University of Virginia Library


The Chancellor reported that about five or six years ago the College purchased from the City of
Fredericksburg the City reservoir property located on College property. The City retained the right
to use the reservoir until other facilities could be provided by them. The College has been anxious
to have the present reservoir removed in order that this area of the campus might be developed

The City of Fredericksburg is planning a bond issue in the near future and would like to include
funds for new reservoir facilities in this issue. They ask permission to locate a new water tower on
the College golf course

Accordingly, the Chancellor proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the proposal by Mary Washington College to negotiate with the City of Fredericksburg to locate a
water storage tower on the College golf course property, if that becomes necessary in the opinion of
the President, subject to the approval of all details by the President and Special Counsel, be and
it is hereby approved