University of Virginia Library


II. A Moral Ode.


[Same MS, leaf 242.]

Tractatus quidam in anglico.
Ich am eldre þan ich wes a winter and ek on lore.
Ich welde more þan ich dude. my wyt auhte beo more.
Wel longe ich habbe child ibeo. a werke and eke on dede.
Þah ich beo of wynter old. to yong ich am on rede.
Vnned lif ich habbe ilad. and yet me þinkþ ich lede.
Hwenne ich me biþenche. ful sore ich me adrede.
Mest al þat ich habbe idon. is idelnesse and chilce.
Wel late ich habbe me bi-þouht. bute god do me mylce.
Veole idel word ich habbe ispeke. seoþþe ich speke cuþe.
And feole yonge deden ido. þat me of-þincheþ nuþe.
Al to lóme ich habbe agult. on werke and on worde.
Al to muchel ich habbe i-spend. to lutel i-leyd an horde.
Best al þat me likede er. nv hit me mys-lykeþ.
Þe muchel foleweþ his wil. him seolue he bi-swikeþ.
Mon let þi fol lust ouer-go. and eft hit þe likeþ.
Ich myhte habbe bet i-do. heuede ich eny selhþe.
Nv ich wolde and i ne may. for elde. ne for vnhelhþe.
Elde is me bi-stolen on. er þan ich hit wiste.
Ne may ich bi-seo me bi-fore. for smoke ne for myste.
Erewe we beoþ to donne gód. vuel al to þriste.


More eye stondeþ mon of mon. þan him to cryste.
Þe wel ne doþ hwile he may. hit schal him sore reowe.
Hwenne alle men repen schule. þat heo ear seowe.
Dod to gode þat ye Muwen. þe hwile ye beoþ alyue.
Ne lipne no mon to muchel. to childe. ne to wyue.
Þe him seolue for-yet. for wiue. oþer for childe.
He schal cumen on vuele stude. bute god him beo Milde.
Sende vch sum god bivoren him. þe hwile he may to heouene.
Betere is on almes bi-uoren. þane beoþ after seouene.
Ne beo þe leouere þan þi seolf. þi mey ne þi mowe.
Sot is þat is oþer mannes freond. more þan his owe.
Ne lipne no wif to hire were. ne were to his wyue.
Beo vor him seolue vych mon. þe hwile he beoþ alyue.
Þis is þat him seolue biþenkþ. þe hwile he mot libbe.
Vor sone willeþ him for-yete þe fremede and þe sibbe.
Þe wel nule do hwile he may. ne schal he hwenne he wolde.
Mony monnes sore iswynk. ofte habbeþ vnholde.
Ne scholde nomon don a virst. ne slakien wel to donne.
Vor mony mon bihoteþ wel. þat hit for-yeteþ sone.
Þe mon þat wile syker beo. to habbe godes blysse.
Do wel him seolf þe hwile he may. þenne haueþ he hit myd iwisse.
Þeos riche men weneþ to beon syker. þurh walles and þurh diche.
Ah heo doþ heore ayhte in siker stude. þat sendeþ hit to heoue-riche.
Vor þer ne þarf. he beon adred. of fure ne of þeue.
Þar ne may hit bynyme. þe loþe ne þe leoue.
Þer ne þarf he beon of-dred. of yefte. ne of yelde.
Þider we sendeþ and seolf bereþ. to lutel and to selde.
Þider we schulde drawen and don. wel ofte and ilóme.
Ne may þer non hit vs bynymen. myd wrongwise dome.


