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The fourth Scœne.

Enter Dvngworth, Ralph and Dobson, by the left Scœne.

Worthy Sir, I have now made ready a roome to
entertaine your worthy person. My house was so cramd
with Lords; and this especially with most choyce gentlemen,
some of the admired wits, to which very name I owe
respect and service.


'Tis a fine Chamber, it shines like a Gold-smiths
shop in Cheap-side.


'Twould much indeere mee to your kindnesse
to bring mee acquainted with some of those Wits: you
say they keepe their rendevous here many times. If I may


mold my selfe capable I should gladly add to their number.
Indeed, I have had but Countrey breeding.


City bringing up forsooth.


Yes; for we ridd like mad men.


Questionlesse, Sir, there are of the wits some
mercenary ones, whom your money may command to be
your servants. But these are of a nobler straine. Howsoever,
I will upon the next occasion shew my desire to doe
you service.


Prethee Ralph, what be those Wits? A familie?


No Dobson, they be of all tribes. Some are Iewes,
and some are Gentiles. Some are noble both in blood
and condition, and some in neither. Some studie Arts
of use; some of delight; some conceive well, but talke


Those be the Women Ralph.


No interruptions. Some breake jests; some breake
pates; some breake Tailours; and some breake their
fasts with Duke Humphrey.


A wise house-keeper belike.


Some weare Plush that others pay for. Some
love Sacke, and some love wenches. Few will dye of the
Aldermans Gout, and some will never bee cur'd of their


I understand thee Ralph. But how com'st thou
to know all this?


Tut man; I liv'd in London before now; was
servant to one that converst much with the wits, and kept
an Academie of Musicke. I tell thee Dobson, I have pickt
up more learning among the crummes of a broken bisker,
after one of their meetings at a Taverne, then would
make twenty Ballad-makers commence Poetasters; and
with the over-plus indoctrinate ten Iustices Clerks, and
an under-Sheriffe.