that labour: Blessed is the man,
That hath some oil from this Samaritan.
Come, not by strength of legs or feet, but mind;
By prayers, not by steps, if rest you'll find:
Mount with the wings of prayer, and ascend
Gods holy hill, where pleasures never end.
Flamma sine Fumo | ||