University of Virginia Library



This sanct niniane, I of say,
þat quyk and ded blissit wes ay,
in-to mekil bretane wes borne,
& his gud elderis hyme beforne,
þat mychty war, & of gret kyne,
& mykil had of warldis wyne.
& fra þis cheld borne wes,
þat ay wes ful of godis grace,
he wes howine in fontstane,
& callit wes Niniane.
þe cud-clath, þat he þare laucht,
he kepit clene at [al] his macht,
& before goddis sone present It
of al dedly syne but smyt.
& þe gyfte of þe haly gaste,
þat he tuk þare, wes nocht in waste;
for he hyme kepyt sa fra syne,
þat It wonnyt hyme ay withine.
& as he growine wes in eld
rypare, & hyme-selfe mycht weld,
sa grew he in-to vertu ay,
forberand wantones & play,
& sobre wes in drynk & met,
þo he it welfully mycht get;
& wele entendand til his lare


he wes al tyme, late & are.
for he beguth firste to lere
ore he of eld had fyfe ȝere,
hou he suld hyme-selfe led,
& hou god he suld dred,
& fadire & modire, hou þat he
suld honoure in al degre.
syne he leyrit to red & syng,
& of vthire vndirstanding;
for þe maister he had þane,
wes wer & wise & vertuise mane.
& he, þat able wes & ȝyng,
folouyt his mastere in althing,
& consauit richt sutely
quhat-euir he taucht in til hy,
& in his hart wele held It—
sic retentywe he had of wit—
hafand hyme in sic degre,
þat his ourmen be sutelte
& les þane hyme be gret meknes
he oure-come; & neuire-þe-les
he kepyt ay his innocens
of al mane but offence.
& growand sa ay he was
in vertuse lyfe & in gudnes.
& fore he had dout to fal,
til abstinence he gef hym al,
& held his fles vndirloute,
for dred it suld be thra & stout
agane þe sawle, & gere hym syne,
or let hyme hewinly med to wyn.
al foule delyt he fled for-þi,
& hyme abondonit ythanly
in prayere, fastyng, & in wake,
hyme-selfe seruand to god to mak.


with wemene wald he nocht conuerse,
na of na man Il reherse,
bot set hyme halely to lere
his dedis thankfully to stere.
& gud & able god hyme mad
al gud to lere but abad,
sa þat he cuth in lytil space
science Inuch thru godis grace.
& science hals of haly kirke
he lerit als, ore he wald Irke.
& here-of suld nane ferly,
gyfe he consider it suthfastly,
þat, quhare þe haly gaste wil be
maistere, but difficulte
he ma gere man consawe althing
but besynes ore trawaling;
lyk as of salamone we red,
þat wes þe viseste man but dred,
& in þe space bot of a nycht
of al his wysdome gat þe slycht,
be theching of þe haly gast,
þat is beste maister in til haste;
for to god, we ma se,
ma na thing inpossible be.
& þo he ȝung wes, hyme thocht
þat medful wes quha sa mocht,
& cuth als saw goddis sede
in hartis þat þare-of had nede.
& to wyne godis corne,
þar-of mykil wes nere lorne
for faute of wynnare, þat cuth preche
þe puple treuly & þame teche,
he vmthocht [hym] he wald luke


gyf he in sic corne cuth set huke.
he thocht he wald pas forthyrmare
& be parfite in-to sic lare,
fore scorne it ware gret to se
þe thechure suld vnkennand be.
þare-for his kyne & his cunctre
he levit, & passit oure þe se,
& dressit hyme rome to seke,
gyf he mycht þare his science eke,
& for to sek sanctis sere,
þat plentusly in þat place were,
fore til eke his deuocione,
& get þe papis benysone.
þane has he hyme redy mad.
he tuk leif, & furth he glad,
at his frendis & knawine men,
þat ware til hyme tendir þene.
&, helpand god, syne come he
but letting sone oure þe se,
& come to rome in lytil space,
hale & sownd be godis grace,
& þe papis presence wane,
þat wyse wes & haly mane,
þat hyme resawit with gud chere,
& teyndirly at hyme cane spere
þe cause quhy yddir come he,
& quhyne he wes, & of quhat cunctre.
& til al askine sone he mad
ansuere wisly but abade.
þe pape þane, his deuocione
seand, gef hyme his benysone,
&, wele approwand his gud wil,
syndry maisteris betacht hym til,
to mak hyme parfyte in þat lare
þat causit hyme to cume þare.


þane trawalit he besyli,
til he in knavlege of clergy,
þat nedful wes, [wes] wise Inuch,
in goddis ȝard to set plucht,
to schau his seiyde & wine his corne
& helpe weile It ware nocht lorne.
& quhene þar twa ȝere ore thre
he sped wele in sic degre,
& wes weile tacht gannandly,
& haile but smyt of his body,
wyse in thocht, in consel hale,
forseand in þat suld awale,
discret in work & word with-al,
al þat kneu hym cuth hym cal.
sa wane he richt gret renone
til he wes duellande in þat ton.
for-þi þe pape, þare-of herd say
hou he grew in uertuse ay,
callit hyme & sad: “sone dere,
for þi gret uertu þat I here,
& þe faire & þe gret renone
þou has of al men of þis ton,
I wyl þu mad bischope be
& hird, to kepe goddis fe;
for, sene I wat þu ma awale,
I wil þu tak þe þat trawele,
sa þat þe science lent to þe
be nocht tynt na smoryt in þe.”
& sayand þis, he can hym ma
bischope with his handis twa,
& al þe doctrine can hyme lere,
þat til a bischope suld affere,
& with relykis cane hym releife;
syne blissit hyme & gef hym lefe.
& he þane went hamwarte,


for to trawale in goddis ȝarde.
in þe meyne-tyme gret word ran
of sancte martyne, þe haly man,
þat as a starne clerly schane
in gud dedis mony ane.
sancte niniane þarfor thocht þat he
in his gat hame-wart wald hym se,
& knaw his conuersacione,
for to get his benysone.
& has he thocht, sa he dide.
bot þat wes nocht fra martyne hid;
for he wiste throw þe hali gast
þat sancte niniane suld cum in hast,
& had ȝarnyng hyme to se
& a-quynte al with hyme be;
for he wyst weil he wes þane
a bischope and a haly mane,
& wiste weile mony he suld wyne
fra errure & fra dedly syne.
þar-for, as þai semblit ware,
betwene þame wes rycht hamely faire.
twa dais ore thre he duelt þare,
& hamewarte syne schupe hym to fare;
& for sanct niniane wald nocht byd,
þai lacht þare lewe on ilke syd.
bot sancte niniane, ore he can ga,
askit at martyne masonis twa,
þat he hyme granttit but delay.
þane niniane went on his way,
&, god sterand, in bretan com þane,
& his frendis fand wele farand,
þat of his come wes rycht fayne,
& hou he had faryne cane frayne.
þane wes gret confluence
of folk, þat come till his presens,
& blissit hyme in-to þe name


