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The Whole Works of William Browne

of Tavistock ... Now first collected and edited, with a memoir of the poet, and notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt, of the Inner Temple

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But Fame that spread the bruit of such a wonder,
Bringing the Swaine[s] of places farre a sunder
To this selected plot (now famous more
Then any Groue, Mount, Plaine, had bin before
By relicke, vision, buriall or birth
Of Anchoresse, or Hermit yet on earth):
Out of the Maidens bed of endlesse rest
Shewes them a Tree new growne, so fairely drest
With spreading armes and curled top that Ioue
Ne're brauer saw in his Dodonian Groue;
The hart-like leaues oft each with other pyle,
As doe the hard scales of the Crocodyle;


And none on all the tree was seene but bore
Written thereon in rich and purest Ore
The name of Pan; whose lustre farre beyond
Sparkl'd, as by a Torch the Dyamond;
Or those bright spangles which, faire Goddesse, doe
Shine in the haire of these which follow you.
The Shepherds by direction of great Pan
Search'd for the root, and finding it began
In her true heart, bids them againe inclose
What now his eyes for euer, euer lose.
Now in the selfe-same Spheare his thoughts must moue


him that did the shady Plane-tree loue.

Yet though no issue from her loines shall be
To draw from Pan a noble peddigree,
And Pan shall not, as other Gods haue done,
Glory in deeds of an heroicke Sonne,
Nor haue his Name in Countries neere and farre
Proclaim'd, as by his Childe the Thunderer:
If Phœbus on this Tree spread warming rayes,
And Northerne blasts kill not her tender sprayes,
His Loue shall make him famous in repute,
And still increase his Name, yet beare no fruit.