University of Virginia Library

A Bestiary.


[Arundel MS. 292, leaf 4 a.]

Natura leonis ja.

De leun stant on hille,
and he man hunten here,
Oðer ðurg his nese smel,
Smake ðat he negge,
Bi wilc weie so he wile
To dele niðer wenden,
Alle hise set steppes
After him he filleð,
Drageð dust wið his stert
ðer he steppeð,
Oðer dust oðer deu,
ðat he ne cunne is finden,
driueð dun to his den
ðar he him bergen wille.


An oðer kinde he haueð,
wanne he is ikindled
Stille lið ðe leun,
ne stireð he nout of slepe
Til ðe sunne haueð sinen
ðries him abuten,
ðanne reiseð his fader him
mit te rem ðat he makeð.



De ðridde lage haueð ðe leun,
ðanne he lieð to slepen
Sal he neure luken
ðe lides of hise egen.

Significacio prime nature.

Welle heg is tat hil,
ðat is heuen riche,
vre louerd is te leun,
ðe liueð ðer abuuen;
wu ðo him likede
to ligten her on erðe,
Migte neure diuel witen,
ðog he be derne hunte,
hu he dun come,
Ne wu he dennede him
in ðat defte meiden,
Marie bi name,
ðe him bar to manne frame.

ija et iija.

Do ure drigten ded was,
and doluen, also his wille was,
In a ston stille he lai
til it kam ðe dridde dai,
His sader him filstnede swo
ðat he ros fro dede ðo,
vs to lif holden,
wakeð so his wille is,
So hirde for his folde;
He is hirde, we ben sep;
Silden he us wille,
If we heren to his word
ðat we ne gon nowor wille,


Natura aquile.

Kiðen i wille ðe ernes kinde,
Also ic it o boke rede,
wu he neweð his guðhede,
hu he cumeð ut of elde,
Siðen hise limes arn unwelde,
Siðen his bec is al to-wrong,
Siðen his fligt is al unstrong,
and his egen dimme;
Hereð wu he neweð him.
A welle he sekeð ðat springeð ai
boðe bi nigt and bi dai,
ðer-ouer he flegeð, and up he teð,
til ðat he ðe heuene seð,
ðurg skies sexe and seuene
til he cumeð to heuene;
So rigt so he cunne
he houeð in ðe sunne;
ðe sunne swideð al his fligt,
and oc it makeð his egen brigt,
Hise feðres fallen for ðe hete,
and he dun mide to ðe wete
Falleð in ðat welle grund,
ðer he wurdeð heil and sund,
and cumeð ut al newe,
Ne were his bec untrewe.
His bec is get biforn wrong,
ðog hise limes senden strong,
Ne maig he tilen him non fode
him self to none gode,
ðanne goð he to a ston,
and he billeð ðer-on,
Billeð til his bec biforn
haueð ðe wrengðe forloren,
Siðen wið his rigte bile
takeð mete ðat he wile.



Al is man so is tis ern,
wulde ge nu listen,
Old in hise sinnes dern,
Or he bicumeð cristen;
and tus he neweð him ðis man,
ðanne he nimeð to kirke,
Or he it biðenken can,
hise egen weren mirke;
Forsaket ðore satanas,
and ilk sinful dede;
Takeð him to ihesu crist,
for he sal ben his mede;
Leueð on ure loue[r]d crist,
and lereð prestes lore;
Of hise egen wereð ðe mist,
wiles he dreccheð ðore.
his hope is al to gode-ward,
and of his luue he lereð,
ðat is te sunne sikerlike,
ðus his sigte he beteð;
Naked falleð in ðe funt-fat,
and cumeð ut al newe,
buten a litel; wat is tat?
his muð is get untrewe;
his muð is get wel unkuð
wið pater noster and crede;
Fare he norð, er fare he suð,
leren he sal his nede;
bidden bone to gode,
and tus his muð rigten;
tilen him so ðe sowles fode,
ðurg grace off ure drigtin.


Natura serpentis. ja.

An wirm is o werlde,
wel man it knoweð,
Neddre is te name:
ðus he him neweð,
ðanne he is forbroken and forbroiden,
and in his elde al forwurden.
Fasteð til his fel him slakeð,
ten daies fulle,
ðat he is lene and mainles
and iuele mai gangen;
he crepeð cripelande forð,
his craft he ðus kiðeð,
Sekeð a ston ðat a ðirl is on,
Narwe, buten he nedeð him,
Nimeð vnneðes ðurg,
for his fel he ðer leteð;
his fles forð crepeð,
walkeð to ðe water-ward,
wile ðanne drinken.
Oc he speweð or al ðe uenim
ðat in his brest is bred
sro his birde time,
drinkeð siðen inog,
and tus he him neweð.