of god, þat hyme send hame.
& he þane, as gud tele-man,
to wirk in goddis ȝard begane.
&, þare he saw sawyne il seide,
to distroy it he cane hyme spede,
&, gyf it gadderit wes il,
he skalit it, ore it suld spil,
& besyly cane hyme haste
þat Il begyt wes, to waste.
þane eftyre, quhen he mad [had] playne
godis feilde þus with payne,
to preche þane he can hyme spede,
& eraste quhare he schaw maste nede,
& besyly set his cure
to clenge thochtis of erroure,
& put a-way sa mystrouth al,
þat he mycht trastly byg his wal
of rycht treutht, þat suld stand faste,
& thole na errour don It caste.
& as he techit but drede,
he did hyme-self in worde & deide,
& ay confermyt his prechyng
be wondire werkis þe schawine;
& sa be clene lyf & gud worde
made feil wordy goddis burde,
& many fra þe feynd cane fang,
þat in his seruice had duelt lang.
þarfor, gudmen, be-hald & se
hou blissit & haly wes he,
þat of god had sa gret grace,
þat ay folouyt þus his trace!
for-þi ensampil ma be tane
of þis haly man, sanct niniane,
suerdome & Idilnes forto fle,
& agane al wice wicht to be;


& prese we for to folou hyme,
þat feile þis gert leif þare syne.
& his clething scheu he was meke,
& debonar [wes] in his speke,
deuote als in oracione,
& ful ithand in lessone,
In Iugment leile and stable,
& in thewis honorabil,
large in almus & dowyng
& stedfaste in his hafyng,
in al office of preste able.
he wes al tyme honorabil.
of sic compacience he wes eke
þat with þame gretand he wald gret,
& with blyth blyth he wes,
gyf þare blythnes wes in gudnes;
& in vertuise he wes notable
& in al gudnes ful lowable.
[A]nd quhene he had traualit lang,
as I sad before, prechand,
In schenschype of þe fend of hel,
he chosit a place, þare-in to duel,
be þe se-syd in galoway,
þat quhithorne to nam had ay.
& he gert mak in lytil tyme
a kirk faire of stane & lyme;
& before it wes nane
kirk in þe Ile of bretane.
& as þe kyrk syne wes mad,
he halouyt it but abad
of sancte martyne in þe lowyng,
þar-in to bath red & syng,
be þe haly gaste, þat þan ded wes
& quyt þe deit of alkine flesche,


& clommyne wes to þe hycht of hewyn,
þar wit[h] angelis to be ewine.
[I]n þat cunctre duelt þare þane
a king, þat wes a fellone man
& contrare to s: Niniane preching,
& for his lare wald do na thing,
bot erare contrare wes hyme to,
for ocht þat he cuth sa ore do;
& mare cruel worde he sene,
þane befortyme he had bene,
þat god in his hede sic seknes sende,
þat til de richt sone he wend.
& with þat he tynt þe sicht
of þe day, ware it neuir sa lycht.
þane tyd in his hart [þe] thocht, he
þare-of na way wariste mycht be
bot It ware throu hym þat he ay
schupe hyme of pryd to verray.
þane askit he hyme fore godis sake,
þo he til hyme Il cause can make,
til rew one hyme & pardone gyfe,
fore he disparit wes to life.
þane he, þat mercyful wes ay,
as he þe messagis þis herd say,
& come one sone mekilly
quhare þis catife king can ly,
& hely sad: “god be here-in,
þat is distrowre of al syne.”
þane went he to þe sek but bad,
& on his hede & his ene mad
þe takine of þe croice werray;
& þe seke þane but delay
als gud heile [had] of hede & ewene
as he neuire sek had bene;


& fore he sa his hele wane,
lofand god become gud mane.
[W]ith a lord of þe sammyn lande
a maydine þare wes duellande,
þat wanttit nocht of bewte,
þat suld in ony woman be;
& with þe sammyne lord duelt a man,
þat kepare of his horse wes þane,
& welth had and Idilnes,
þat drew hyme in-to wantones.
for-þi ofte wald he assay
with þat maydine for to play
sa lang, þat he wan hire wil
al his ȝarnyng to fulfil.
& fra þai had þare luste done,
scho wox gret, and alsone
seand scho mycht consele nomare,
of hir syn þane had scho care.
þane franit hire lorde son
quha sic thing had with hir done.
& scho til hire lorde cane say,
þe parise preste by hire lay.
þane þe lorde, þat wes angry,
to þe bischope þis tald in hy.
bot þe bischope wist in haste,
be schewing of þe haly gaste,
þat innocent þe prest wes;
ȝet wes he noyt neuire-þe-les
þat haly kirk suld sclaunderit be
or prestede in sic degre.
þane gert he prest & barne but delay
bryng til hyme þe ewine way.
as þai come til his presence,
he gert þe puple kepe scilence,


& to þe woman can he say:
“þis is þe prest þat by þe lay
& gat þis barne?” scho sad: “ȝa,”
& þe ȝung barne can ta
& kest It to þe prest rycht þare,
before al þat gadderit ware.
& þe bischope, þat wiste hale
þe falset of þe wifis tale,
sad to þe barne: “I byd þe now
in þe name of oure lord Ihesu,
goddis son, þat deit on tre,
quha is þi faddir, þu tel me!”
& lo, gret ferly for to say,
þe barne, þat borne wes þat day,
in manis voice ansuert þane,
& þe hand strekit to þe man,
sayand: “ȝone my faddir is,
þat with my modir did þis mys,
& ȝone prest sakles is but wen,
& is of gud lif & clene.”
& as þis wes tald þame til,
as kind requirit, þe barne held stil.
& al, þat þis ferly had sene
or herd, lowit god be-dene,
& thankit hyme as þare lorde,
þat þame had lent sa gud a hird.
þarfor, sanct niniane, I þe pray
þu succure vs & helpe ws ay,
þat we bruk in hewyn þe blise,
quhare we vat vele þu nov is.
[T]he bischope ȝet cuth nocht blyne
þat mare corne schupe god to wine,
in galouay vpe and done
on fete gangand fra tone to tone,
partand þe landis in paroch sere,


