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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE XVIII. The Ants and Grass-hopper:
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FABLE XVIII. The Ants and Grass-hopper:

Or, Provide for your self.

Some frugal Ants, that, with unweary'd Pain,
Had fill'd their Stores, in Summer-time, with Grain;
When Winter's pinching Season was begun,
Expos'd their hoarded Treasure to the Sun.


A Grass-hopper, that saw them thus supply'd,
While he lack'd Food, thro' Idleness and Pride;
Besought them to commiserate his Grief,
And, from their Plenty, grant him some Relief.
The Ants enquir'd how he himself apply'd,
When he had Time, and shou'd his Stock provide;
Or if in Sloth he the kind Season spent,
When he, by Labour, might his Wants prevent.
He answer'd them; He then employ'd his Care
To chear the Work-man, and the Traveller:
The pleasing Melody he made all Day,
Shortned one's Labour, and the other's Way.
They said, He much Improvidence had shewn,
To mind their Bus'ness, and neglect his own;
And, since he took no Pains to gather Meat,
It was but just, he shou'd have none to eat:
He that did others with his Songs revive,
Shou'd now, with Dancing, keep himself alive.


‘In Youth and Strength we shou'd our Pains engage,
‘To make Provision for our Feeble Age;
‘That Hoary Winter will require a Store,
‘Which we shall seek too late, if not before:
‘And he that does not for himself provide,
‘Shou'd not by others hope to be supply'd:
‘For what the Diligent, by Labour, gain,
‘Wou'd on a Slothful Wretch be spent in vain.