Danne ðe neddre is os his hid naked,
and bare of his brest atter,
If he naked man se
ne wile he him nogt neggen,
oc he fleð fro him
als he fro fir sulde.
If he cloðed man se,
cos he waxeð,
For up he righteð him


redi to deren,
to deren er to ded maken,
if he it muge forðen.
wat if ðe man war wurðe,
and weren him cunne,
figteð wið ðis wirm
and f[a]reð on him figtande;
ðis neddre siðen he nede sal,
makeð seld of his bodi,
and sildeð his heued;
litel him is of hise limes,
bute he lif holde.


Knov cristene man
wat tu crist higtest
Atte kirke dure,
ðar ðu cristned were:
ðu higtes to leuen on him,
and hise lages luuien,
to helden wit herte
ðe bodes of holi k[i]rke.
If ðu hauest is broken,
Al ðu forbreðes,
forwurðes and forgelues,
Eche lif to wolden,
Elded art fro eche blis,
So ðis wirm o werld is;
Newe ðe fordi
so ðe neddre doð;
It is te ned.
Feste ðe of stedefastnesse,
and ful of ðewes;
and help ðe poure men
ðe gangen abuten.
Ne deme ðe nog[t] wurdi,


ðat tu dure loken
up to ðe heueneward;
Oc walke wið ðe erðe
mildelike among men;
no mod ðu ne cune,
mod ne mannes vncost;
oc swic of sineginge;
and bote bid tu ðe ai,
boðe bi nigt and bi dai,
ðat tu milce mote hauen
of ðine misdedes.
ðis lif bitokneð ðe sti
ðat te neddre gangeð bi,
and tis is ðe ðirl of ðe ston
ðat tu salt ðurg gon.
Let ðin filðe fro ðe,
so ðe wirm his fel doð;
Go ðu ðan to godes hus
ðe godspel to heren,
ðat is soule drink,
sinnes quenching.
Oc or sei ðu in scrifte
to ðe prest sinnes tine,
feg ðe ðus of ði brest filde,
and feste ðe forðward
fast at tin herte,
ðat tu firmest higtes.
ðus art tu ging and newe;
forðward be ðu trewe.
Nedeð ðe ðe deuel nogt,
for he ne mai ðe deren nogt;
oc he fleð fro ðe
so neddre fro de nakede.
On ðe cloðede ðe neddre is cof,
and te deuel cliuer on sinnes;
Ai ðe sinfule


bisetten he wile,
and wið al mankin
he haueð nið and win;
wat if he leue haue
of ure heuen louerd
for to deren us,
So he ure eldere or dede;
do we ðe bodi in ðe bale,
and bergen ðe soule,
ðat is ure heued geuelic,
helde we it wurðlic.

Natura formice.

De mire is magti,
mikel ge swinkeð
In sumer and in softe weder,
So we ofte sen hauen;
In ðe heruest
hardilike gangeð,
and renneð rapelike,
and resteð hire seldum,
and fecheð hire fode
ðer ge it mai finden,
gaddreð ilkines sed
boðen of wude and of wed,
Of corn and of gres,
ðat ire to hauen es,
haleð to hire holé,
ðat siðen hire helpeð
ðar ge wile ben winter agen;
caue ge haueð to crepen in,
ðat winter hire ne derie;
Mete in hire hule ðat
ðat ge muge biliuen.
ðus ge tileð ðar,
wiles ge time haueð,


so it her telleð;
oc finde ge ðe wete,
corn ðat hire qwemeð,
Al ge forleteð ðis oðer seð
ðat ic er seide;
Ne bit ge nowt de barlic
beren abuten;
oc suneð it and sakeð forð,
so it same were.
get is wunder of ðis wirm
more ðanne man weneð,
ðe corn ðat ge to caue bereð
al get bit otwinne,
ðat it ne forwurðe
ne waxe hire fro,
er ge it eten wille.