& kirkis mad quhare nan were,
& to serwe þame prestis mad,
& statis al at to sic had
partenyt. & eftir þat
his sonnis, þat he in criste gat,
confermyt in-to godis fay,
syne til his awne kirk held his way.
þar he had fundit a gret house
of gud men & of relegiouse,
godis seruice þare to say
& sing, til It be doumysday.
sa a tyme can befal
þat he ymang his brethire al
went to met in þe frature,
as he þat of þaim had þe cure,
to tak sic commone fude
as þai dide, il ore gude,
& saw þe burdis thru þe hale
þat seruice wes nane of cale.
þane þe monk, þat keping hade
of þe ȝard, he callit but bade,
& askit hyme quhy þat þai
vare nocht seruit of caile þat day.
þane sad he: “faddir, but wene
in þe ȝarde is nane erbe grene.”
& þe bischope, þat suth wiste,
bad hyme pas furth but ony first,
& quhat he in þe ȝard fand,
bryng til hyme in his hand.
& furth he went at byddyng,
þo he wiste weile to find na thing,
& in þe ȝard sone has sene
caile & leikis faire & grene,
& al þat men of had neide,
þane cummyne of nev sawine seide.
þe monk, þat saw þis ferly,


wes þane as in extasy,
seand niniane sa ful of grace,
þat gert þat greu in sa litil space;
lofand god þare-of tuke he,
& brocht befor þame al to se.
& god þai lowit mony-fald
for þis merwale, bath ȝung & ald.
to god þe fadir be lowinge,
þat for his seruand wrocht sic thinge,
to god þe sone ay honoure be,
þat menskyt hyme in sic degre,
til haly gaste als, god of mycht;
& til þame til-giddire richt,
þat sanct niniane mad sa mychtty
to wirk here sa gret ferly,
& for his trawal here with-al
to lestand joy [sen] can hyme cal.
[C]orne þane, I vndirstande,
wes nocht so plentuss in lande
as It is now, bot one bestiale
þe commonnis nere lifit hale;
for, quhare now þe corne is beste,
þat tyme wes [bot] wilde foreste.
sa tyd þat Niniane a tym wente
to se his catel in entente,
& to þe lug se quhat þai
had, & how þai lay,
& to gyf þame his blissinge,
to safe þame fra al Il thinge;
& ȝed a-boute þame in-virone
& gef þame goddis benysone.
& with þe stafe, in hand he had,
a circle a-bout þaim he mad,


& bad his hirdis þat his fe
þat nycht in þe circle suld be.
þan to þe catel þai tuk les kepe.
for-þi, as al men war on slepe,
thefis, þat cuth be-hald
þat þe catele ware nocht in fald,
in þe circle þane but dout
ȝed, for to steile þe catel owte.
bot a bule fers & fel,
as kepare of þe catel,
one þe maister thef ruschit
as brane woud, & til erde duschit,
& in þe wame racht hym sic a rout,
til al his guttis schot oute,
& sone one hyme ȝed with fete.
& þat taknis lestis ȝete,
sene in a stane in þat [ilk] stede,
quhare þe maister thefe wes dede.
& al þai schrawis euire-ilkane,
þat ware in þat circle gane,
wex woud, & mocht nocht gange away,
& bad þare til þe morne-day.
þare þe bischope fand þaim in þat stede,
& ymang þaim þe maister thef dede
vndir þare fete, quhare þai stude,
& al his feris brawne woude.
þane come feil þare-on to gowe,
of his ferly & gef god lowe.
bot þe byschape, þat pyte had,
sa prayt for þaim but a-bade,
þat he þat deit sa wrechitly
wes resuscit in til hy,
& to þame þat woud ware gane,
he purchasit wit, ore he fane.
þane askit þai hym forgiffnes,


& he ful mekly can þaim bles.
sic warkis did sancte Niniane here,
& mony vthire als and sere.
[O]f þe bischope þe nam ran sa
in al þe land to and fra,
& al þat ware honeste men
ȝarnit he suld þare barnis ken;
& he tacht þame for to be
godly vyse, & vicis fle.
sa ymang vthire wes ane,
þat he had til his doctrine tan,
þat had mysdone again bydding,
suppos It wes nocht ful gret thing;
& þe bischope wiste it in haste
threu schawing of þe haly gaste.
for to be befte he had drede.
a-way he stal ful gud spede,
&, trewand in þe halynes
þat he wist þan in his maister wes,
his patent can with hym ta
priuely, ore he wald ga,
trewand þare-of but were
to get helpe, gyf he had mystere,
& fleid a-way with It rycht faste—
to be befte he wes sa gaste—
ay, til he come to þe se,
ȝarnand oure it þane to be.
& as he rane on þe sand,
ane alde coble þare he fand,
þat mony hoilis in it had;
& put it to þe se but bad,
& lap þare-one forout drede,
in his purpos venand to spede.
bot, or it flet fra þe lande
sa far a[s] man mycht caste with hand,


þe coble be-guth to synke,
& þe barne hyme can on thinke
of þe mycht of sanct Niniane.
for-þi his stafe sone has he tan,
[&] in þe maste hoile he fand,
It thristit ful faste with his hand,
trewand succure for til hafe,
of his meryt þat acht þe stafe,
& askit pardone, gretand sare,
rycht as his maister had bene þare,
of þe myse þat he had wrocht
aganis hyme al for nocht.
sone wes þe coble haile & bene
as It wes euir, foroutyn wene;
& sa, þat patent gouernande,
haile & sounde he com to lande,
& lape sone out, & wes glad
þat he sic parele eschapit had.
& þe patent with hyme brocht,
quhare-of he saw sic wondir wrocht,
& in þe erde cane It thrink,
of þat merwale in remembryng,
requerand god it suld floure bere,
thru þe meryt of his maistere.
& wox it þar faste & al grene,
& bare flouris & froite, þat wes sene.
& syne eftir in procese
a gret tre & fayr it was.
& þat þe rut of it syne
þar sprang a wel fair & fyne
of watere, clere as cristel.
þar-of men syndry gettis heile,
in lowing of god, þat is ay
mare ferlyful þan men ma say
in halowis þat war til hym dere


