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Page 173


INCLINATION prompts me to give some account
of the locus in quo, as the lawyers say, or the place
where the Governor had pitched himself; I say pitched,
which is a metaphor from the pitching tents by an army.
It is expected that I am to describe the situation of the
hill above, and dale below; shade of tree, or falling fountain
by the house. Will it not be proper that I first
describe the house itself; which I do not mean to do
minutely; because I have no idea that it will stand many
years; but that he will get a better, as the country improves,
and saw-mills erected. What can be expected
from early settlers, but the choice of a situation? and
every thing is not always made with the best judgment.
For it is inconceivable by any one who is not acquainted
with it, how little of the ground can be seen, and particularly
explored, while it is under wood. The best situations
will be overlooked; or, if they are seen, some
less superb is chosen with a view to present convenience
of water, or vicinity in some other particular. It was
not such a mansion as would hurt the pride that is natural
to the mind of man; and might lurk in the bosoms
of other early settlers, not so well lodged themselves.
I do not know that the builder had thought of the uneasiness
occasioned to Valerius Publicola, by the loftiness
of his dwelling on the Velian eminence. But his
mind not running upon superb edifices, he had thought
only of convenient accommodation. The simplicity of
his taste was at a distance from every thing of shew and
splendour; so that, not from the reflection of a wise precaution,
but from the natural disposition of his mind, he
was satisfied with a structure that could not affect the less
opulent. But what it wanted in grandeur, he endeavoured
to make up in taste, if that can be predicated of a
building where little cost had been expended. Taste
there was, in having it in such a style, that it would not
have occurred to any one that taste had been thought of;
for there was no ornament, nor was there room for it.—
For what ornament could there be bestowed upon an
oblong in the proportion of one hundred and twenty, by
twenty feet; the sides and floor of hewn logs, and the


Page 174
roof of split timber? What was it but a suit of rooms
under the same cover, divided by entrys, or intervals,
of ten feet transversely to the length; which had the appearance
more of a range of barracks than of a farm house.
The fact is, the humanity of the governor had intended
it chiefly for that use, the accommodation of individual
families for a night, in their emigration to a new settlement.

It stood east and west upon a ridge of ground like a
whale's back, with a stream on each side running in a direction
contrary from each other, but falling into two sister
rivers on the east and west, which joined their silver
currents at a small distance, and in prospect of the building.
As there was a suit of rooms, so there were stacks
of chimneys on the north of the range, and these of stone,
built strong to resist the tornados not uncommon in that
country. These, with a cellar underneath the whole
length, walled with stone, and the lower timbers of the
building laid half their depth in the wall, there being but
one story above ground, rendered the structure pretty
secure from the most violent blasts of wind.

Having given this outline, it may suffice. I shall say
nothing of the subdivisions, because they may be imagined.
Nor shall I describe the extent of level or of
rising ground in view; or the bearing of the mountains at
a distance; or the circling of the floods. What attracted
my attention more, was a beautiful water fall in one of
those springs that issued from the hill on which the mansion
house stood. It was a perennial stream, and issued
from a crevice in a moss-covered rock, with a current
of about two inches in diameter. It was as clear as
crystal, and as cool as the Hebrus. The projection was
in its first pitch, clear of the rock, several feet, into a
bason of pure white gravel large enough to bathe in, and
shrouded with a group of wild cherry trees on the sides,
but above with the shade of the tulip-bearing poplar, and
the oak. The spring on the other side of the small dividing
ridge, and towards the west, at the distance of perhaps
one hundred feet, issued more abundantly, and fell
from one ledge to another, but with some murmur of the
current, as dissatisfied to quit the fountain. The new
town, as it was yet called, stood in sight, and had begun
to shew two streets of houses at the confluence of the
two rivers, and parallel with each, with the public buildings
at equi-distance from the banks; and towards the


Page 175
base of the right angle which the two streets formed.
I shall say nothing of the garden grounds; for these were
laid out but in imagination, save as to a kitchen garden,
with such vegetables and essential roots as could immediately
be cultivated and were the most necessary. The
collection of indigenous plants, and native flowers, or
sought from abroad, could be the object of a more leisurely
attention at a future day. People were thinking
more of cutting down trees, than of planting them, which
may be a fault. For individual trees, as well as groves
in some places, ought to be spared, in removing a wilderness.
The depth of a native grove in a hot day, surpasses
all description in the sensations that it gives. The
power of art with all her skill can never equal nature. I
think it a great pity that we have lost so much of the ancient
mythology as respects the sylvan deities, such of
them to whom no worship was addressed, unless in the
figurative language of the poet, which we still use, but
do not feel, as those who believed in the existence. It inspired
a tenderness to rural scenery; and in sparing shades
was favourable to taste. One could tell a rustic who had
no conception of the pleasures of imagination, that if he
cut down this or that groupe, he would have all the
Dryads on his back; the Hamadryads would come to
their assistance; the Oreades would not send him storms;
the Naids would order the spring that furnished water
to his reapers to be dried up. But now we have no hold
upon him; and much pain has it given me to see a
fringe of willows by the brook, or a semi-circle of trees
on the brow of a hill, entirely cut away.