De mire muneð us
mete to tilen,
Long liuenoðe,
ðis little wile
ðe we on ðis werld wunen:
for ðanne we of wenden,
ðanne is ure winter;
we sulen hunger hauen
and harde sures,
buten we ben war here.
do we forði so doð ðis der,
ðanne be we derue
On ðat dai ðat dom sal ben,
ðat it ne us harde rewe:
Seke we ure liues fod,
ðat we ben siker dere,
So ðis wirm in winter is,
ðan ge ne tileð nummore.


ðe mire suneð ðe barlic,
ðanne ge fint te wete;
ðe olde lage we ogen to sunen,
ðe newe we hauen moten.
ðe corn ðat ge to caue bereð,
all ge it bit otwinne,
ðe lage us lereð to don god,
and forbedeð us sinne.
It bet us erðliche bodes,
and bekued euelike;
It fet ðe licham and te gost
oc nowt o geuelike;
vre louerd crist it leue us
ðat his lage us fede,
nu and o domesdei,
and tanne we hauen nede.

Natura cerui.

De hert haueð kindes two,
and forbisnes oc al so:
ðus it is on boke set,
ðat man clepeð fisiologet.
He drageð ðe neddre of de ston
ðurg his nese up on-on,
of ðe stoc er of ðe ston,
for it wile ðerunder gon;
and sweleð it wel swiðe,
ðerof him brinneð siðen
of ðat attrie ðing,
wiðinnen he haueð brenning:
he lepeð ðanne wið mikel list,
of swet water he haueð ðrist;
he drinkeð water gredilike
til he is ful wel sikerlike,
Ne haueð ðat uenim non migt
to deren him siðen non wigt.


oc he werpeð er hise hornes
in wude er in ðornes,
and gingid him ðus ðis wilde der,
So ge hauen nu lered her.

Significacio prima.

Alle we atter dragen off ure eldere,
ðe broken drigtinnes word ðurg ðe neddre;
ðer-ðurg haueð mankin
boðen nið and win,
golsipe and giscing,
giuernesse and wissing,
pride and ouerwene;
swilc atter i-mene.
Ofte we brennen in mod,
and wurðen so we weren wod;
ðanne we ðus brennen
bihoueð us to rennen
to cristes quike welle,
ðat we ne gon to helle;
drinken his wissing,
it quenchet ilc siniging;
forwerpen pride euril[c] del,
so hert doð hise hornes;
gingen us tus to godeward,
and gemen us siðen forðward.

Natura ija.

De hertes hauen anoðer kinde,
ðat us og alle to ben minde.
Alle he arn off one mode;
For if he fer fecchen fode,
and he ouer water ten,
wile non at nede oðer flen;
Oc on swimmeð bi-forn,
and alle ðe oðre folegen,


weðer so he swimmeð er he wadeð:
Is non at nede ðat oðer lateð,
Oc leigeð his skinbon
on oðres lendbon.
gef him ðat biforn teð
Bilimpes for to tirgen,
Alle ðe oðre cumen mide,
and helpen him for to her[t]ien,
beren him of ðat water grund
up to ðe lond al heil and sund,
and forðen here nede:
ðis wune he hauen hem bi-twen,
ðog he an hundred to-giddre ben.

Significacio ija.

De hertes costes we ogen to munen,
Ne og ur non oðer to sunen,
oc eurilc luuen oðer,
also he were his broder,
wurðen stedefast his wine,
ligten him of his birdene,
helpen him at his nede;
god giueð ðer-fore mede:
we sulen hauen heuenriche,
gef we bitwixen us ben briche:
ðus is ure louerdes lage,
luuelike to fillen,
her-of haue we mikel ned,
ðat we ðar-wið ne dillen.

Natura wulpis.

A wilde der is
ðat is ful of fele wiles,
fox is hire to name,
for hire queðsipe;


husebondes hire haten,
for hire harm dedes:
ðe coc and te capun
ge feccheð ofte in ðe tun,
and te gandre and te gos,
bi ðe necke and bi ðe nos,
haleð is to hire hole;
for-ði man hire hatieð,
hatien and hulen
boðe men and fules.
Listneð nu a wunder,
ðat tis der doð for hunger:
goð o felde to a furg,
and falleð ðar-inne,
In eried lond er in erðchine.
forto bilirten fugeles;
Ne stereð ge nogt of ðe stede
a god stund deies,
oc dareð so ge ded were,
Ne drageð ge non onde:
ðe rauen is swiðe redi,
weneð ðat ge rotieð,
and oðre fules hire fallen bi
For to winnen fode,
derflike wiðuten dred;
he wenen ðat ge ded beð,
he wullen on ðis foxes fel;
and ge it wel feleð,
ligtlike ge lepeð up
and letteð hem sone,
gelt hem here billing
raðe wið illing,
tetoggeð and tetireð hem
mid hire teð sarpe,


Fret hire fille,
and goð ðan ðer ge wille.