& pleisit hyme til þai vare here;
as in his day did Niniane,
þat now helpis mony ane,
In quhat distresse sa-euir þai be
sted, in land ore ȝet be se.
the bischope passit a tyme percase
in þe land quhare his erand was,
& his bruthir prosebia,
a haly man, can with hyme ga.
for þat tyme wes na prelate
þat men gef til sa mikil state,
ȝet wald he mekly on fete ga
fra paroche kirk to and fra,
to visy in quhat wyse
þe kirkmen did þar seruice,
or hou lawit men can wirke
in þe treuth of haly kirke.
sa sayand þare psalmis be þe gate
rist þa cane, for it wes hate,
& fand a faire place, & set don,
to pray in mare deuocione.
& for þat cause athir his buke
opnyt & þare-one can luke.
& as þai goddis wark can wirk,
a cloud vondir blak & myrke
stroublit þe ayre, in sic manere
þat þe lifte, [þat] befor wes clere,
wes myrkare þane þe nycht.
& þare-with fel þe rane sa thycht
þat, quha þat þare had ben to se,
suld wene noyus flud suld be.
bot, quhare þire twa prayand ware,
þe fellone weddire þare forbare,
& as a circle þame about
þe myrke cloud wes haldine oute,
sa na rane mycht entre þare,


quhare þai brethir sittand ware,
þat mycht dere þaim quhare þai sete,
na claith na buk noþir wete.
& quhen þe cloud wes away,
þai rase & passit one þare way,
& lofit god hey one hycht,
þat sic solace had þaim dycht;
&, quhare þai wald be, com wele,
& did þare devore ilke deile,
as seruandis gud & leile,
to lofe of god & of saule-heile.
thru sic merakle sancte Niniane,
& fere gretare, clerly schane,
& thru [his] lif & his techinge
ensampil gef of gud lowing
til al þat mycht hym se ore here,
or quhare he can duel com nere;
for as a lavntern he wes lycht,
þat in myrknes giffis men sycht,
hou þai suld lefe erroure ay
And to uertu ches þe vay
& in þis mirknes gang sa ewine,
þat [þ]ay emples mycht god in hevyn;
& til men of al estate
ledar he wes of þe richt gat.
& quhen þe tyme cumyne was
þat he of þis lyf suld pas,
of parfit dat & rype elde,
þe dete of flesche he can ȝeld
of septembre þe xvi day,
þat quhythorne in-to galouay,
fra cristis birth thre hundir ȝere
& twa & thretty to þat nere;
& in sanct martynis kirke
wes enterit þat he gert virke,


& in a costlyk kiste of stane,
til mony ȝeris war ourgane.
þare god cesis nocht to virke
for hyme merakles, to strinth þe kirk.
rycht as he lefand here
ves clere in mony verkis sere,
sa god wirkis for hyme nov
ma ferlyis, for to ger men trew
þat, þo he of þe warld dede be,
god hyme has in mare dante,
to ger men honoure hyme here
& sek hyme of landis sere.
& he to al is helpe & bute
þat hyme sekis, on hors or fute.
for-þi, sancte Niniane, ve pray þe
þou oure aduocat sa vil be,
to hewinly blis we ma wyne
but schame, dete, & de[d]ly syne.
[O]fe þe ferlys þis is ane
þat god wrocht firste for s: Ninian,
fra þis lyfe fra he can wend,
lestandly with god to lend.
þar duelt a man in þat cunctre,
þat wes of bot sympil degre,
& one his wyf a knafe child gat,
þat fadire & modyre gert sare gret;
for thru it haldine wes þar name
in gret lak and in schame,
& to þe puple in vondrynge—
sa wes it borne a bys[n]yng—
& in gret horrour but wene
til al þat euire It had sene.
for a-gane kynd wes it sa,
þat bakwart stud heile & ta.


& þe face als to þe bake
It had, þat gretly wes to lake.
& þe hend part þare neste
of þe hed ves fast to þe breste.
handis & harmis to þe kne
var drawine as al ane suld be.
& vtrely wes it but profyte—
I vat nocht gyf nature had þe wit.
Nocht-þane lang tyme þai It fede,
for þai hyme gat in lachful bede,
& tretyt weile þat vnthrifte,
til eld had it brocht fra schrifte.
& quhen modir & fadire bath
had sorouyt til þe lyf þai lath,
þai held þame stil, þo þai wa ware,
nedly for þai mycht nomare.
& at þe laste ran þame to thocht
þat gret vondire sancte Niniane wrocht
of goddis grace, to quhom he
had bene seruand in al degre.
& in traste of his mykil mycht,
þai tuk vpe þat for-worthine wycht,
& brocht [it], quhar sancte Niniane lay,
& It done laid & cane say:
“sanct Niniane, tak þis gyfte,
ve þe bryng, a thing but thrifte;
þe quhethire, þo it lathly be,
inpossible is nocht to þe
for to recouer it, gyf þu wil;
þarfor we bryng [it] her þe til,
othir be þe to hafe remede
of þis mysfigur, or be dede.
þar-for profe þi mykil mycht
for goddis sak in þis wicht!”
& as þis done wes, in hart sare


þe bysnyne thing þai lefit þare,
& went agane to þare place,
gretand and sayand, “alace!”
[N]ow wil ve her a ferly tel
þat of s: Ninian þan befel.
for, as cumyn ves þe mydnycht,
þar apperit to þat ful wycht
a man schenand brycht & cler,
as dois þe sone þat ve se here,
& arayt in althing
as bischope þat mes suld syng;
& with his hand twechit lychtly
his hed & bad [hym] ryse in hy
& lofing til his savor ȝeld,
& one his vay þan furth helde.
þat bysnyne [thing] to þis tuk kepe,
& vaknit as of hewy slepe,
& raxit hyme, & recouerit wele
oyse of lymmys ilke deile;
as kynd wald it suld be,
sa wes he mad in al degre.
þane passit he furth on hame,
to þame þat of hym had sic scham;
& þane had þai gret Ioy & lykin[g]e,
& lofit deuotely hevynnis king,
& to þe abbay rane but mare,
& it tald til al þai fand þare
hou sanct Niniane had don þat thing.
þan gert þai þe bellis rynge,
& gert þis thing knawine be
til al þat ware in þe cunctre,
& gert it þare be put in wryt,
þat men suld lang-tym think on It.
I treu, þare lifis nane


