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by William Allingham
Allingham, William (1824-1889)
[To plan a wise life, little pains doth ask]
[Suppose we tried the simple plan, to say]
[O life, made up of hints and moods and fine transitions]
[To fight the World's a weary strife]
[Thou Great One! help a poor weak man]
[Lord, make me fit for heav'n!—but nay]
[Speak but one word beyond cavil or doubt!]
[Tease not conscience, rack not wit]
[Take heed, take heed! the petty seed]
[Bad thoughts come and bad thoughts go]
[Heaven's space from Hell doth good from ill divide]
[Foul blotch of sin—disease—disgrace—]
[“Right and Wrong,” “Heaven and Hell,”]
[The pure bright world of childhood round us lies]
[Grieve for thy sin, grieve on; yet bless]
[Sin we have explain'd away]
The Game of Definitions.
[With this I end the day, with this begin]
To M. or N.
[This is a pray'r for every mood—]
To an Angel pictured looking through the Sky.
[Almighty Lord, if day by day]
[Soul's Castle fell at one blast of temptation]
[How argue from effects? Whate'er you do]
[Push me, urge me]
[Ruler above me! grant I may]
[How delightful, could I sin]
[Quibble not on Good and Evil]
[A's life is such, you'd say his best hope lies]
[“Must I believe in a God?” Please yourself in the matter.]
[Irreverent Brute! no churchist now]
[That God is moral may be well averr'd]
[Man's only true delight]
[When I perceive my spirit high and clear]
[One friendly look, out of the vague and vast!]
[Ideal Truth, O Power serene]
[The highest, widest, noblest, thought of thine]
[Is “purgatory”]
[I believe in GOD]
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[Ruler above me! grant I may]
above me! grant I may
Feel right, judge right, act right, this day.