Twifold forbisne in ðis der
to frame we mugen finden her,
warsipe and wisedom
wið deuel and wið iuel man;
ðe deuel dereð dernelike,
he lat he ne wile us nogt biswike,
he lat he ne wile us ðon non loð,
and bringeð us in a sinne and ter he us sloð,
he bit us don ure bukes wille,
eten and drinken wið unskil,
and in ure skemting
he doð raðe a foxing,
he billeð one ðe foxes fel
wo so telleð idel spel,
and he tireð on his ket
wo so him wið sinne fet,
and deuel geld swilk billing
wið same and wið sending,
and for his sinfule werk
ledeð man to helle merk.


De deuel is tus ðe [fox] ilik
mið iuele breides and wið swik;
and man al so ðe foxes name
arn wurði to hauen same;
for wo so seieð oðer god,
and ðenkeð iuel on his mod,
fox he is and fend iwis,
ðe boc ne legeð nogt of ðis;
So was herodes fox and flerd,
ðo crist kam in-to ðis middel-erd,


he seide he wulde him leuen on,
and ðogte he wulde him fordon.

Natura aranéé.

Seftes sop ure seppande,
sene is on werlde,
leiðe and lodlike,
ðus we it leuen,
manikines ðing
alle manne to wissing.
ðe spinnere on hire swid ge weveð,
festeð atte hus rof,
hire fodredes
o rof er on ouese,
so hire is on elde;
werpeð ðus hire web,
and weueð on hire wise.
ðanne ge it haueð al idigt.
ðeðen ge driueð,
hitt hire in hire hole,
oc ai ge it biholdeð
til ðat ðer fleges faren
and fallen ðer-inne,
wiðeren in ðat web,
and wilen ut wenden;
ðanne renneð ge rapelike,
for ge is ai redi,
nimeð anon to ðe net
and nimeð hem ðere,
bitterlike ge hem bit
and here bane wurðeð,
drepeð and drinkeð here blod,
doð ge hire non oðer god,
bute fret hire fille,
and dareð siðen stille.



Dis wirm bitokneð ðe man
ðat oðer biswikeð
on stede er on stalle,
stille er lude,
in mot er in market,
er oni oðer wise,
he him bit
ðan he him bale selleð,
and he drinkeð his blod
wanne he him dreueð,
and ðo freteð hem al,
ðan he him iuel werkeð.

Natura cetegrandie.

Cethegrande is a fis
ðe moste ðat in water is;
ðat tu wuldes seien get,
gef ðu it soge wan it flet,
ðat it were á neilond
ðat sete one ðe se sond.
ðis fis ðat is vnride,
ðanne him hungreð he gapeð wide,
vt of his ðrote it smit an onde,
ðe swetteste ðing ðat is o londe;
ðer-fore oðre fisses to him dragen,
wan he it felen he aren fagen,
he cumen and houen in his muð,
of his swike he arn uncuð;
ðis cete ðanne hise chaueles lukeð,
ðise fisses alle in sukeð,
ðe smale he wile ðus biswiken,
ðe grete maig he nogt bigripen.
ðis fis wuneð wið ðe se grund,
and liueð ðer eure heil and sund,


til it cumeð ðe time
ðat storm stireð al ðe se,
ðanne sumer and winter winnen;
ne mai it wunen ðer-inne,
So droui is te sees grund,
ne mai he wunen ðer ðat stund,
oc stireð up and houeð stille;
wiles ðar weder is so ille,
ðe sipes ðat arn on se fordriuen,
loð hem is ded, and lef to liuen,
biloken hem and sen ðis fis,
an eilond he wenen it is,
ðer-of he aren swiðe fagen,
and mid here migt ðar-to he dragen,
sipes on festen,
and alle up gangen;
Of ston mid stel in ðe tunder
wel to brennen one ðis wunder,
warmen hem wel and heten and drinken;
ðe fir he feleð and doð hem sinken,
for sone he diueð dun to grunde,
he drepeð hem alle wið-uten wunde.


