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Theoretical Mechanics. [Thornton.]
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Theoretical Mechanics. [Thornton.]

10-11, M. W. F.

500. Statics and Elementary Dynamics.

Fundamental dynamical principles and the Newtonian laws of motion.
Statics of the material particle, of the plane lamina, and of solid bodies
in three dimensions; equilibrium of rigid bodies and of flexible cables;
friction; centers of gravity; work and energy. Uniform motion; uniformly
varied motion; projectile motion; simple harmonic motion; pendulum motion.
Elementary dynamics of Rotation. (Fall.)

501. Dynamics of a Particle.

More advanced treatment of the dynamics of a particle. Rectilinear
motion; harmonic motion; meteoric motion; pendulum motion; planetary
motion; motion in a resisting medium; oscillatory motion. (Winter.)

502. Dynamics of a Rigid Body.

General equations for the motion of a rigid body; moments of inertia;
motions of rigid bodies about fixed axes, parallel to fixed planes, and
around fixed points; the compound pendulum; the top; balancing of engines.