Nor, is it only in matters of taste, that the settlers of a
new country are, in most instances deficient. They have
not the most perfect judgment in the use of the small
means they usually possess to establish themselves. I
do not mean to undervalue the good intentions of public
bodies, in sending missionaries among the Indians, to
teach the doctrines of supralapsarian predestination;
but might not other funds be constituted to assist settlers
in removing and in fixing themselves in a new settlement,
and to instruct them in the principle of an agriculture
adapted to the soil and climate? The thoughts of a scientific
man of experience in agriculture, would be a
great advantage in a district of country, to advise in the
making improvements. Men of public spirit in some
instances, have combined their own interest with the benefit


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of others, in improvements in a new country. Disputed
titles are the bane of settlements in new districts:
this is owing to a want of specialty in the original granting,
or correctness in the laying out the lands. Would not
the salus propuli justify in such instances, the settling
disputes in a summary manner, by commissioners? Does
not such a transcendental right of government exist in
all cases? It is not enough that the rind of shrubs, or
wild berries, and the juice of the maple, should constitute
the principal part of the food of a settler for a time;
that he should put up with the shelter of bark stript from
the trees, for the first summer, but after he has cleared
his ground, and has raised corn, his field is taken from
him by an error of the survey, or the equivocal description
of an office right. The soil of a new country is wet,
the air moist, the winter longer, of course, in the bosom
of a wooded country; hand-mills for a time must
suffice, and every man must be something of a jack of
all trades. He must be a worker in iron, and in leather,
and in wood. Invention as well as industry, is requisite.
But the principal defect, as in all other objects of human
application, is the want of original thought, to adopt new
modes to new circumstances. Things are rather done in
this or that way, because they have been so done elsewhere,
and heretofore. For this reason, I would wish to
see missionary agriculturalists sent into the country;
societies instituted for the propagation of agricultural
knowledge among the people, and the relief of distressed
inhabitants. There might not be just as many Indians
brought into the pale of the church, but there might be
more churches built amongst the whites on the frontier
of the country.

The establishment of churches in the frontier country,
is not amiss; but on the contrary, deserves commendation,
where the preachers employ themselves in explaining
and inculcating the intelligible principles of moral
duty; and even when they take up the time of the people
in supporting or overthrowing the speculative opinions
of their adversaries, it amuses the congregation.
That institution is not wholly useless, which supplies
amusement. It reconciles the labouring part of the community
very much to hear the rich and the luxurious denounced
as not likely to come so well off hereafter, having
had their good things in this life. Cold, and heat,
and fatigue are better borne under these impressions;


Page 177
there is less murmuring in the community. In a political
point of view also, religious institutions have their
use. Obedience to the laws, is a christian duty, and the
support of government is favourable to that settled state
of society, in which alone any system of mental cultivation
can be the object of attention. In the late commotion
of the public mind in this new government, respecting
the calling a convention to alter the constitution, we
had an instance of what might be done by an honest open
hearted clergyman, of good sense, among his profession.
He had a few acres of ground to clear, by cutting down
the timber and rolling it away; and for this purpose,
made what is called a frolic: that is, an assemblage for
labour, and a feast at the same time; the feast was in the
fete champetre way; though they did not give it that
name. While they were at work, the pot, which might
be rather called a kettle, was boiling: for it was a large
boiler which had been employed in making sugar from
the maple tree, more like a kettle for distilling, than a pot;
it suited extremely well to make the soup, or broth on this
occasion. A pile of wood had been set on fire, and the
kettle suspended over it on a cross beam, supported by a
fit arm at each end. The maker of the frolic, the owner
of the clearing, going forward, had told the men, as the
truth of the case warranted him in doing, that as the female
part of his family had not come out to the settlement
as yet, nor would until he could get some shelter
built and improvement made, they must stand cooks
themselves. There were fleshes of venison, and beef,
and pork, and some fowls, and vegetables, and articles of
seasoning: each might put in according to his liking.
Each did put in according to his notion of making broth;
and like the wierd-sisters in Macbeth, they stirred the
kettle, singing as they stirred, till the pot was boiled, and
taken off the hanger, to assemble round and put their
ladles in. Some thought the broth had too much salt, or
pepper, or cabbage; others too little. The proportion
of every article of fish, flesh, or fowl was found fault
with by some one. My ingredient, said the master of the
entertainment, is yet to come, that is a flask of whiskey;
to which they all assented to have poured in. A ladle of
the broth enlivened with the spirit, put them in good humour;
and it was a safe thing to jest with them, and to
slur good hints under the veil of parable. “Good folks,
said he, being of an occupation which the wags in their


Page 178
humour sometimes call pulpit whacking, it is not difficult
for me to strike a doctrine out of any thing, as easily
as Moses did the water fall out of the rock at Meriba;
and hence it is, that we are apt, even on common occasions,
though not in the pulpit, to spiritualize. This I
am not about to do at present, but rather, if you please, to
moralize a little. We have a constitution, or frame of
government, which has stood some time, and for any thing
I can see, might stand a while yet. It was framed by
men of great political skill, at least, great information;
and it was with great deliberation that it was formed. It
was not until lately that any one thought to disturb, and
new model; and in fact to make another. Reform, is a
popular word, and it is that which is chosen. But every
one must foresee an entire overhauling. Now, as I
would wish to see our young timber sawed into planks
to line houses, or to make floors; or by hewing, made
fit for harrows or plough beams, rather than erected into
guillotines, I am for putting up with the constitution until
we get our fields cleared, and our meadows made;
until we look about us, and get time to think a little, lest
going hastily about it we make it worse. For you see, in
making this broth, where every thing was put in that
any one said he liked, it was not savoury, until a dash of
whiskey made it palatable—