Dis deuel is mikel wið wil and magt,
So wicches hauen in here craft,
he doð men hungren and hauen ðrist,
and mani oðer sinful list,
tolleð men to him wið his onde,
wo so him folegeð he findeð sonde;
ðo arn ðe little in leue lage,
ðe mikle ne maig he to him dragen:
ðe mikle, i mene ðe stedefast
in rigte leue mid fles and gast.


wo so listneð deueles lore,
on lengðe it sal him rewen sore;
wo so festeð hope on him,
he sal him folgen to helle dim.

Natura Sirene.

In ðe se senden
selcuðes manie;
ðe mereman is
a meiden ilike
on brest and on bodi,
oc al ðus ge is bunden;
fro ðe noule niðerward
ne is ge no man like,
oc fis to fuliwis
mid finnes waxen.
ðis wunder wuneð
in wankel stede,
ðer ðe water sinkeð,
sipes ge sinkeð,
and scaðe ðus werkeð
mirie ge singeð ðis mere,
and haueð manie stefnes,
manie and sille,
oc it ben wel ille;
sipmen here steringe forgeten
for hire stefninge,
slumeren and slepen,
and to late waken,
ðe sipes sinken mitte suk,
ne cumen he nummor up.
Oc wise men and warre
agen cunen chare,
ofte arn atbrosten,
mid he[re] brest ouel;


he hauen herd told of ðis mere
ðat tus unie-mete,
half man and half fis,
sum ðing tokneð bi ðis.


Fele men hauen ðe tokning
of ðis forbisnede ði[n]g,
wiðuten weren wulues fel,
wiðinnen arn he wulues al;
he speken godcundhede,
and wikke is here dede;
here dede is al vncuð
wið ðat spekeð here muð;
twifold arn on mode,
he sweren bi ðe rode,
bi ðe sunne and bi ðe mone,
and he ðe legen sone,
mid here sage and mid here song
he ðe swiken ðer imong,
ðin agte wið swiking,
ði soule wið lesing.

Natura elephantis.

Elpes arn in Inde riche,
on bodi borlic berges ilike;
he to-gaddre gon o wolde,
so sep ðat cumen ut of folde,
and behinden he hem sampnen
ðanne he sulen oðre strenen;
Oc he arn so kolde of kinde
ðat no golsipe is hem minde,
til he noten of a gres,
ðe name is mandragores,
Siðen he bigeten on,


and two ger he ðer-mide gon.
ðog he ðre hundred ger
on werlde more wuneden her,
bigeten he neuermor non,
so kold is hem siðen blod and bon;
ðanne ge sal hire kindles beren,
In water ge sal stonden,
In water to mid side,
ðat wanne hire harde tide,
ðat ge ne falle niðer nogt,
ðat is most in hire ðogt,
For he ne hauen no lið
ðat he mugen risen wið.
Hu he resteð him ðis der,
ðanne he walkeð wide,
herkne wu it telleð her,
for he is al unride.
A tre he sekeð to fuligewis,
ðat is strong and stedefast is,
and leneð him trostl[i]ke ðer-bi,
ðanne he is of walke weri.
ðe hunte haueð biholden ðis,
ðe him wille swiken,
wor his beste wune is,
to don hise willen;
Sageð ðis tre and under-set,
o ðe wise ðat he mai bet,
and hileð it wel ðat he it nes war,
ðanne he makeð ðer-to char,
him seluen sit olon, bihalt,
weðer his gin him out biwalt.
ðanne cumeð ðis elp unride,
and leneð him up on his side,
slepeð bi ðe tre in ðe sadue,
and fallen boden so to-gaddre;


gef ðer is noman ðanne he falleð,
he remeð and helpe calleð,
remeð reufulike on his wise,
hopeð he sal ðurg helpe risen;
ðanne cumeð ðer on gangande,
hopeð he sal him don ut standen,
Fikeð and fondeð al his migt,
ne mai he it forðen no wigt;
Ne canne ðan non oðer,
oc remeð mid his broðer,
manie and mikle cume ðer sacande,
wenen him on stalle maken,
oc for ðe helpe of hem alle
ne mai he cumen so on stalle;
ðanne remen he alle a rem,
so hornes blast oðer belles drem,
For here mikle reming
rennande cumeð a gungling,
raðe to him luteð,
his snute him under puteð,
and mitte helpe of hem alle
ðis elp he reisen on stalle;
and tus atbrested ðis huntef breid,
oðe wise ðat ic haue gu seid.


