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by William Allingham
Allingham, William (1824-1889)
[The Theologian, propping faith with lies]
[By miracles these, and by mechanics those]
[Knowledge, exact and measurable, this]
Words, Words.
Artist v. Scientist.
[Divide, combine, search, sift, and pry]
[Some have spent their money in seeking Philosopher's Stone]
[How man's high thoughts and aspirations came]
[God's banish'd from the Universe, they say]
[You may sketch the world of what shape you please]
[“Man's tongue can utter everything:” O fool!]
[The eyes of Modern Science do not grow]
[What can you tell us of Life? you live in the Cavern of Death.]
[Men try all fashions; “God made Man,”]
[“‘God’ is a foolish name. MAN, whom I worship, is true.]
[“I don't believe in either God or Man.]
[This World has no moral or meaning: the kaleidoscope of Man's Mind]
[“Man's a machine.” Well, if we ever can]
[Less virtuous than they might and ought to be]
[The Age of Poetry is gone]
[How Man is like to Ape we have now heard enough and to spare]
Two Gulfs.
[What if “Nature” be so finely wrought]
[Facts bear analysis and tabulation]
To a Famous Man.
[Well, God in mind of man once held at least]
[“I look for God, no God can see.”]
[Adventurous Spirit, trying every road]
[Army of Science! ever marching]
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[This is worth noting: wit's controll'd by dulness]
is worth noting: wit's controll'd by dulness;
The wise man's thought is seldom said in fulness;
Elixir to the souls of two or three,
Poison, he fears, to common men 'twould be.