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To make a pail-full of Wash, for colouring Cement.
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To make a pail-full of Wash, for colouring Cement.

Take 1-4 lb. Russian Tallow, (or Tallow without Salt,)

  • 2 oz. Green Copperas,

  • 3 oz. Alum,

  • 2 oz. Oil of Vitriol,

  • 1 quart of Milk,

To which add about a quart of Beer Grounds, and the remainder of Water, with a sufficiency
of Lime to bring it to the consistency of common White-wash; if thicker, it is liable to peel
off. It is usual to lay on a first coat of this wash, afterwards bringing it to any shade of color
required, according to the Stone, or the fancy of the country, by the addition of Umber, Red
or Yellow Ochre, Blue, Black, &c.
; and after a second coat is laid on, (the first being dry,)
the work may be finished by tinting or shading with the above colors, to give as much as
possible the various shades of Stone, imitating either New or Old Portland, Granite,
Yorkshire, Purbeck, &c.

This CASK must be kept quite dry, and not opened till the contents are to be used, as
exposure to the Air will totally destroy the hardening quality of the Cement.