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Full descriptions of all courses listed below as well as of other courses
unlisted here but given in the Summer Quarter of 1928 may be found in the
Bulletin of the Summer Quarter which is issued each year.


Art sB1-I: Freehand Drawing: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Makielski.

Art sB1-II: Freehand Drawing: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Makielski.

Art sB1-III: Decorative Painting: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Mallison.

Art sB3-I: Painting: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Makielski.

Art s30: Poster Design: Both Terms.

Miss Mallison.


Astronomy sB1-I: General Astronomy: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour

Mr. Olivier.


Biology sB1-I: Botany: Both Terms. Credit when taken with Biology
s7, 2 session-hours. Laboratory fee $5.00.

First Term, Mr. Kepner and Mr. Burch. Second Term, Mr. Speidel
and Mr. Burch.

Biology sB1-II: Zoölogy: Both Terms. Credit, when taken with Biology
s7, 2 session-hours. Laboratory fee $5.00.

First Term, Mr. Kepner and Mr. Jones. Second Term, Mr. Speidel and
Mr. Jones.

Biology sB1-III: Experimental Biology: Both Terms. Credit, when
taken with Biology s7, 2 session-hours. Laboratory fee $5.00.

Mr. Betts, Mr. Burch and Mr. Jones.

Biology s7: Biological Seminar: Both Terms. Fee $5.00 for those not
registered in sB1-I, sB1-II, sB1-III, or sB3-I.


Page 340

First Term, Mr. Kepner and Mr. Betts. Second Term, Mr. Speidel and
Mr. Betts.

Biology sB3-I: Vertebrate Anatomy: Second Term. Laboratory fee $5.00.
Credit, 2 session-hours with Biology s7.

Mr. Speidel.

Biology sB10-I: See Education sB10-I.

Biology s9: Human Physiology: Both Terms. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Reynolds.

Biology sC1-I: Protozoölogy: (1929). Whole Quarter. Credit, one-half
C-course. Laboratory fee $10.00 for the quarter. Special fee $5.00.

Mr. Reynolds.

Biology sC1-II: Helminthology: (1928). Whole Quarter. Credit, one-half

Mr. Reynolds.

Biology sC12: Research: Whole Quarter. Credit, an entire C-course
when paper has been accepted for publication. Laboratory fee $10.00 for the
quarter. Special fee $5.00.

Mr. Reynolds.


Chemistry sB1-I: General Chemistry: First twenty days of quarter.
2 session-hours.

Mr. Carter and Mr. White.

Chemistry sB1-II: General Chemistry: Second twenty days of quarter.
2 session-hours.

Mr. Carter, Mr. Markham and Mr. White.

Chemistry sB1-III: General Chemistry: Last twenty days of quarter.
2 session-hours.

Mr. Markham and Mr. White.

Chemistry sB2-I and II: Qualitative Analysis: Whole Quarter. 4 session-hours
for whole quarter.

Mr. Yoe and Mr. Thacker.

Chemistry sB3-I: Organic Chemistry: First Term.

Mr. Bird.

Chemistry sB3-II: Organic Chemistry Laboratory: First Term. Credit,
with sB3-I, 3 session-hours.

Mr. Bird and Mr. Pitts.

Chemistry sB4-I, II and III: Quantitative Analysis: Whole Quarter.
Credit, 3 session-hours for whole quarter.

Mr. Yoe and Mr. Thacker.

Chemistry sC1-I, II and III: Technical Analysis: Whole Quarter.
Credit, 3 session-hours for whole quarter.

Mr. Yoe.

Chemistry sC7: Research: Whole Quarter.

Mr. Yoe.


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Economic Geography sB1-I: Elements of Geography: First Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

Economic Geography sB1-II: Geography of North America: First Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

Economics Geography sB1-III: Commercial Geography: First Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

Commercial Law sB1-I: Commercial Law: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Hulvey.

Commercial Law sB1-II: Commercial Law: First Term. Credit, 1

Mr. Hulvey.

Commercial Law sB1-III: Commercial Law: First Term. Credit, 1

Mr. Hulvey.

Commercial Law sB2-I: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Hulvey.

Economics sB1-I: Survey of the Principles of Economics: Both Terms.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Berglund. Second Term, Mr. Kincaid.

Economics sB1-II: Survey of the Principles of Economics: First Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Fagan.

Economics sB1-III: The Bearing of the Principles of Economics upon
Present American Conditions:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Fagan.