Þider we schulden drawen and don. wolde ye me ileue.
Vor þer ne may hit vs by-nyme. þe king. ne þe schirréue.
Al þe beste þat we habbeþ. þider we schulde sende.
Vor þer we hit myhte vinden eft. and habben .o. buten ende.
He þat her doþ eny god. to habbe godes ore.
Al he schal vynde þer. an hundred folde more.
Þe þat ayhte wile holde wel. þe hwile he may him wolde.
Yeue hit for godes luue. þenne doþ he hit wel iholde.
Vre swynk and vre tylehþe. is iwuned to swynde.
Ah heo þat hit yeueþ for godes luue. eft hit mowen ivynde.
Ne schal no vuel beon vn-bouht. ne no god vn-vor-gulde.
Vuel we doþ al to muchel. god lasse þane we scholde.
Þe þat mest doþ nv to góde. and te þe leste to laþe.
Eyþer to lutel and to muchel. schal þunchen heom ef[t] to baþe.
Þer me schal vre werkes weyen by-vore heouene kinge.
And yeuen vs vre swynkes lean. after vre earnynge.
Everuych mon myd þat he haueþ. may bugge heoueriche.
Þe riche and þe poure boþe. ah nouht alle ilyche.
Þe poure. myd his penye. þe riche myd his punde.
Þat is þe wunderlicheste ware. þat euer was ifunde.
And ofte god con more þonk. ye þat yueþ him lasse.
Alle his werkes. and his yeftes. is in ryhtwisnesse.
Lvtel lok is gode leof. þat cumeþ of gode wille.
And lutel he let on muchel wowe. þer þe heorte is ille.
Heouene and eorþe he ouer-syhþ. his eyen beoþ so brihte.
Sunne. and Mone. heuene. and fur. beoþ þeostre. ayeyn his lyhte.
Nis him for-hole nowiht. ne ihud. so muchele beoþ his myhte.
Nis no so derne dede idon. in so þeostre nyhte.
He wot hwat þencheþ. and hwat doþ. alle quyke wyhte.
Nis no louerd such is crist. ne king. such vre dryhte.


Heouene and eorþe. and al þat is. biloken is. in his honde.
He doþ al þat his wille is. a watere. and eke on londe.
He makede fysses in þe sea. and fuweles in þe lufte.
He wit and wald alle þing. and schop alle schafte.
He wes erest of alle þing. and euer byþ buten ende.
He is on ewiche stude. wende hwer þu wende.
He is buuen and bi-neþen. bi-voren vs and bi-hinde.
Þe þat godes wille doþ. ichwer may him fynde.
Hvych rune he iherþ. þe wot alle dede.
He þurh-syhþ. vych monnes þonk. wy hwat schal vs to rede.
Þe þat brekeþ godes hes. and gulteþ so ilóme.
Hwat schulle we seggen oþer don. at þe muchele dome.
Þe þat luueþ vnryht. and heore lif. vuele ledeþ.
We þat neuer god ne duden. þen heueneliche demeþ.
Hwat schulle seggen oþer don. þer engles heom drede.
Crist for his muchele myhte. hus helpe þenne and rede.
Hwat schulle we beren vs bi-voren. Mid hwan schulle we queme.
Þe[r] schule beon deoulen so veole. þat wulleþ vs forwreye.
Nabbeþ heo nowiht for-yete. of al þat heo iseyen.
Al þat we mysduden here. heo hit wulleþ cuþe þere.
Bute we habben hit ibet. þe hwile we her were.
Al heo habbeþ in heore wryte. þat we mysduden here.
Þah we hit nusten. heo weren vre i-fere.
Hwat schulleþ horlinges don. þe swiken. and þe forsworene.
Swiþe veole beoþ icleped. and fewe beoþ icorene.
Way hwi were heo bi-yete. hwi weren heo iborene.
Þat schulle beo to deþe idemed. and euer-more forlorene.
Huych mon him seolue schal her. bi-cleopien. and ek deme.
His owene werkes and his þouht. to witnesse hit schal teme.


Ne may him nomon deme so wel. iwis. ne al so ryhte.
For non ne knoweþ so wel his þonk. bute vre dryhte.
Vych mon wot him seolue best. his werkes and his wille.
Þat lest wot he seyþ ofte mest. and he þat al wot is stille.
Nis no witnesse al so muchel. so monnes owe heorte.
For so seyþ þat vnhol is him seolue hwat him smeorteþ.
Vych mon schal him seolue deme. to deþe oþer to lyue.
Þe witnesse of his owe werk. þer-to him schal dryue.
And al þat euer mon hafþ idon. seþþen heo com to monne.
Al so he hit iseye on boke iwryten. hit schal him þinche þenne.
Ne schal nomon beon ydemed. after his bigynnynge.
Ah dom schal þolyen vych mon. after his endinge
If þe ende is vuel. al hit is vuel. god yef vs god ende.
God yef vs vre ende gód. hwider þat he vs lende.
Þe mon þat neuer nule do god. ne neuer god lif lede.
Þat deþ cume to his dure. he may sore a-drede.
Þat he ne Muwe bidden ore. for þat i-tyt ilóme.
Vor-þi is wis þat bit ore. and bet. bi-vore þe dome.
Hwenne deþ is at þe dure. wel late he bit ore.
Wel late he leteþ þat vuel. þenne he ne may do na more.
Bilef sunne hwil þu myht. and do bi godes lore.
And do to gode hwat þu myht. if þu wilt habben ore.
For we hit ileueþ wel. and dryhten seolf hit seyde.
On hwiche tyme so euer þe mon. of-þincheþ his mysdede.
Oþer raþer oþer later. Milce he schal y-mete.
Ah he þat nouht naueþ ibét. muchel he haueþ to bete.
Mony mon seyþ hwo rekþ of pyne. þat schal habben ende.
Ne bidde ich no bet. bute ich beo. ilesed a domes day of bende.
Lutel wot he hwat is pyne. and lutel he hit iknoweþ.
Hwich hete is þar þe soule wuneþ. hw bitter wynd þper bloweþ.


