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The works of Sr William Davenant

... Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which he design'd for the Press: Now published Out of the Authors Originall Copies

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Written by the Author during his imprisonment.


Canto the First.


The People, left by Gartha, leave to mourn;
And worship Hermegild for her return.
The wounded Hurgonil by Orna cur'd;
Their loyal loves by marriage plight assur'd.
In Laura's hasty change, Love's pow'r appears,
And Tybalt seeks the kindness which he fears.


When sad Verona saw in Gartha's shape
Departed Peace brought back, the Court they prais'd;
And seem'd so joy'd as Cities which escape
A siege, that by their own brave Sallies rais'd.


And Hermegild, to make her triumph long,
Through all the streets his Chariot slowly drove;
Whilst she endures the kindness of the Throng,
Though rude, as was their rage, is now their love.


On Hermegild (so longingly desir'd
From Hubert's Camp) with Childish Eyes they gaze;
They worship now, what late they but admir'd,
And all his Arts to mighty Magick raise.


On both they such abundant Blessings throw,
As if those num'rous Priests who here reside,
(Loath to out-live this joy) assembled now
In haste to bless the Laytie e're they dyde.


Thus dignify'd, and Crown'd through all the Streets
To Court they come; where them wise Aribert
Not weakly with a publick passion meets;
But in his open'd Face conceal'd his heart.


With mod'rate joy he took this Pledge of Peace,
Because great joys infer to judging eyes
The minde distress'd before; and in distress,
Thrones, which are jealous Forts, think all are Spies.



Yet, by degrees, a Soul delighted showes
To Gartha, whom he leads to Rhodalind;
And soon to Hermegild as artless grows
As Maids, and like successful Lovers kind.


And Rhodalind, though bred to daily sight
Of Courts feign'd Faces, and pretended hearts,
(In which disguises Courts take no delight,
But little mischiefs shun by little Arts.)


She, when she Gartha saw, no kindness feign'd;
But faithfully her former rage excus'd;
For now she others sorrows entertain'd,
As if to love, a Maid's first sorrow us'd,


Yet did her first with cautious gladness meet;
Then soon from grave respect to fondness grew;
To kisses in their taste and odour sweet,
As Hybla Hony, or Arabian Dew.


And Gartha like an Eastern Monarch's Bride,
This publick love with bashful homage took;
For she had learn'd from Hermegild to hide
A rising Heart, behind a falling Look.


Thus, mask'd with meekness, she does much intreat
A pardon for that Storm her sorrow rais'd;
Which Rhodalind more sues she would forget,
Unless to have so just a sorrow prais'd.


Soon is this joy through all the Court dispers'd;
So high they value peace, who daily are
In Prides invasions, private faction, vers'd;
The small, but fruitful seed of publick warre.


Whilst thus sweet Peace had others joys assur'd,
Orna with hopes of sweeter Love was pleas'd;
For of war's wounds brave Hurgonil was cur'd;
And those of love, which deeper reach'd, were eas'd.


In both these cures her Sov'raign help appears,
Since as her double Patient he receiv'd
For bloody wounds, Balm, from her precious tears,
And bloodless wounds of love her vowes reliev'd.


She let no med'cinal Flow'r in quiet grow,
No Art lie hid, nor Artist ease his thought,
No Fane be shut, no Priest from Altars goe,
Nor in Heav'n's Quire no Saint remain unsought,


Nor more her Eyes could ease of sleep esteem
Then sleep can the world's Eye, the Sun, conceal;
Nor breath'd she but in vows to Heav'n, or him,
Till Heav'n, and she, his diff'rent wounds did heal.



But now she needs those ayds she did dispence;
For scarce her cures were on him perfect grown,
E're shame afflicts her for that diligence,
Which Love had in her fits of pitty shown,


When she (though made of cautious bashfulness)
Whilst him in wounds a smarting Feaver burn'd,
Invok'd remotest aydes to his redress,
And with a loud ungovern'd kindness mourn'd.


When o're him then, whilst parting life She ru'd,
Her kisses faster (though unknown before)
Then Blossomes fall on parting Spring, she strew'd;
Then Blossomes sweeter, and in number more.


But now when from her busie Maid she knew
How wildly Grief had led her Love abroad,
Unmask'd to all, she her own Pris'ner grew;
By shame, a Virgin's Native Conscience, aw'd.


With undirected Eyes which careless rove,
With thoughts too singly to her self confin'd,
She blushing, starts at her remember'd love,
And grieves the world had Eyes, when that was blind.


Sad darkness, which does other Virgins fright,
Now boldly and alone, she entertain'd;
And shuns her Lover, like the Traytor, light,
Till he her curtains drew, and thus complain'd.


Why, bashfull Maid, will you your beauty hide
Because your fairer Mind, your Love, is known?
So Jewellers conceal with artfull pride
Their second wealth, after the best is shown.


