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Du Bartas

His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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A VVarning-Piece.

Right noble Nobles, Generous Gentlemen,
Lovers of Honor, and your Countries Weal,
You'll need no Warning to avoid our Peal;
Nor are in Level of our Poudered Pen:
Nor Those that yet will yeeld, and turn agen
From th'Idol-Service of their Smoaky Zeal,
To serve their God, their King, their Common weal:
Wee shoot at Manners, we would saue the Men.
But, Those rebellious that will still stand out
Vnder the Standard of our Heathen Fo,
With Pipe and Pudding rampir'd round about,
Puffing and Snuffing at their threatned Wo;
At such, our Canon shall Heer thunder thick:
Gunner, your Lin-stock; Com, give Fier quick.
Tis best Praise-worthy, To have pleas'd the Best:
This Wee endevour; and defie the Rest.