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His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, the Lord Vi-count Lisle, and his most vertuous Lady:

To Sir Robert Sidney, Knight, their Hopefull Sonne: To the most Worthy Lady Wroth, with the rest of their right vertuous Daughters: and To all the Noble Sidneys and Semi-Sidneys.

Although I knowe None, but a Sidney's Muse,
Worthy to sing a Sidney's Worthyness:
None but Your Owne

Anagram. La: Wroth.

Al-Worth, Sidnëides,

In whom, her Vncle's noble Veine renewes:
And though I know (sad Nobles) to infuse
My fore-spent Drops into the bound-lesse Seas
Of Your deep Griefs, for your deer Ioy's Decease;
To Your full Ocean nought at-all accrues:
Yet, as (the Floods Queen) Amphitrite daignes
To take the Tribute of small Brooks and Bournes;
Which to Her Bounty (that Their Streams maintains)
The humble Homage of Their Thanks returnes;
Accept These Sighes and these few Teares of Ours,
Which haue their Course but from the Source of Yours.
Your Noble Name's and Vertue's most Observant, Iosvah Sylvester.