In pitty's passion you unvail'd your Minde;
Let him not fall, whom you did help to climbe;
Nor seem by being bashful, so unkinde
As if you think your pitty was a crime.


O useless shame! Officious bashfulness!
Vertues vain signe, which onely there appears
Where Vertue grows erroneous by excess,
And shapes more sins, then frighted Conscience fears.


Your Blushes, which to meer complexion grow,
You must as nature, not as vertue own;
And for your open'd Love, you but blush so
As guiltless Roses blush that they are blown.


As well the Morn (whose Essence Poets made,
And gave her bashful Eyes) we may believe
Does blush for what she sees through Nights thin shade,
As that you can for love discover'd grieve.



Arise! and all the Flowers of ev'ry Mead
(Which weeping through your Stills my health restor'd)
Bring to the Temple to adorn your Head,
And there where you did worship, be ador'd.


This with a low regard (but voice rais'd high
By joys of Love) he spake; and not less kinde
Was now (ent'ring with native harmony,
Like forward spring) the blooming Rhodalind.


Like Summer, goodly Gartha, fully blown;
Laura, like Autumn, with as ripe a look;
But shew'd, by some chill griefs, her Sun was gon,
Arnold, from whom she Life's short glory took.


Like Winter, Hermegild; yet not so gray
And cold, but that his fashion seem'd to boast,
That even weak Winter is allow'd some day,
And the Ayre cleer, and healthfull in a Frost.


All these, and Tybalt too (unless a Spy
He be, watching who thrives in Laura's sight)
Came hither, as in kinde conspiracy,
To hasten Orna to her marriage plight.


And now the Priests prepare for this high vow
All Rites, that to their Lawes can add a grace;
To which the sequent knot they not allow,
Till a spent Morn recovers all her Face.


And now the Streets like Summer Meads appear!
For with sweet strewings Maids left Gardens bare,
As Lovers wish their sweeter Bosomes were,
When hid unkindly by dishevel'd Haire.


And Orna now (importun'd to possess
Her long wish'd joys) breaks through her blushes so
As the fair Morn breaks through her rosyness;
And from a like guilt did their blushes grow.


She thinks her Love's high sickness now appears
A fit so weak, as does no med'cine need;
So soon society can cure those feares
On which the Coward, Solitude, does feed.


They with united joy blest Hurgonil
And Orna to the sacred Temple bring;
Whilst all the Court in triumph shew their Skill,
As if long bred by a triumphant King.


Such dayes of joy, before the marriage day,
The Lombards long by custome had embrac't;
Custom, which all, rather then Law obey,
For Lawes by force, Customes, by pleasure last.



And wisely Ancients by this needfull snare
Of gilded joys, did hide such bitterness
As most in marriage swallow with that care,
Which bashfully the wise will ne'r confess.


'Tis Statesmens musick, who States Fowlers be,
And singing Birds, to catch the wilder, set;
So bring in more to tame society;
For wedlock, to the wilde, is the States Net.


And this loud joy, before the marriage Rites,
Like Battails Musick which to fights prepare,
Many to strife and sad success invites;
For marriage is too oft but civil Warr.


A truth too amply known to those who read
Great Hymen's Roles; though he from Lovers Eyes
Hides his most Tragick stories of the Dead,
Least all, like Goths, should 'gainst his Temples rise.


And thou (what ere thou art, who dost perchance
With a hot Reader's haste, this Song pursue)
Mayst finde, too soon, thou dost too far advance,
And wish it all unread, or else untrue.


For it is sung (though by a mourning voice)
That in the Ides before these Lovers had,
With Hymens publick hand, confirm'd their choice,
A cruel practise did their peace invade.


For Hermegild, too studiously foresaw
The Counts allyance with the Duke's high blood,
Might from the Lombards such affection draw,
As could by Hubert never be withstood.


And he in haste with Gartha does retire,
Where thus his Breast he opens to prevent,
That Hymen's hallow'd Torch may not take fire,
When all these lesser lights of joy are spent.


High Heaven (from whose best Lights your beauty grows,
Born high, as highest Mindes) preserve you still
From such, who then appear resistless Foes,
When they allyance joyn to Armes and Skill!


Most by conjuction Planets harmfull are;
So Rivers joyning overflow the Land,
And Forces joyn'd make that destructive warre,
Which else our common conduct may withstand.


Their Knees to Hurgonil the People bow
And worship Orna in her Brothers right;
They must be sever'd, or like Palms will grow,
Which planted near, out-climbe their native height.



As Windes, whose violence out-does all art,
Act all unseen; so we as secretly
These Branches of that Cedar Gondibert
Must force till his deep Root in rising dy.


