University of Virginia Library



Wrote bie Raufe Chedder, Chappmanne, 1356.


Ynne whilomme daies, as Storie saies,
Ynne famous Brystowe towne
Dhere lyvèd Knyghtes, doughtie yn fyghtes,
Of marvellous renowne.
A Saxonne boulde, renowned of oulde
For Dethe and dernie dede,
Maint Tanmen slone the Brugge uponne,
Icausynge hem to blede.
Baldwynne hys Name, Rolles saie the same
And yev hymme rennome grate,
Hee lyvèd nere the Ellynteire,
Al bie Seyncte Lenardes Yate.
A mansion hie, Made bosmorelie,
Was reered bie hys honde,
Whanne he ysterve, hys Name unkerve
Inne Baldwynne streete doe stonde.
On Ellie then, of Mercyann Menne,


As meynte of Pentells blase,
Inne Castle-stede made dofull dede
And dydde the Dans arrase.
One Leëfwyne of kyngelie Lyne
Inne Brystowe towne dyd leve,
And toe the samme for hys gode name
The Ackmanne Yate dyd gev.
Hammon, a Lorde of hie Accorde,
Was ynne the strete nempte brede;
Soe greate hys Myghte, so strynge yn fyghte,
Onne Byker hee dyd fede.
Fitz Lupous digne of gentle Lyne
Onne Radclief made hys Baie,
Inn moddie Gronne, the whyche uponne
Botte Reittes and roshes laie.
Theere Radclyve Strete of Mansyonnes meete
In semelie gare doe stonde,
And Canynge grete of fayre Estate
Bryngeth to Tradynge Londe.
Hardynge dydde comme from longe Kyngddomme
Inne Knyvesmythe strete to lyne,
Roberte, hys Sonne, moche gode thynges donne,
As Abbattes doe blasynne.
Roberte the Erle, ne conkered curlle,
Inne Castle-stede dyd fraie;
Yynge Henrie too ynne Brystowe true


As Hydelle dyd obaie.
A Maioure dheere bee, ande I am ne hee,
Botte anne ungentle Wyghte;—
Seyncte Marie tende eche ammie frende
Bie hallie Taper lyghte.