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The Odes and Epodon of Horace, In Five Books

Translated into English by J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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ARCHYTAS a Philosopher and Geometrician is brought in, answering a Mariner, That all must die; desiring he would cover his dead Corps upon the Sea-shore.

Thee ARCHYTAS, whose Geometrick skill
Measur'd Earth, Seas, unnumbred sand,
Small shroud of dust (bestow'd) confineth still,
Near Matin Port; nor profits (scan'd)
T'have search'd those Ayery Rooms, Stars mansion,
Or travell'd round the Pole, since dead.
Grand Pelops Sire, though feasted Gods, is gone.
And Tithon like to gale is fled:
Minos which of JOVE'S Counsel seem'd, so sage;
Sunk too, twice dead Pithagoras,
Who own'd for his, as liv'd i'th Trojan age:
Euphorbus Shield when by did pass
Nor more than Nerves and skin black Death allow'd;
Whom you'l confess for Author great
In natures Truth's; but all one night do shroud,
All once that Ghostly Road must beat:
War oft doth make sad Games for dreadful Mars;
Seas tost their greedy Seamen drown;
Mixt fun'ral-pile both young and old declares,
None daunts fierce Proserpina's Frown.


My self North-blast, Orions blustring Mate,
Has almost plung'd in gulphy seas;
But, Mariner, don't thou in naked state
My Head and Bones through careless race,
Sand-heap deny; so let Venusian Woods
Those mischiefs feel, which Eastern wind,
(Thou safe) shall threaten to th' Hesperian floods;
Much wealth still flow to thee design'd
From righteous JOVE, NEPTUNE, Tarentum-friend.
If dost neglect which falsness pain
May cause thy guiltless Brood at thy last end
Such fun'ral-Rites with scorn Disdain
May thee befal: Heaven Prayer regard what's more,
Nought shall, attone release for such base heart:
'Tis shorter work, but sprinkle sand thrice ore
My naked Corps, to Seas depart.