Hedde he iwuned þer enne day. oþer vnneþe one tyde.
Nolde he for al þe Middelerd. an oþer þer abyde.
Swiþe grimlych stench þer is. and wurþ wyþ-vten ende
And hwo þe enes cumeþ þer. vt may he neuer þenne wende.
Neuer ich in helle ne com. ne þer to cume ne recche.
Þah ich al þes worldes weole. þer wende to vecche.
Þat seyden þeo þat weren þer. heo hit wisten myd iwisse.
Þer þurh seorewe of seoue yer. for sonenyhtes blysse.
And for þe blysse þat ende haueþ endeles is þe pyne.
Beter is worie wateres drung. þane atter meynd myd wyne.
Swynes brede is swete. so is of þe wilde deore.
Al to deore he hit buþ. þat yeueþ þar-vore his sweore.
Ful wombe may lihtliche speken. of hunger and of festen.
So may of pyne. þat not hwat hit is. þat euer-mo schal lesten.
Hedde he ifonded summe stunde. he wolde seggen al oþer.
And lete for crist. beo wif and child. fader. suster. and broþer.
Al he wolde oþer don. and oþerluker þenche.
Hwenne he biþouhte on helle fur. þat noþing ne may quenche.
Eure he wolde in bonen beon. and in godnesse wunye.
Wiþ þat he myhte helle fur. euer fleon and schonye.
And lete sker al þes worldes weole. and þes worldes blysse.
Wiþ þat he myhte to heouene cumen. and beo þer myd iwisse.
Ich wile eu seggen of þe dome. as ich eu er seyde.
On þe day and on þe dome. vs helpe cryst and rede.
Þer we Muwen beon aferd. and sore vs of-drede.
Þer vych schal seon him bi-fore. his word and ek his dede.


Al schal beon þer þeonne ikud. þat er men lowen and stelen.
Al schal beon þer þeonne vnwrien. þat men her wrien and helen.
Vve schulleþ alre monne lyf. iknowe al so vre owe.
Þer schulle beon euenynges. þe riche and ek þe lowe.
Þe dom schal beon sone idon. ne lest he nowiht longe.
Ne schal him nomon menen þer. of strengþe. ne of wronge.
Þeo schullen habbe harde dom. þat er weren harde.
Þeo þat vuele heolde wrecche men. and vuele lawe arerde.
Alle þeo þat beoþ icumen. of adam and of eve.
Alle heo schule þider cumen. and so we owen hit ileue.
Þeo þat habbeþ wel idon. after heore Mihte.
To heoueriche heo schulle vare. forþ myd vre dryhte.
Þeo þat habbeþ feondes werk idon. and þer-in beoþ ifunde.
Heo schulle fare forþ myd him; in-to helle grunde.
Þer ho schulle wunyen .o. buten ore and ende.
Ne brekeþ nouht crist eft helle dure. to lesen heom of bende.
Nys no seollich þeh heom beo wo. he mawe wunye eþe.
Nul neuer eft crist þolye deþ. to lesen heom of deþe.
Enes drihte helle brek. his freond he vt brouhte.
Him seolue he þolede deþ for vs. wel deore he vs abouhte.
Nolde hit nomon do for me. ne suster for broþer.
Nolde hit sone do for vader. ne nomon for oþer.
Vre alre louerd for vs þrelles. ipyned wes on rode.
Vre bendes he vnbond. and bouhte vs myd his blode.
And we yeueþ vnneþe. a stucche of vre brede.
We ne þencheþ nouht þat he schal deme. þe quyke and ek þe dede.
Muchel luue he vs cudde. wolde we hit vnderstonde.
Þat vre elderne mys-duden. we habbeþ harde on honde.