Dus fel adam ðurg a tre,
vre firste fader, ðat fele we:
Moyses wulde him reisen,
migte it no wigt forðen;
After him prophetes alle
migte her non him maken on stalle,
on stalle, i seie, ðer he er stod,
to hauen heuenriche god.


he suggeden and sorgeden and weren in ðogt,
wu he migten him helpen ovt;
ðo remeden he alle onder steuene
alle hege up to ðe heuene,
for here care and here calling
hem cam to crist heuen king;
he ðe is ai in heuene mikel,
wurð her man, and tus was litel,
drowing ðolede in ure manhede,
and tus adam he under-gede,
reisede him up, and al mankin,
ðat was fallen to helle dim.

Natura turturis.

In boke is ðe turtres lif
writen o rime, wu lagelike
ge holdeð luue al hire lif time;
gef ge ones make haueð,
fro him ne wile ge siðen:
muneð wimmen hire lif,
ic it wile gu reden;
bi hire make ge sit o nigt,
o dei ge goð and flegeð.
wo so seit he sundren ovt,
i seie ðat he legeð.
Oc if hire make were ded,
and ge widue wore,
ðanne flegeð ge one and fareð,
non oðer wile ge more;
buten óne goð and one sit,
and hire olde luue abit,
In herte haueð him nigt and dai,
so he were oliue ai.



List ilk lefful man her-to,
and herof ofte reche:
vre sowle atte kirke dure
ches hire crist to meche,
he is ure soule spuse,
luue we him wið migte,
and wende we neure fro him-ward
be dai ne be nigte;
ðog he be fro ure sigte faren,
be we him alle trewe,
non oðer louerd ne leue we
ne non luue newe;
leue we ðat he liueð ai
up on heuen-riche,
and ðeðen he sal cumen eft,
and ben us alle briche,
for to demen alle men,
oc nout on geuelike,
hise loðe men sulen to helle faren,
hise leue to his riche.

Natura pantere.

Panter is an wilde der,
Is non fairere on werlde her;
he is blac so bro of qual,
mið wite spottes sapen al,
wit and trendled als a wel,
and itt bicumeð him swiðe wel.
wor so he wuneð ðis panter,
he fedeð him al mid oðer der,
of ðo ðe he wile he nimeð ðe cul
and fet him wel til he is ful.
In his hole siðen stille
ðre dages he slepen wille,


ðan after ðe ðridde dai
he riseð and remeð lude so he mai,
ut of his ðrote cumeð a smel
mid his rem forð oueral,
ðat ouer-cumeð haliweie
wið swetnesse, ic gu seie,
and al ðat eure smelleð swete,
be it drie be it wete.
For ðe swetnesse off his onde,
wor so he walkeð o londe,
wor so he walked, er wor so he wuneð
Ilk der ðe him hereð to him cumeð,
and folegeð him up one ðe wold,
for ðe swetnesse ðe ic gu haue told.
ðe dragunes one ne stiren nout
wiles te panter remeð ogt,
oc daren stille in here pit,
als so he weren of dede offrigt.


Crist is tokned ðurg ðis der,
wos kinde we hauen told gu her;
for he is faier ouer alle men,
so euen sterre ouer erðe fen;
ful wel he taunede his luue to man,
wan he ðurg holi spel him wan,
and longe he lai her in an hole,
wel him dat he it wulde ðolen;
ðre daies slep he al on on,
ðanne he ded was in blod and bon,
vp he ros and rémede i-wis
of helle pine, of heuene blis,
and steg to heuene uvemest,
ðer wuneð wið fader and holi gast.
Amonges men a swete [s]mel


he let her of his holi spel,
wor-ðurg we mugen folgen him
in-to his godcundne se fin.
and ðat wirm ure wiðerwine,
wor so of godes word is dine,
ne dar he stiren, ne noman deren,
ðer wile he lage and luue beren.

Natura columbe et significacio.

De culuer haueð costes gode,
alle wes ogen to hauen in mode,
seuene costes in hire kinde,
alle it ogen to ben us minde,
ge ne haueð in hire non galle,
simple and softe be we alle;
ge ne liueð nogt bi lagt;
Ilc robbinge do we of bac.
ðe wirm ge leteð and liueð bi ðe sed,
of cristes lore we haue ned;
wið oðre briddes ge doð as moder,
so og ur ilk to don wið oðer;
woning and groning is lic hire song,
bimene we us, we hauen don wrong.
In water ge is wis of heuekes come,
and we in boke wið deules nome;
In hole of ston ge makeð hire nest,
In cristes milce ure hope is best.