Flamma sine Fumo or, poems without fictions. Hereunto are annexed the Causes, Symptoms, or Signes of several Diseases with their Cures, and also the diversity of Urines, with their Causes in Poetical measure. By R. W. [i.e. Rowland Watkyns] |
The covetous worldling |
Flamma sine Fumo | ||
The covetous worldling
------ Quid non mortalia pectora cogit
Auri sacra fames?
Auri sacra fames?
Why dost thou doat on gold, and deemest grace
A thing not worth thy labour, or embrace?
And with disdain let the fair, Rachel go:
He is a foolish Merchant, that's more fond
Of glassie Bugles, then a Diamond:
So Esau sought for Venson, carnal food,
And lost the blessing, which was far more good:
Thy coffers may be full, but yet this will
Though like a gulfe it sucks in, doth not fill:
Wealth is to thee, like fuel to the fire,
Which doth augment, and kindle more desire:
God hath set bounds unto the Sea, to curb
Her proudest waves, lest they the earth disturb.
But what can limit, what can set a bound
Unto thy wandring thoughts? a little ground
Contains thy body; and when thou art dead,
Thou art contented with a narrow bed:
O pray for Grace, without which all thy store,
Which should enrich thee, will but make thee poore,
Flamma sine Fumo | ||