Deþ com i þis Middelerd. þurh þe deofles onde.
And sunne. and sorewe. and muchel swynk. a watere. and a londe.
Vre forme faderes gult. we abuggeþ alle.
Al his ofsprung after him. in harme is ifalle.
Þurst and hunger. chele. and hete. ache and vnhelþe.
Þurh him com in þis myddelerd. and oþe vnyselyhþe.
Nere nomon elles ded ne sek. ne non vnhele.
Ah myhten libben euer-mo. myd blysse and myd wele.
Lutel hit þincheþ monymon. ah muchel wes þe sunne.
For whon alle þolieþ deþ. þat comen of heore kunne.
Vre sunne and vre sor. vs may sore of-þunche.
In sunnen we libbeþ alle. and seorewe. and in swynke.
Hwenne god nom so muche wreche. for one mys-dede.
We þat ofte mys-doþ. we Mowen vs sore adrede.
Adam and his ofsprung. for ore bare sunne.
Weren feole hundred wynter in pyne. and on vnwunne.
And þeo þat ledeþ heore lif. myd vnriht and myd wronge.
Bute hit godes mylce beo. he beoþ þar wel longe.
Godes wisdom is wel muchel. and al so is his myhte.
Nis his mylce nowiht lasse. ah al by one wyhte.
More he one may for-yeue. þan al volk agulte kunne.
Þeyh seolf deouel myhte habbe mylce. if he hit bigunne.
Þe þat godes mylce sekþ. iwis he hit may fynde.
Ah helle kyng. is ore-les. wiþ þon þat he may bynde.
Þe þat doþ his wille mest. he schal habbe wrst mede.
His baþ schal beo wallynde pich. his bed bernynde glede.
Also ich hit telle as wyse men vs seyden.
And on heore boke. hit iwryten is. þat me may hit reden.
Ich hit segge for heom. þat er þis hit nusten.
And warny heom wiþ harme. if heo me wulleþ lusten.
Vnderstondeþ nv to me. edye men and arme.


Ich wille ou telle of helle pyne. and warny of harme.
Þar is hunger and þurst. vuele tweye ivere.
Þeos pyne þolieþ þer. þat were mete-nyþinges here.
Þar is wonyng and wop. after vlche strete.
Ho vareþ from hete to chele. from chele to þar hete.
Hwenne heo cumeþ in hete. þe chele heom þincheþ lysse.
Þenne heo cumeþ eft to chele. of hete heo habbeþ mysse.
Eyþer heom doþ wo y-nouh. nabbeþ heo none lisse.
Heo nuten hweþer heom doþ wurse. myd neuer none iwisse.
Heo walkeþ euer and secheþ reste. ah heo hit ne muwe iméte.
For heo nolde hwile heo myhten. heore sunnen ibete.
Heo schecheþ reste þer non nys. for-þi ne muwen hi finde
Ah walkeþ þar boþe vp and dun. so water doþ myd winde.
Þis beoþ þe. þat weren her Mid hwom me heold feste.
And þeo þat gode bi-heyhte wel. and nolden hit ileste.
And þeo þat god were by-gunne and ful-endy hit nolden.
Nv were her. nv were þer. heo nuste hwat heo wolden.
Þet ich pych. þat euer walleþ. þat heo schulle habbe þere.
Þeo þat ledeþ heore lyf vnwreste. and eke false were.
Þar is fur an hundred-folde. hatture þane be vre.
Ne may hit quenche no salt water. ne auene strém. ne sture.
Þat is þet fur þat euer barnþ. ne may hit nomon quenche.
Þar-inne beoþ þeo. þat her wes leof. poure men to swenche.
Þeo þat were swikelemen. and ful of vuele wrenche.


