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28. A Prayer to the Trinity.


28. A Prayer to the Trinity.


In God ffader heryng sit,
Þer aftur schul we calle;
To þe Sone al ful of wit
On kneo we schullen falle;
Þe Holigost, to vs þou flit
In graces for to walle;
Wit and Grace and strengþe hit,
We schul hem herie alle.
On is God of mihtes most
ffeiþ fully for to fonde,
ffader and Sone and Holigost
Al on is vnderstonde.


Þe ffader was, and ay schal be,
And is wiþ-outen ende;
Þe Sone dyede vppon þe tre,
Vr falce foon to schende;
Þe holygost, þat makeþ þre,
Þat may vs grace seende:
Al is on In Trinite,
What wey þou turne or weende.
I may sei wiþ-outen bost
Þe holy Book leyh neuere.
ffader and Sone and holygost
Beo wiþ us nou and euere! amen.