Economics sB2-I: Growth of American Industry and Commerce: First
Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Fagan.

Economics sC1-I: Public Finance: Second Term.

Mr. Glasson.

Economics sC2-I: Money and Banking: First Term. Fee for graduate
students $5.00.

Mr. Kincaid.

Economics sC2-II: Money and Banking: Continued. Second Term.
Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Glasson.

Economics sC2-III: Money and Banking: Continued. Second Term.
Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Kincaid.

Economics sC8-I: Modern Tariffs and Commercial Treaties: First Term.
Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Berglund.

Economics sC8-II: Modern Tariffs and Commercial Treaties: First Term.
Fee for graduate students $5.00.


Page 342

Mr. Berglund.

Economics sC8-III: Modern Tariffs and Commercial Treaties: Second
Term. Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Stouffer.


Education sB1-I: (Philosophy B6-I). History and Philosophy of Education:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Education sB1-II: (Philosophy B6-II). History and Philosophy of Education:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Education sB1-III: (Philosophy B6-III). History and Philosophy of Education:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Education sB2-I: Educational Psychology: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Barrett.

Education sB2-II: Section I. Principles of Teaching for the Grades:
Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Barrett.

Education sB2-II: Section II. Principles of Teaching for the High School:
Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Wyatt.

Education sB3-II: Measurement in Secondary Education: Both Terms.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Swindler.

Education sB4-I: Public Education in United States. First Term: Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mr. Weldon.

Education sB4-II: Public Education in United States: Second Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Weldon.

Education sB5-I: School Administration: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. West.

Education sB5-II: School Administration: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Hill.

Education sB5-III: Section I. Standard Tests in Elementary School Subjects:
Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Acker.

Education sB5-III. Section II. Standard Tests in Elementary School Subjects:
Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Acker.

Education sB7-I: High School Administration: Both Terms. Credit, 1

First Term, Mr. Trimble. Second Term, Mr. McElhannon.


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Education sB7-II: The Junior High School: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. McElhannon.

Education sB7-III: Program of Studies of Modern Secondary School:
Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. McElhannon.

Education sB8-I: Social Principles of Secondary Education: Both Terms.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. McElhannon. Second Term, Mr. Brown.

Education sB8-II: Modern Methods of High School Teaching: Both
Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Trimble. Second Term, Mr. Brown.

Education sB8-III: High School Guidance and Supervision: Both Terms.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Trimble. Second Term, Mr. Brown.

Education sB9-I: Elementary School Organization and Administration:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Hill.

Education sB9-II: Elementary School Supervision: Both Terms. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mr. Hill.

Education sB9-III: The Curriculum of the Elementary School: Both
Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Miss Gregg. Second Term, Miss Emery.

Education sB10-I: The Teaching of Biology in the High Schools: Second
Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Carroll.

Education sB12-I: Hygiene and Sanitation: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Kindred. Second Term, Mr. Carroll.

Education sB12-II: Sex Character Education: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Kindred.

Education sC1-I: Advanced Educational Psychology: Second Term. Fee,

Mr. Edwards.

Education sC1-II: Psychology of Problem Cases in Education: Second
Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Edwards.

Education sC1-III: The Psychology of Learning: Second Term.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Edwards.

Education sC2-I: Educational Surveys: Both Terms. Fee, $5.00.

Mr. West.

Education sC2-II: Problems in School Administration: Both Terms.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Hill.

Education sC2-III: Seminar in School Administration: Both Terms.
Fee $5.00.


Page 344

Mr. West.

Education sC3-I: Standard Tests in School Subjects: Both Terms. Fee,

Mr. Manahan.

Education sC3-II: Standard Tests in Elementary School Subjects: Both
Terms. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Manahan.

Education sC3-III: Seminar in School Administration: Both Terms.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Acker.

Education sC4-I: Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms. Fee,

Mr. Smithey.

Education sC4-III: Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Windes.

Education sC5-I: Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms. Fee,

Mr. Smithey.

Education sC5-II: Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Windes.

Education sC5-III: Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Windes.

Education sC6-I: Statistical Method in Education and Psychology: First
Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Ferguson.

Education sC6-II: Backward and Gifted Children: First Term. Fee,

Mr. Ferguson.

Education sC6-III: Individual Differences: First Term. Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Ferguson.

Education s29: The Teaching of Good Citizenship in the Elementary
Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss McLester.

Education s30: The Teaching of General Science: Both Terms.

Education s31: Nature Study: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

First Term, Mr. Latham. Second Term, Mr. Hayes.

