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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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To the most EXCELLENT PRINCESS MARY, Dutchess of Richmond & Lenox.
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To the most EXCELLENT PRINCESS MARY, Dutchess of Richmond & Lenox.

As he that Plants a tender Vine, takes care
To shelter it from the cold Northern Aire,
And place it where the Vigour of the Sun
May Cherish it, till it be stronger grown:
So I, that must a blooming Bud expose,
To greater Dangers than the North-wind blows;
Under some happy Shade wou'd have it grow,
Where it secure from Blasts may kindly Blow:
Than Your great Self, none fitter can I find;
For You, to all that need your Help, are kind:
So great your Power is, none will pretend
T'oppress the Smallest thing that You defend:

Your Noble Clemency bids me be Bold,
And lay it at Your Feet, Fear bids me bold;
Asks how I can but hope, that you, who enjoy
Such Mighty Wit, shou'd mind so poor a Toy?
But Fear I'le Banish, Hope shall be my Guide,
And I will Act a Miracle of Pride:
Omit th'Address that all to Greatness use,
And begg you'd Patronize an Infant Muse:
Give leave the front may with your Name be drest,
And then the World will value all the rest.
All know, great Madam, that you do Inherit
Your Noble Fathers far more noble Spirit:
In generosity you've Wonders done,
And Bounty's Prize from all Mankind have won:
Your Face was always Beauty's Standard thought,
Where all Pretenders to be try'd were brought:
Such noble Constancy dwells in your Breast,
Such gen'rous Scorn of Fortune you've exprest,
Ev'n when the greatest of her Ill you've had,
A Fathers fall, as undeserv'd, as sad:
Lost crouds of Noble Friends, a large Estate;
You bravely bore these sad Effects of Fate:
The Noble Richmond, and Great Howard, are
Losses that nothing ever can Repaire:

Such Valiant, Comely, Loyal, Gallant Men,
The Court must never hope to shew agen:
Yet you with Patience these Stroaks sustain.
More Fortitude's in your Heroick Mind,
Than can be shown again by Woman-kind:
Had I a less Soul'd Patron, I shou'd fear
This idle Trifle would offend your Ear:
But Madam, your Indulgence doth extend,
Not only to Encourage, but Defend