If we make noise whilst our deep workings last,
Such rumour through thick Towns unheeded flies,
As winds through woods, and we (our great work past)
Like winds will silence Tongues, and scape from Eyes.


E're this dark lesson she was clearer taught,
His enter'd Slaves place at her rev'renc'd Feet
A spacious Cabinet, with all things fraught,
Which seem'd for wearing artful, rich, and sweet.


With leisurely delight, she by degrees
Lifts ev'ry Till, does ev'ry Drawer draw;
But nought which to her Sex belongs she sees;
And for the Male all nice adornments saw.


This seem'd to breed some strangeness in her Eyes;
Which like a wanton wonder there began;
But strait she in the Lower Closet spies
Th' accomplish'd dress, and Garments of a Man.


Then starting, she her Hand shrunk nicely back;
As if she had been stung, or that she fear'd
This Garment was the skin of that old Snake.
Which at the fatal Tree like Man appear'd.


Th' ambitious Maid at scornfull distance stood;
And bravely seem'd of Love's low vices free;
Though vicious in her minde, not in her blood:
Ambition is the Mindes immodestie!


He knew great mindes disorder'd by mistake,
Defend through pride, the errors they repent;
And with a Lovers fearfulness he spake
Thus humbly, that extremes he might prevent.


How ill (delightfull Maid!) shall I deserve
My Life's last flame, fed by your beauty's fire,
If I shall vex your vertues, that preserve
Others weak vertues, which would else expire.


How, more then death, shall I my life despise,
When your fear'd frowns, make me your service fear;
When I scarce dare to say, that the disguise
You shrink to see, you must vouchsafe to wear.


So rude a Law your int'rest will impose:
And solid int'rest must not yield to shame:
Vain shame, which fears you should such honor lose
As lasts but by intelligence with Fame.



Number, which makes opinion Law, can turn
This shape to fashion, which you scorn to use,
Because not by your Sex as fashion worn;
And fashion is but that which Numbers chuse,


If you approve what Numbers lawful think,
Be bold, for Number cancels bashfulness;
Extremes, from which a King would blushing shrink,
Unblushing Senates act as no excess.


Thus he his thoughts (the picture of his minde)
By a dark Vayle to sudden sight deny'd;
That she might prise, what seem'd so hard to finde;
For Curtains promise worth in what they hide.


He said her Manhood would not strange appear
In Court, where all the fashion is disguise;
Where Masquerades are serious all the year;
None known but strangers, nor secure but Spies.


All rules he reads of living great in Courts;
Which some the Art of wise dissembling call;
For Pow'r (born to have Foes) much weight supports
By their false strength who thrust to make it fall.


He bids her wear her beauty free as light;
By Eares as open be to all endeer'd;
For the unthinking Croud judge by their sight;
And seem half eas'd, when they are fully heard.


He shuts her Breast even from familiar Eyes;
For he who secrets (Pow'r's chief Treasure) spends
To purchase Friendship, friendship dearly buys:
Since Pow'r seeks great Confed'rates, more then Friends.


And now with Councels more particular,
He taught her how to wear tow'rdes Rhodalind
Her looks; which of the Minde false pictures are;
And then how Orna may believe her kinde.


How Laura too may be (whose practis'd Eyes
Can more detect the shape of forward love)
By treaty caught, though not by a surprise;
Whose aid would precious to her faction prove.


But here he ends his Lecture, for he spy'd
(Adorn'd, as if to grace Magnifique Feasts)
Bright Rhodalind, with the elected Bride;
And with the Bride, all her selected Guests.


They Gartha in their civil pity sought;
Whom they in midst of triumphs mist, and feare
Least her full Breast (with Huberts sorrows fraught)
She, like a Mourner, came to empty here.



But she, and Hermegild, are wilde with hast,
As Traytors are whom Visitants surprise;
Decyph'ring that which fearfully they cast
In some dark place, where viler Treason lies.


So open they the fatal Cabinet,
To shut things slighter with the Consequent;
Then soon their rally'd looks in posture set;
And boldly with them to their triumphs went.


Tybalt, who Laura gravely ever led,
With ceaseless whispers laggs behinde the Train;
Trys, since her wary Governour is dead,
How the fair Fort he may by Treaty gain.


For now unhappy Arnold she forsakes;
Yet is he blest that she does various prove,
When his spent heart for no unkindness akes;
Since from the light as sever'd as from Love.


Yet as in storms and sickness newly gon,
Some Clouds a while, and strokes of faintness last;
So, in her brow, so much of grief is shown,
As shews a Tempest, or a sickness past.


But him no more with such sad Eyes she seeks,
As even at Feasts would make old Tyrants weep;
Nor more attempts to wake him with such shreeks,
As threatned all where Death's deaf Pris'ners sleep.