And þeo þat ne myhte vuele do. and was hit leof to þenche.
Þeo þat luued reving. and stale. and hordom. and drunken.
And on deoueles werke. bluþeliche swunken.
Þeo þat were so lese. þat me heom ne myhte iléuen.
Med-yorne domes men. and wrongwise reuen.
Þe þat wes leof oþer mannes wif. and his owe léten.
And þe þat sunegeþ ofte. on drunken. and on méte.
Þeo þat wrecche men bynymeþ. his eyhte. and hit leyþ an horde.
And lutel let on godes bode. and of godes worde.
Þeo þat almes nolde yeue þere he iseyh þe neode.
Ne his poure kunesmen. at him ne myhte nouht spede.
Þe þat nolde here godes sonde. þar he sat. at his borde.
And was leof oþer mannes þing. leuere þan beon schulde.
And weren al to grédi. of seoluer. and of golde.
And luueden vntrewnesse. þat heo schulden beon hólde.
And léten þat hi scolden do. and duden þat heo ne scholden.
Heo schulleþ wunyen in helle. þe ueondes onwolde.
Þe þat were gaderares. of þisse worldes ayhte.
And duden þat þe loþe gost heom tycede and tahte.
And alle þeo þe myd-dusye wise. deouele her iquemeþ.
Þeo beoþ nv in helle wiþ him. fordon. and for-démde.
Bute þeo þat of-þincheþ her. sore heore mysdede.
And heore gultes gunnen lete. and betere lif to lede.
Þer beoþ neddren. and snaken. euethen and fruden.
Þer tereþ and freteþ. þat vuele spekeþ. þe nyþfule and þe prude.
Neuer sunne þer ne schineþ. ne Móne. ne steorre.
Þer is muchel godes héte. and muchel godes eorre.
Euer þar is muchel smech. þeosternesse and eye.
Nis þer neuer oþer lyht. bute þe swarte leye.
Þer lyþ þe lodliche ueond. in stronge rake-teye.


Þat is þe þat wes myd god. in heouene swiþe heye.
Þer beoþ ateliche ueondes. and grysliche wyhtes.
Þer schule þe wrecche soulen iseon. þat sunegeden bi sihtes.
Þer is þe loþe sathanas. and beelzebub þe olde.
Eþe heo mwue beon adred. þat heom schulde biholde.
Ne may non heorte hit þenche. ne no tunge telle.
Hw muche pyne. hw ueole ueondes. beoþ in þeostre helle.
For al þe pyne þat her is. nulle ich eu nouht lye.
Nis hit bute gome and gleo. al þat mon may her dreye.
And yet ne doþ heom noþing so wo. in þe loþe bende.
Ase þat witen heore pyne. ne schal habbe non ende.
Þar beoþ þe heþene men. þat were lawe-lese.
Þet nes nouht of godes forbode. ne of godes hese.
Vuele cristenemen. beoþ þer heorure nere.
Þeo þat heore cristendom. vuele heolden here.
Yet heo beoþ a wrse stude. anyþe helle grunde.
Ne schullen heo neuer cumen up for marke. ne for punde.
Ne may helpe þer. nouþer beode ne almesse.
For nys noþer in helle. ore ne [for]yeuenesse.
Nu schilde him vych mon hwile he may. wiþ þe ilke pyne.
And warny vich his freond. so ich habbe myne.
Þeo þat schilde heom ne kunnen. ich heom wille teche.
Ich con beon eyþer if ich schal. lycome and soule leche.
Lete we þat god forbed. alle mon-kunne.
And do we þat he vs hat. and schilde we vs wiþ sunne.
Luuye we god myd vre heorte. and myd alle vre myhte.
Vre euen-cristen. as vs seolf. for so vs lerede dryhte.
Al þat me redeþ and syngeþ. bi-voren godes borde.
Al hit hongeþ and hald. bi þisse twam worde.


Alle godes lawe he fulleþ. þe newe. and ek þe olde.
Þat haueþ þeos ilke two luuen. and wel heom wile atholde.
Ah soþ ich hit eu segge. ofte we agulteþ alle.
For strong hit is to stonde longe. and lyht hit is to falle.
Ah dryhten crist vs yeue strengþe. stonde þat we mote.
And of alle vre sunnen. vs lete cume to bote.
Vve wilneþ after worldes ayhte. þat longe ne may ileste.
And mest leggeþ vre swynk. on þing vnstudeueste.
If þat we swunken for gode. half. þat we doþ for eyhte.
Nere we nouht so ofte bi-cherd. ne so vuele by-þouhte.
Yef we seruede god. so we doþ earmynges.
We Mihte habbe more of heouene. þan eorles oþer kynges.
Ne mowe nouht weryen heom. wiþ chele ne wiþ hunger.
Ne wiþ elde ne wiþ deþe. þe eldure ne þe yonge.
Ah þer nys hunger ne þurst. ne deþ. ne vnhelþe ne elde.
Of þis world we þencheþ ofte and þer-of al to selde.
Vve schulde vs bi-þenche. wel ofte and wel ilóme.
Hwat we beoþ. to hwan we schulen. and of hwan we comen.
Hw lutle hwile we beoþ here. hw longe elles-hware.
And after gode wel wurche. þenne ne þuruue noht kare.
If we were wyse men. þus we schulde þenche.
Bute we wurþe vs iwar. þes world vs wile for-drenche.
Mest alle men he yeueþ drynke. of one deofles [schenche.]
He schal him cunne schilde wel. yef he him. [wole bi-þen che.]
Mid almyhtyes godes luue. vte we vs werie.
Wiþ þeos wrecche worldes luue. þe heo vs ne derye.
Mid festen. and almesse and beoden. were we vs wiþ sunne.


