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His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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To My Reverend and VVorthy Friend, Mr. William Loe, Batchelor of Divinity.

Lo, what your Love, and this Chimera's hate,
Care of my Friends, Compassion of my Kin;
Zeal of God's Glory, Horror of This Sin;
My Soveraign's Service, Honour of our State:
Lo, What All these had power to propagate
(Perhaps, more happy than my Hope had bin,
When first This Theam you gave mee to begin)
Besides My Way, beyond My Waining Date.
Lo, therefore, Whether, Well or Ill, I fare;
Whether the doubtfull Field I win or lose;
In Fame, or Shame, you needs must have a Share,
Who on my Weaknes did This Waight impose.
Like Moses therefore lift your hands on hie,
That Iosuah's hand may have the Victory.