þat al cane say of sancte Ninian,
þat wes sa mek a confessoure
& of vicis persecutore,
lofare of vertu & dyspysare
of þe warld, of hewine ȝarnar.
& for he studit here to be
pouer, in hewine rike is he.
ay wes he besy for sawle-heile
in gret trawale as seruand leile.
& for he sa weile [her] wrocht,
of hyme god forȝetful is nocht,
bot his relykis menskis ay,
quhare þai ar fe[r]terit in galouay.
þe quhilk fertir men beris ay
of witsone owke þe twysday,
vith festiuale processione,
til a chepal be-owt þe ton,
nere þe quartare of a myl,
&, as It þare has ben a quhile,
hame to þe abbay þai it bere
vith gret solempnyte & fere.
bot one It lais na man hand,
bot þe maste vorthi of þe land,
þat be lyne of successione,
beris it in processione.
& þat tyme for þe pardone gret
mony pressis þare it to get.
þat pardone is lestand ay
fra þe for-sad twysday
of sanct Johnne þe baptist to þe birth,
bath vith solempnite & mirth.
for-þi þat tyme ilke ȝere
men cumis of landis sere,
of france, of Ingland, & of spanȝe,
of þe pardone for be-wanȝe,


& of al landis þis halfe proyse
men cumis þare, of commone oyse,
of valis & Irland eke.
þar hyddir men wil seke,
in sic nowmir, I tak one hande,
þat sic day tene thousande
þar men wil [se], for-out mare
oftyme þat cumis þare.
& þar-of suld nane ferly,
for þe merwalis done Ithandly,
þat he kithis one sare & seke,
þat deuotely vil hyme seke,
or fastis vith deuocione
his fasting, þat nov is commone;
þat is, fryday fra þe novne
til sonday at þe mes be done.
& how men fastis it, gif þou vil spere,
thryse ilke rath of þe ȝere;
twise to-giddire, þe thrid be skil,
in þat quartare, quhen þu wil.
for he þat in honour of Niniane
deuotely þat faste has tane,
quhen he fastis, gyf þat he
in state of grace & gud lyfe be,
he sal eschewe of his ȝarnyng,
bot it be vnleful thing.
for at quhythorne is wrocht ilke day
fer ma vonderis þane I cane say,
of sancte Niniane be þe prayere
for men þat ar in parilis here,
one sey, one land, or in seknes,
or ony maner of distres;
of þe quhilkis, gyf I tald nov,
þe teynd part, men suld nocht trev.
for def men þar gettis herynge,


& blynd [men] als parfit seynge;
halt men als þare gettis bute,
þat has seknes in hand ore fute;
& dume [men] als gettis þe speke,
þat mekily vil Niniane seke;
and als of parlesy
men gettis þar heile parfitly;
& [sume thru] ydropcy [sa] grete
swolline, þat þai ma nocht ete,
ar swampe mad at þe prayere
of sanct Niniane, hale & fere;
& vthir þat of þare vit
vod war, gettis It;
& sume þat pane had of þe stane,
or seknes in-[to] flesch or bane,
or quhat-kyne Infirmyte
man haf, gyf þat he
socht sanct Niniane deuotely,
gat heile, þo it ware myslary,
thru þe giffar of al grace,
to quhame s: Niniane seruand vas.
& grant god þat we ma be
his seruandis in lyk degre,
of þis lyf [þat] we ma twyne
but det, schame, & dedly syne.
[O]f sanct Niniane ȝet I ȝu tel
a ferly þat in my tyme befel,
in galoway, til a nobil knycht,
þat sir fargus magdouel hicht,
& hardy vas of hart & hand,
& had þe leding of þe land,
in vorschipe & slachtyr bath
one Inglis-men to do skath.
& for þai had of hyme ay doute,


þai var richt besy ay aboute
to fynd sum get hyme to grewe,
gyf fortone wald thole þaim eschewe.
& quhen þai had sere vais socht,
& fand þat þai profit nocht,
þat þai mycht nocht do be mycht,
þai schupe þaim for to do be slycht;
& spyale gat to se quhen he
fra strinth of men mycht fundyn be,
þat þai mycht cum on hyme þane,
& tak hyme but skath of men.
þane þe thre counteis of carleile
to þis var accordit weile,
& borne of galouay gat a spy,
þat to vyne gold ves rycht besy;
for-þi stithly he swar þane,
þo he ves a scottis-mane,
þat he suddandly suld fulfil
þe connand he mad þame til;
& þai one [hand] tuk his payment,
in hope to fulfil þare entent,
& socht opartunyte
how þat best mycht þane be,
as vmquhyle did [fals] Iudas,
þat cristis awne discipil vas.
for is nane, I vndir-ta,
sa paytener, na sa fellone fa,
as is mast hamely, gyf þat he
vil wikit man or tratour be.
rycht sa þis man, þat vas hamely
with hyme, þane can hyme espy,
til he viste sere placis, quhar he
with fow folkis suld lugit be;
& þane to carleile vent one ane
& tald þar-of þe capytane
of his erand þat he had done.


& þane þe capytane alsone
þe thre counteis in til hy
gert be gadderit ful priwely,
& one in-to galouay rade
þe nycht þat þe triste ves made.
bot þe knycht, at viste nocht
of þis tresone aganis hym wrocht,
in til a housband ton þat nycht
to slepe & ese hyme can dycht.
& as he halfine-slepand lay
in his bed, befor þe day,
þar come a man lyk to be
a bischope in al degre,
& put one hyme fast twise or thrise,
& bad þat he suld [al]-son ryse;
for a gret oste of Ingland,
for to supprice hym, var cumand;
& bad hyme pas & haf na doute
to contre þaim, þo þai var stoute;
for he suld in his helping be.
þane askit he quhat vas he.
quod he: “Niniane is my name
in quhityr[n]e, quhare I duel at ham.”
þe knycht þane as a dochty man
dicht hyme belyf, & on hors van.
& quhen he bone ves to ryde,
he had na man vith hym þat tyde
þat ves gadderit ȝet hyme til,
bot twenty men, gud & il.
& his menstrale, Iak trumpoure,
þat vas gud man & gud burdoure,
of his maister vitand nocht,
na of þe gret oste hym þan socht,
come rydand thru þe vod percace,
quhar al þe fais cumand vas.
bot myste ves in sic degre