Mid þe wepnen þat god haueþ yeuen. to alle monkunne.
Lete we þeo brode stret. and þene wey grene.
Þat lat þe nyeþe to helle. of folke. and ich wene.
Go we þene narewe wey. þene wey so schene.
Þer forþ fareþ lutel folk. and þat is wel eþ-sene.
Þe brode stret is vre wil. þat is vs loþ to lete.
Þe þat al feleweþ his wil. he fareþ þe brode strete.
Þe narewe wey is godes heste. þat forþ fareþ wel fawe.
Þat beoþ þeo. þe heom schedeþ wel. wiþ vych vnþewe.
Þeos goþ vnneþe ayeyn þe cleo. ayeyn þe heye hulle.
Þeos leteþ awei al heore wil. for godes hestes to fulle.
Go we alle þene wei. for he vs wile brynge.
Mid þe fewe feyremen by-uoren heouene kinge.
Þer is alre Murehþe mest. myd englene songe.
Wel edy wurþ þilke mon. þat þer byþ vnderuonge.
Þe lest haueþ murehþe. he haueþ so muche. ne bit he namore.
Hwo so þeo blisse for þisse foryet. hit may him rewe sore.
Ne may no pyne ne no wone beon in heouene riche.
Þah þer beon wonynges feole. and oþer vnyliche.
Summe habbeþ lasse Murehþe. and summe habbeþ more.
Vych after þat he dude her. and after þat heo swunken sore.
Ne wrþ þer bred ne wyn. ne nones kunnes este.
God one schal beon eche lif. and blisse eche reste.
Þer nys nouþer fou ne grey. ne konyng. ne hermyne.
Ne oter. ne acquerne. Beuveyr ne sablyne.
Ne þer ne wurþ ful iwis. worldes wele none.
Al þe Murehþe þat me vs bihat al hit is god one.
Nis þer no Murehþe so muchel. so is godes syhte.
He is soþ sunne. and briht. and day bute nyhte.
He is vyche godes ful. nys him nowiht wiþ-vte.
Nis heom nones godes wone þat wuneþ hym abute.
Þer is weole bute wone. and reste bute swynke.


Hwo may þider cume and nule. hit schal hym sore of-þinche.
Þer is blysse bute teone. and lif wiþ-vte deþe.
Þeo þat schulle wunye þer. bliþe mvwen heo beon eþe.
Þer is yonghede buten ealde. and hele buten vnhelþe.
Þer nys seorewe ne no sor. neuer non vnhelþe.
Seoþþe me dryhten iseo. so he is myd iwisse.
He one may beon and schal. englene and monne blisse.
Þeo schulen of him more iseon. þat her him luuede more.
And more iseon and iwyten. his Milce and his ore.
On him heo schullen fynden. al þat mon may luste.
And on lyues bec iseon. al þat heo her nusten.
Crist seolf one schal beon. i-nouh to alle derlinges.
He one is more and betere. þan alle wordliche þinges.
Inouh hi habbeþ þat hyne habbeþ. þat alle þinges weldeþ.
Him to seonne murie hit is. so fayr he is to biholde.
God is so swete and so muchel. in his godnesse.
Al þat wes and is. is wel wurse and lasse.
Ne may nomon hit segge. ne wyten myd iwisse.
Hu muchele Murehþe habbeþ heo. þat beoþ in heuene blisse.
To þare blisse bringe vs god. þat lesteþ buten ende.
Hwenne he vre saule vn-bind. of lichomliche bende.
Crist vs lete such lif lede. and habbe her such ende.
Þat we mote to him cume. hwenne we heonne wendeþ.
Bidde we nu leoue freond. yonge and ek olde.
Þat he þat þis wryt wrot. his saule beo þer atholde.