Education s32: Child Literature: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour

Miss Barrett.

Education s33: Elementary Educational Psychology: Both Terms. Credit,
1 session-hour elective.

First Term, Miss Emery. Second Term, Miss Barrett.

Education s34: An Introduction to Education: Second Term. Credit, 1

Miss McLester.


Page 345

Education s35: The Teaching of Geography: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour

Miss von Schilling.

Education s36: The Teaching of Reading in Primary Grades: Both Terms.
Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

Miss Emery.

Education s37: The Teaching of Reading in Grammar and Upper Grades:
Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

First Term, Miss Summy. Second Term, Miss Hiner.

Education s38: Methods in Language and Spelling; Primary Grades:
Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

First Term, Miss Summy. Second Term, Miss Hiner.

Education s40: The Primary Child and the Curriculum: First Term.
Washington Hall. Credit, 1½ session-hours elective.

Miss McLester.

Education s41(a): Constructive Projects for Kindergarten and Primary
First Term. Washington Hall. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.
Fee $1.50.

Miss McLester.

Education s42: Methods in Civics and History: Both Terms. Credit, 1
session-hour elective.

Mr. Krebs.

Education s43: Methods in Language and Spelling; Grammar Grades:
Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

Mr. Krebs.

Education s44: Literature for the Grammar Grades: Both Terms. Credit,
1 session-hour elective.

Miss von Schilling.

Education s45: The Teaching of Arithmetic: Both Terms. Credit, 1
session-hour elective.

Mr. Krebs.

Education s46(a): General Geography: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour

Miss von Schilling.

Education s46(b): Virginia Geography: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss von Schilling.

Education s47: Supervised Teaching: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Gregg.

Education s48: Parent-Teacher Training: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Weller.

Education s49: Education of the Deaf: First Term. Credit, 3 session-hours.

Mr. McManaway (Director).

Education s101: A Short Course in Girl Scout Leadership: From July
9th to 21st inclusive. Fee $2.00. Madison Hall.

Miss Werner.

Education s102: Institute for Doctors' Helpers: July 30 to August 3,
inclusive. Washington Hall.


Page 346

Education s103: Junior Red Cross Education: Week of June 25th. Cabell
Hall. Officials from the American Red Cross National Headquarters.

Education s104: Visual Education Demonstration Lectures:


English sA1-I: Composition: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Shepperson. Second Term, Mr. Ewing.

English sA1-II: Survey of English Literature: First Term. Credit, 1

Mr. Johnson.

English sA1-III: Survey of English Literature: Second Term. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mr. Ewing.

English sA2-II: Survey of American Literature: First Term. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mr. Shepperson.

English sA2-III: Survey of American Literature: Second Term. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mr. Mason.

English sB1-I: Shakespeare—Tragedies: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Johnson.

English sB1-I: Shakespeare—Comedies: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Hench.

English sB1-II: Types of Poetry in English and American Literature:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Watt.

English sB1-III: Modern English Fiction: Hardy and Conrad: First
Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Clarke.

English sB1-III: The American Short Story: Both Terms. Credit, 1

First Term, Mr. Johnson. Second Term, Mr. Gordon.

English sB2-I: The Romantic Poets—Wordsworth, Byron, and Coleridge:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Sledd.

English sB2-II: Tennyson: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Sledd.

English sB2-II: Browning: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Sledd.

English sB2-III: The Romantic Poets—Shelley and Keats: Second Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Sledd.

English sB3-III: Advanced Composition: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Gordon.

English sC1-I: The Elizabethan Drama: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Watt.


Page 347

English sC1-II: Shakespeare: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Watt.

English sC1-II: English Drama, 1700-1870: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Beaty.

English sC1-III: Modern British Drama: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Gordon.

English sC2-I: Old English—Old English Grammar and Prose Reading:
First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Hench.

English sC2-II: The Old Poetry and the New: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Beaty.

English sC2-III: Poetry of the Victorian Age: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Shannon.

English sC3-I: Nineteenth Century Prose: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Hench.

English sC3-II: Chaucer: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Shannon.

English sC3-III: Nineteenth Century English Novel: Second Term. Fee

Mr. Mason.

English sC4-I: The English Lyric throughout the Ages: Second Term.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Mason.

English sC4-II: Browning's Ring and the Book: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Clarke.

English sC4-III: English Romanticism in the Early Nineteenth Century
with especial reference to Shelley and Keats:
First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Clarke.