þat nan mocht a stane caste se.
bot Iak, þat vas be þe gat syd,
quhare þe Inglis com þat tyd,
and vend veile it had his lord bene,
þat gadderit had his men bedene,
vnwittand hyme, to mak sum rade,
& trumpit heily but abade,
& with al mycht bettir blew.
þe Inglis, þat [þat] blaste vele knew,
vend þar spy betraisit had
þame to þe knycht, & but abad
þai fled fast & durst nocht byd.
& þe knycht, one þe tothire syd,
quhen he hard his trumpat blaw,
come on hastely but ony haw,
quhare þai ware fleand, þe self vay.
& þar-with wox sa brycht þe day,
þat he saw þame fle but areste,
vnknyt scalit in þe foreste.
& þare-with sone gadderit þe land,
& til hyme com son on hand,
& þare fais, sa agaste,
þai chasit sa ferly fast,
þat þe best part of þaim ves slane,
& feile to ȝeld þaim vare rycht fayne;
quheine eschapit, but merdale,
þat for to tak ves nan awaile.
& sa wane þe scottis-men gret riches.
quhare-for þe land relewit vas.
& þe knycht reparit hame
vith wictory & with gud name,
& went to quhithorne but abad,
& to sanct Niniane offerand mad.
þar-of eftire, in schort quhile,
he gert his quere rycht wele tyle,


in mynd of þe dede, þat he
did for hyme in sic degre.
sa byrd al galouya hym honoure,
þat to þame is sic patronoure,
quhen þai ned haf, gyf þat þai
in stat of grace wil hym pray.
for-þi honoure be til hewynis king,
& to sanct Niniane honouryng
in al tyme of lifand men.
þar-to say we al “Amen.”
þis wes done but lessinge,
quhen sir davi bruys ves king.
[I]n Ingland syne betyd,
a wikit man, þat gret myse dede,
for his purpos to be tane
& put in pressone stith of stane.
& he, sa in pressone sted,
to de ful dede ves ful rad.
&, þo he wes in sic effray,
ȝet he vmthocht he herd say,
þat, quha-sa had vndirtane
to fast or sek s: Niniane,
þat he suld help þaim til cum out
of quhat parel þai had dout;
for-þi to sancte Niniane mad he
a wou, gyf he ware mad fre
of þat dout, þat he suld seke
sancte Niniane on his bare fet,
& fast his fast with gud wil,
gyf he mycht fredome get þare-til,
& þare, quhar he wes mad faste,
deuotely be-guth þe fast.
þane weilang in þat pyful pyt
in gret dissese he cane sit.


syne come þe serefe to þe ton,
&, to hald þe law, set done,
& gert þe mysdoaris bryng
to curt, to here chalansing
of sere trespas þat var done.
þane ves he brocht to curt sone,
& asyse callit of worthy men,
& he accusit stratl[y] þane
of sere poynttis, quhare-in he
had trespassit in þe cunctre,
& with asyse culpable mad,
& to þe gebet demyt but bad;
þane to þe rape wes til thifte.
a prest wes brocht to here his schrifte.
þane presit mony to conway
hyme to þe gebet ewine þe way,
& þat he suld nocht eschape,
about his nek þai knyt a rape,
& tit hym vpe, & lefit hyme þare,
& ilke man away can fayre.
bot, þo þat he ves for his gilt
be manis sicht sa foul spilt,
ȝet duelt ane by hyme, lik to be
a bischope in al degre,
þat kepit hyme sa in þat sted,
þat he mycht feile na pane of ded,
&, quhen nycht com, tuk hyme done,
& sad: “ga frely to þe ton
for-out dout of effray!”
þane cane þat wrech til hym say:
“gud man, for god I pray þe
tel quhat þu art þat helpis me!”
quod he: “Niniane is my name
at quhithirne qu[h]are I duel at ham,
& here is cummyne to helpe þe


for þi awou þu mad to me,
þare-for ga furth & be nocht rad,
þo þu be in parele sted,
for I sal ay be þe nere hand,
gyf þu be to me treu seruand.”
with þat he went away,
& þat catife but mare delay
vent to þe tone als apertly
as he had neuire bene gilty.
þane one þe morne at dais lycht,
as men one hym gottine had sycht,
þe keparis of þe law hym fand;
& smertly [þai] his handis band
be-hynd his bak, & sad þat he
suld mare treuly hangit be.
þane ves he harlit [furth] but let,
& hangit fast one a gebet,
& al bad by hyme in þat sted
til þame thocht þat he wes ded;
& syne [þai] held þare way bedene.
bot þe bischope, þat ves nocht sene,
helpyt hyme as he did are,
& to þe ton ek gert hym fare;
& þare duelt trastly þat nycht
til one þe morne [at] dais lycht,
& but dout [þane] vpe & done
did his erandis in þe ton.
bot þat day ore it wes none,
a seruand one hyme hand lad son,
& sad, with wichcraft he delt,
& feile men opynly he telt,
& sad þat he suld no mare
dissawe men as he did are.
& sone assemblit his commone


& harlit [hym] sone of þe towne,
&, his handis bundine bath
behynd his bak, [hangit] hyme rath,
& bad ȝet by in þat sted,
til þame thocht he ves ded;
& ilke man held his way.
bot þe bischope helpit hym ay,
as he befor twyse had done.
& to þe tone ȝet went he sone
& als pertly duelt als stil
as he had neuir done ony il.
bot or he had bene lang tym þare,
he ves hynt be how and hayre,
& to þe serefe brocht fut-hete.
þat gert hyme swere þare how-gat
þe ded he [had] eschapit thryse,
& he condempnyt be leile syse.
ansuere sone til hyme he ȝald,
& þe manere al hale hym tald
hou he mad, quhen he ves tane,
his awou til sancte Niniane
til fast his fasting, & þare til eke
on his [bare] fet hyme to sek,
gyf he wald helpe hym til eschape
þe schameful ded of sword or rape;
“þare-for, quhen ȝe hangit me,
venand weile I suld ded be,
sanct Niniane ves ay by me nere
& me kepit haile & fere,
& with me spak & bad me be
his seruand, & he suld kepe me.
& þat tym [þar] wes richt nane
mycht hyme se bot I alane.”
& quhen he has þis taile tald,
al had wondire, ȝung & ald,


þat he suld sa-gat eschape,
þat sa hangit ves vith þe rape
thre dais fra none to nycht
be lachtful Iugment & rycht.
þan þai haf to consel tane
þat for þe sak of sancte Niniane,
agane quham þai vald hald na strife,
þat þai vald gyf þe thefe þe lif,
þo þat tyme bot lytil fame
ves rysine of þis sancte Niniane.
þat man syne ȝerly can hym seke
al nakit, bot sark & breke,
Ilke ȝere, I tak one hand,
fra quhare he duelt in Ingland.
til god be Ioy & lowing ay,
þat sic meraklis for his schewit ay!
& þis sa schort tyme gane ves
þat ȝet it is in memor fresch.
Ane vthire tyme oure solouay sand
ane Inglis ost com in scotland
thru nydisdale þe ewine way,
þane socht in-to galouay;
& þat sa priuely v[e]s done
þat of þame vist rycht quhon,
til þe forrouris scalit ware
[our] al þe cunctre here & þare,
& prayt nere þe cunctre hale,
& brocht [þar pray] nere to þar stale.
þat þar abad nocht ful lang,
bot hame blyth went of þat fang;
& þar departyt [þai] þar pray,
& Ilkane a sere gat held away,
til þai come til þare wynny[n]g-place.
& ymang vthire ane þar wes