English s41: Survey of English Grammar: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour

Miss Andrews.

English s42: The Teaching of Composition: Both Terms. Credit 1 session-hour

Miss Andrews.

English s43: The Teaching of Literature in the High School: Both
Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

Miss Andrews.


German A1: For students offering less than three units of German for entrance.
Elementary grammar, composition, dictation, reading and conversation.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for those who have offered less than three
units of German for entrance.)

German sA1-I: Term commences June 18th, examination July 11th.

Mr. Faulkner.

German sA1-II: Term commences July 12th, examination August 4th.

Mr. Faulkner.

German sA1-III: Term commences August 6th, examination August 30th.

Mr. Faulkner.


Page 348


Greek sA1-I: First twenty days. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Stinespring.

Greek sA1-II: Second twenty days. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Stinespring.

Greek sA1-III: Third twenty days. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Stinespring.


History sB1-I: Ancient History: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Johnson.

History sB1-II: Medieval History: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Johnson.

History sB2-I: European History: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Owen.

History sB2-II: European History: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Simms.

History sB2-III: European History: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Owen.

History sB3-I: American History: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Simms.

History sB3-II: American History: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Simms.

History sB3-III: American History: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Simms.

History sC2-I: American History, 1763-1789: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Pearson.

History sC2-II: American History, 1789-1815: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Pearson.

History sC2-III: The South, 1815-1861: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Pearson.

History sC3-I: Medieval England: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Johnson.

History sC3-II: Medieval England: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Johnson.

History sC3-III: Expansion of England: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Johnson.


Latin sA1-I: Sallust: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mrs. Meade.

Latin sA1-II: Virgil VII-XII: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. McWhorter. Second Term, Mr. McLemore.

Latin sA1-III: Cicero: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mrs. Meade. Second Term, Miss Simpson.

Latin sB1-I: Livy—Tacitus: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Lehman.


Page 349

Latin sB1-II: Catullus and Horace: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Lehman.

Latin sB1-III: Cicero and Quintilian: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. McWhorter.

Latin sB2-I: Livy—Tacitus: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. McLemore.

Latin sB2-II: Horace: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. McWhorter.

Latin sB2-III: Seneca-Cicero: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Simpson.

Latin sC1-I: Tacitus and Cicero: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Lehman.

Latin sC2-III: Lucretius—Cicero: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. McLemore.

Latin s49: The Teaching of High School Latin: Both Terms. Credit,
1 session-hour elective.

First Term, Mrs. Meade. Second Term, Miss Simpson.


Mathematics sA1-I: Section I. Trigonometry: Both Terms. Credit, 1

First Term, Mr. Page. Second Term, Mr. Luck.

Mathematics sA1-I: Section II. Trigonometry: First Term. Credit, 1

Mr. Oglesby.

Mathematics sA1-II: Solid Geometry: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Oglesby.

Mathematics sA1-III: Section II. Advanced Algebra: Both Terms.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Oglesby.

Mathematics sB1-I: Analytic Geometry of Two Dimensions: First Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Page.

Mathematics s106-II: Co-ordinate Geometry: (Beginner's Class): First
Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Wells.

Mathematics s107-III: Co-ordinate Geometry: Second Term. Credit, 1

Mr. Luck.

Mathematics sB2-I: Differential Calculus: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Wells.

Mathematics sB2-II: Differential Calculus: Second Term Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Wells.


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Mathematics sB2-III: Integral Calculus: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Wells.

Mathematics s58: Differential Equations: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Simpson.

Mathematics s65: The Teaching of Geometry: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour
elective in Education.

Mr. Simpson.

Mathematics s66: Theory and Practice of Teaching Algebra in Secondary
Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour elective in Education.

Mr. Oglesby.


Philosophy sB1-I: Deductive Logic: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Dent.

Philosophy sB1-II: Inductive Logic: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Dent.

Philosophy sB1-III: Logic: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Dent.

Philosophy sB2-I: Ethics—The Ethics of Sensibility: Second Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Philosophy sB2-II: Ethics—The Ethics of Reason: Second Term. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Philosophy sB2-III: Ethics—The Ethics of Personality: Second Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Philosophy sC1-I: History of Philosophy: First Term.

Mr. Balz.

Philosophy sC1-II: History of Philosophy: Second Term.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Psychology sB1-I: General Psychology: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Geissler.

Psychology sB1-II: General Psychology: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Geissler.

Psychology sB1-III: General Psychology: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Geissler.