þat of retenu wes for þame
of þat land til a mychtty man,
þat in fet wes sa sek
& in handis & armis eke,
þat he mycht nocht gang of þe place,
na bryng his handis til his face
to fed hyme-self; ȝet wes he
þe mast fellone man þat mycht be,
& cruel and paytynere.
& at his sad man can he spere
hou þai had done quhare þa var,
& quhat wynnyng þai gat þare;
“& quhat my thred þarof sal be,”
he sad til hyme, “þu lat me se!”
quod he: “lord, sa haf I sele,
in galouay we haf don rycht wele,
& of þe thing þat I þare wane,
ȝe sal haf thred as of ȝure man,
of nowt, schepe, hors and ky;
& of þat land ȝet brocht haf I
a man to ȝou as presonere,
þar-with for to mend ȝoure chere.”
þan sad he: “mot weile þu fare!
for is nocht mycht ples me mare
þan a scot [þat] I mycht se.
for, þo [þat] I þis bundine be,
ȝet suld I sla hyme but abad,
þo I assith for þi part mad.”
þan smyland sad þe man hym til:
“me think ȝe [of] Il rewlit wil
gyf ȝe vald s[l]a, gyf þat ȝe mocht,
a presoner þat war ȝou brocht.”
sad he: “bath I wil & ma
hyme sla, gif þu dois as I say.


bundine bryng hyme to me but let,
& in my mouth þe heft þou set
& outwart þe blad of a knyfe;
& sone sal I ref his lyfe.”
þe squyar sad: “sir, be þe buke,
þe scottis-man þat I tuke,
to saufe his lyf I hicht lely
for it þat he mycht gif gudly;
þar-for wil I nocht thole þat he
be sa slane, for ocht ma be.”
ȝet þe squyar had hyme brocht
til his presence, þo he wist nocht,
þat herd hym schew þe fellone wil
al scottis-men þat he had til,
& sad: “sir, quhat wynnyng had ȝe,
þo ȝe had mycht, to sla me?
bettir war to be stil,
þane desyre a man to spil;
for to god I cont a fa
þat but chesone a man wald sla.
bot god forbed þat man mychtty
to sla war of sic fellonny
as ȝe, gif ȝe ȝour handis had!
for bettir ware a wou ȝe mad
one godis half to sancte Ninian,
to sek hyme sone, or ȝe fane;
for of his helpe recouer ȝe may
al ȝour lymmys, I dare say.”
þan sad he: “is þu þe scot
þat my squyere withoutyn dout
hecht þu suld safit be?
for, gif ne þat ware, sa mot I the,
in my mouth suld cum na bred
til þat sudandly þu war ded;
þo in my mouth I held þe knyfe,
ȝet suld þu þar-with lef þe life.”


þan sad he: “sir, I consel ȝow
to sancte Niniane ȝet ȝe awou,
in gud entent & hart meke
ȝe faste his faste, & hyme seke
in hope þat he grace sal gif ȝou til,
to wauld ȝoure lymmys at ȝour wil.
for I wat weile, he is of mycht
to ger ȝu haf ȝoure lymmys rycht,
be sere ferlyse I wat [þat] he
has wrocht in mony infirmyte.”
his spek cane þe lord enples
sume-thing & his hart gef ese.
quod þe lord: “þo I ne trew
al þat þu sais me as now,
ȝet sal I in-[to] galouay fare
but bad, to sanct Niniane þare,
& fast deuotely his fasting,
of my lymmys for recouering.
& þu sal byd me here behynde,
in case þo he wil nocht me mende,
þat þu ma lose þe lif with schame
for þi spekine, quhen I cume hame.”
þane vrat he for a condyt,
& it was grantit hym tyt;
& he rycht rathly mad ȝare,
& furth on sown can he fare,
to sek sancte Ninian in galouay
& for his heile til hym pray.
& to þe place as he ves cumyne,
men of his hors hym has nummyn,
& in-[to] þe kirk, or þai fane,
þai brocht hym befor s: Ninian,
& mad hym þar a bed fut-hat,
as efferit til his estate.
þe mast part of þat nycht he lay


vakand, & ȝarne can pray
to s: Niniane, hyme to mend
& in his lymmys helpe hym send.
& al þe morne duelt he stil,
prayand sumdele with Iwil vil,
for he gat nocht heile sa sone
as he demyt he suld haf done.
ȝet duelt he þar þat nycht stil
& þe hale morne þar-til,
vith angry wil, for þat he,
as he vald, mycht nocht helpyn be,
& faucht & flat with Niniane,
& sad oftyme hyme al-ane:
“ves I nocht wele prowit a sot,
þat trewit sa son to þe scot,
þat sa stratly had vndirtane
his scottis lord s: Niniane
suld gyf me heile, gif I hym socht?
bot þat ves fals, for he ne mocht;
& suppos þat he had mycht
to helpe me as þe scot hicht,
I suld haf wityne, had I bene
vyse & put out of wene,
þat scottis-man of galouay þan
suld neuire helpe ony Inglis-man
or ȝet recouer hym of his sare,
bot erare purchas þat he sek vare.
þarfor, gif I ma cum hame,
þe scot sal de vith gret schame,
þat gert me mak þis travale,
hichtand It suld me awale!”
vith þis he left nocht, bot efte can ban
sancte Niniane, þe haly man;
for men hurt communly
ar mar turne & mare angry,
one quhat wyis sa it fal,


þane he þat has his lymmys al;
& eth is for til eke
disese til hyme þat is seke.
& fywe causis ar þai sere
quhy men ar torment[it] here:
othir for vertu in prowyng,
as tyd of Iob in fanding,
for he held ay tholmodnes
in tynsale of gud & seknes;
or of meknes for ȝemsele,
as to sancte paule quhile befel,
þat had gret fanding in his flesch
to hald hyme in-to meknes,
ellis [he] suld oure proud haf bene
for þe sicht he in hewine had sene.
þe thrid cause is but were
for synnis to be clengit here,
as tyd of hyme lang can ly
in seknes of perlesy,
to quham criste sad: “ryse al fre,
for þi syne is forgiffine þe.”
þe ferd is, to mak vnhyd
þe Ioy of god, as quhile betyd
of hym þat borne ves blynd man
& syne thru criste his sicht wan.
þe fyft is, þe betaknyng
of al-lestand dampnynge,
as first here þare be giffine
& syne euir in hel to vyne,
as of Iudas quhyl betyd
for þe tresone he crist did.
bot quhilk [of] þir causis gert be
þis man in torment, nov sa ȝe!
þane, quhen he had chyd his fil,
his men mekly sad hyme til:


“sir, ȝe ma haf na bewayne
vith sanctis þis to mak bargane,
for of þame for ony thret
men ar nocht wont þare erand get,
bot erare mon be [askit] þai
vith meknes þan with outray.
þarfor lefis ȝoure crabitnes,
& þis a nycht with meknes
to s: Niniane makis prayere
þat he will mak ȝow haile & fere,
& to-morne but [mar] delay,
gyf ȝe wil, fare hame ȝoure way!”
& þat nycht as he slepand lay,
a lytil befor þe day,
ane put one hyme, lyk to be
a bischope in al degre.
þane waknyt he in gret affray,
& sone to þat man cane say:
“I pray þe, þat waknis me,
tel me þi nam quhat þu be!”
quod he: “Niniane is myn name,
þat þe waknis for to blame
for þe foly þat þu ded,
quhen þu with me sa roydely chid,
& mystrowand þat I mocht
helpe þe ocht, þu me socht.
þare þu mysdid, nocht anerly
to me, bot to god almychtty,
mystrowand he wald gif me mycht
þi lath lymmys for to rycht;
& nocht conuertand þare-of þane,
sad þu suld ger sla my mane;
for he for þi gud eggit þe
to cum here þe way to sek me.
bot þu sal wit now be sycht


þat god has grantit me sic mycht,
þat I ma helpe quhom I wil,
þat mekly sekis here me til.
þi lymmys haile & fare sal be,
bot with þine ene þu sal nocht se,
þat vthire ma ensample tak
vith halouys bargane to mak.
bot ga þu nov hale ham, & send me,
my man, [þo] þu stane-blynd be,
or þu sal wyt I ame of mycht
ver þane þu wes þe to dycht.”
þis sanct Niniane vent away,
& þat fellone, quhare he lay,
raxit hyme, & fand hale
his lymmys al þat mad hym bale;
& bad his curting vpe suld be
drawine, þe lycht for to se.
& quhene it vpe ves tycht,
þane wist he he [had] tynt þe sycht,
& gretand sare he sad: “alace!
for myn ogart I haf tynt grace!
þat is oure-weile kyd one me;
for blynd I ame quhyt & fre.
but lofit be þu, sancte Niniane;
þocht þu fra me þe sycht has tane,
my lymmys hale þu has me lent,
quhare-in lang I haf had turment,
to gere be [me] mysterful kene
þat wele þu may helpe al mene,
& to be were be me þat þai
nocht bot lowyng of þe say;
for be me knawine has þu made
þat þu cane helpe & hurt but bade.”
þane went he one-til his lande,
& þis tald til al he fande,


& sone his presonere hame sende,
& gef hyme gud, hyme til amende.
for-þi, Ioyful sanct Niniane,
þat oft helpis mony ane,
agane al fais þu helpe me,
sene or vnsene quethir þai be,
& gyf me grace sa til lif here,
quhethire I be haile or ellis fere,
out of þis varld I ma twyne
but schame, det, & dedly syne.
[A] lytil tale ȝet herd I tel,
þat in to my tyme befel,
of a gudman, in murrefe borne
in elgyne, & his kine beforne,
& callit vas a faithful man
vith al þame þat hyme knew þan;
& þis mare trastely I say,
for I kend hyme weile mony day.
Iohne balormy ves his name,
a man of ful gud fame.
& in processe of tyme tyd hyme
til haf þe worme in til his lyme,
& wrocht sa in his schank & kne,
þat bath ware þai lyk tynt to be;
for bath þai var sa swollyne
of þat worme fellone, & bollyne,
& þat syndry holis rynnand,
þat one þat syd he mycht nocht stand,
na gang na fut of þe sted
to wyne his fude na eschew ded.
& þat held hyme ful thre ȝere,
ay were & were in þat manere,
þat helpe of gris gat he nane,
na of charme, na of stane.
syne a tyme, as he lay,


hyme come to mynd [þat] he herd say,
þat, quha wald sanct Niniane seke
& to fast his fasting awou eke,
þat he suld gif þaim þare askyn[g]e,
bot it ware wnleful thyng.
þarfor he awouyt, ore he fayne,
to fast & sek sanct Niniane,
in hope sic grace he suld gif hyme,
þat he mycht weile recouer þe lyme.
& fra he sic awou had made,
of þe mast redy gud he hade,
sone his spending he can [mak] ȝare
þar-with he suld to quhythorne fare,
& gat men to by hyme be,
to helpe hyme in necessyte.
& quhen þis wes redy made,
he fure his way but abade,
& held one þe nerraste way
quhar met & drink ves fundine ay.
& mylys are, quha cane tel,
fra eglyne, quhar he can duel,
to quhythirne, I dare say,
twa hundre myle of met way.
ȝet with disese and payne
ydire he wane, & ves fayne.
& quhen he come to þe kirk,
þai tuk hyme of his hors [ful] Irke,
& one twa handis & a kne
to þe hye altere trawalyt he,
& offerit þare; & men hyme dycht
a bed to ly [on] in þat nycht.
& he, þat sare wes & wery,
slepit oure þat nycht sadly.
& one þe morne, as It dew day,
til hyme, þat halfly-slepand lay,


sancte Niniane cane apere,
& teyndirly cane at hyme spere
gif he in wil wes to fulfil
þe awou he mad hyme til.
quod he, ȝa, for wa or weile
he suld fulfill it ilke deile.
þane sad sanct Niniane: “þo I spere,
þi gud wil haf I nocht in were;
bot sen þu has with gret disese
þis trawele mad me til enples,
I lat þe wit þu sal nocht
þi erand tyne þat þu has thocht.
for-þi gang hame, quhen-euir þu wil!
for, þo þu cume one hors me til,
to gang hame þu sal hable be
one þi fete in prosperyte,
& haf þi lyme hale & lycht,
as euire þu had in þi mast mycht.”
& as day come, he fand his schank
hale & fere, & ȝarne can thank
god of his grace, & sanct Niniane,
& mad þis kyd til mony ane;
for bath his schank & his kne
ware als haile in al degre
as þai ony tyme befor wes,
owtane þare wes les of flesche
& smallare sum part but wene
þane þe todire leg had bene.
& þis mer[w]alle wes mad kyd. [OMITTED]