Physics sB1-I: Mechanics and Heat: First Term. Credit, 2 session-hours.

Mr. Hoxton and Mr. Banks.


Page 351

Physics sB1-II: Electricity, Sound and Light: Second Term. Credit, 2

Mr. Brown and Mr. Banks.

Physics sB1-III: Selected Topics: First Term. Credit, 2 session-hours.

Mr. Hoxton and Mr. Banks.


Government sB1-I: The National Government of the United States: Both
Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Williams. Second Term, Miss Randolph.

Government sB1-II: State Government: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Hart. Second Term, Mr. Maddox.

Government sB1-III: Parliamentary Government: First Term. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mr. Gooch.

Government sC1-I: Introduction to Political Theory: First Term. Fee

Mr. Gooch.

Government sC1-II: Public Opinion and Government: First Term. Fee

Mr. Hart.

Government sC1-III: Theory and Practice of Federal Government: First
Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Gooch.

Government sC3-I: International Law: First Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Williams.

Government sC3-II: American Political Ideas: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Maddox.

Government sC3-III: Science and Politics: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Hart.

Government sC4-I: European Governments: Second Term. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Maddox.

Government sC4-II: International Law of Peace: Second Term. Fee

Miss Randolph.


French sA1-I: For Beginners. First twenty days of Summer Quarter.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Woody.

French sA1-II: Second twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Woody.

French sA1-III: Last twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Woody.


Page 352

French sB1-I: First twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Abbot.

French sB1-II: Second twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Abbot.

French sB1-III: Last twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Abbot.

French s66: A course in Phonetics: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour
for teachers.

Mr. Graham.

Spanish sA1-I: For Beginners. First twenty days of Summer Quarter.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Knight and Mr. Groome.

Spanish sA1-II: Second twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Rhodes.

Spanish sA1-III: Last twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Smith.

Spanish sB1-I: First twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Knight.

Spanish sB1-II: Second twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Rhodes.

Spanish sB1-III: Last twenty days of Summer Quarter. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Rhodes.

Spanish s67: Conversation Spanish: Both Terms. Fee $10.00.

Mr. Rivera.


Rural Social Economics sB1-I: Rural Sociology: First Term. Credit, 1

Mr. Gee.

Rural Social Economics sB2-I: County Geography Supplements: First
Term. Hours to be arranged. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Gee.

Rural Social Economics sC1-III: Research in Virginia Economic and
Social Problems:
First Term. Hours to be arranged. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Gee.

Rural Social Economics sB4-I: Play Production for the Country Theatre:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Duthie.

Rural Social Economics sB4-II: Staging Problems of the Country Theatre:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Duthie.


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Sociology sB1-I: Introduction to Sociology: Both Terms (repeated).
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Sociology sB1-II: Social Problems: Both Terms. Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Gregory. Second Term, Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Sociology sB1-III: The Human Community: First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Gregory.

Sociology sB2-I: Public Welfare Agencies and Their Administration:
First Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Sociology sB2-II: The Family and Its Problems: First Term. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mr. Kirkpatrick and Assistant.

Sociology sB2-III: Family Case Work: Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Bruno.

Sociology sB3-I: Problems of Child Welfare: Second Term. Credit, 1

Mr. Bruno.

Sociology sC5-I: Personality and Its Disorganization: First Term.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Sociology sC5-II: Personality and Its Disorganization (Continuation):
Second Term. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Kirkpatrick.


Histology: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work. Tuition
fee $50.00. Laboratory fee $7.50.

Dr. Jordan.

Embryology: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work.
Tuition fee $40.00. Laboratory fee $5.00.

Dr. Jordan.

Anatomy: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work. Tuition
fee $60.00. Laboratory fee $10.00.

Dr. Bean.

Topographical Anatomy: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory
work. Tuition fee $40.00. Laboratory fee $5.00.

Dr. Bean.

Anatomy of the Human Nervous System: First Term. Lectures, recitations,
and laboratory work. Tuition fee $40.00. Laboratory fee $5.00.

Dr. Bean.

Biochemistry: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work.
Tuition fee $60.00. Laboratory fee $10.00.

Dr. Chanutin.


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Pharmacology: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work.
Tuition fee $50.00. Laboratory fee $7.50.

Dr. Waddell.

Bacteriology: First Term. Lectures, laboratory work, recitations. Tuition
fee $50.00. Laboratory fee $7.50.

Dr. Marshall.