Hugo and him, as Leaders now she names,
Not much as Lovers does their fame approve;
Nor her own fate, but chance of battel blames;
As if they dy'd for honor, not for love.


This Tybalt saw, and findes that the turn'd Stream
Came fairly flowing to refresh his heart;
Yet could he not forget the kinde esteem
She lately had of Arnold's high desert.


Nor does it often scape his memory,
How gravely he had vowd, that if her Eyes,
After such Showres of Love, were quickly drie,
He would them more then Lamps in Tombs despise.


And whilst he watch'd like an industrious Spy
Her Sexes changes, and revolts of youth;
He still reviv'd this vow as solemnly,
As Senates Count'nance Laws, or Synods, Truth.


But Men are frail, more Glass then Women are!
Tybalt, who with a stay'd judicious heart
Would love, grows vain amidst his gravest care:
Love free by nature, scorns the Bonds of Art!



Laura (whose Fort he by approach would gain)
With a weak sigh blows up his Mine, and Smiles;
Gives fire but with her Eye, and he is slain;
Or treats, and with a whisper him beguiles.


Nor force of Arms or Arts (O Love!) endures
Thy mightyness; and since we must discern
Diseases fully e're we study cures;
And our own force by others weakness learn;


Let me to Courts and Camps thy Agent be,
Where all their weakness and diseases spring
From their not knowing, and not hon'ring thee
In those, who Nature in thy triumphs sing.


Canto the Second.


Whilst Birtha and the Duke their joyes persue
In conqu'ring Love, Fate does them both subdue
With triumphs, which from Court young Orgo brought;
And have in Goltho greater triumphs wrought:
Whose hopes the quiet Ulfinore does bear
With patience feign'd, and with a hidden fear.


The prosp'rous Gondibert from Birtha gains
All bashful plights a Maids first bounties give;
Fast vows, which binde Love's Captives more then chains,
Yet free Love's Saints in chosen bondage live.


Few were the dayes, and swiftly seem'd to waste,
Which thus he in his mindes fruition spent;
And least some envious Cloud should overcast
His Love's fair Morn, oft to his Camp he sent;


To Bergamo, where still intrenched were
Those Youth, whom first his Father's Army bred;
Who ill the rumor of his wounds did bear,
Though he that gave them, of his own be dead.


And worse those haughty threat'nings they abhor,
Which Fame from Brescia's ancient Fighters brought;
Vain Fame, the Peoples trusted Orator,
Whose speech (too fluent) their mistakes has wrought.


Oft Goltho with his temp'rate Councels went,
To quench whom Fame to dang'rous fury warm'd;
Till temp'rately his dangers they resent,
And think him safest in their patience arm'd.


And safe now is his love, as love could be,
If all the World like old Arcadia were;
Honor the Monarch, and all Lovers free
From jealousie, as safety is from fear.


And Birtha's heart does to his civil Breast
As much for ease and peace, as safety come;
For there 'tis serv'd and treated as a Guest,
But watch'd, and taught, and often chid at home.



Like great and good Confed'rates, whose designe
Invades not others but secures their own,
So they in just and vertuous hopes combine,
And are, like new Confed'rates, busie grown.


With whisper earnest, and now grave with thought;
They walk consulting, standing they debate;
And then seek shades, where they in vaine are sought
By servants who intrude and think they waite.


In this great League, their most important care
Was to dispatch their Rites; yet so provide,
That all the Court might think them free as ayre,
When fast as faith, they were by Hymen ty'd.


For if the King (said he) our love surprise,
His stormy rage will it rebellion call;
Who claims to chuse the Brides of his Allys;
And in that storm our joys in blossome fall.


Our love, your cautious Father onely knowes
(On whose safe prudence, Senates may depend)
And Goltho, who to time few reck'nings owes,
Yet can discharge all duties of a Friend.


Such was his minde, and hers (more busy) shows
That bonds of love doe make her longer fast
Then Hymen's knot, as plain Religion does,
Longer then Rites (Religion's fashions) last.


That her discretion somewhat does appeare,
Since she can Love, her minds chief beauty, hide
Which never farther went then Thula's Eare,
Who had (alass) but for that secret di'de.


That she already had disguises fram'd,
And sought out Caves where she might closs reside
As being, nor unwilling nor asham'd
To live his Captive, so she die his Bride.


Full of themselves, delight them onward leads,
Where in the Front was to remoter view
Exalted Hills, and neerer prostrate Meads,
With Forrests flanck'd, where shade to darkness


Beneath that shade, Two Rivers slily steal,
Through narrow walks, to vvider Adice,
VVho swallows both, till proudly she does swell,
And hasts to shew her beauty to the Sea.


And here, whilst forth he sends his ranging Eie,
Orgo he spies; who plies the spur so fast,
As if with nevves of Vict'ry he vvould flie
To leave svvift Fame behinde him by his haste.



If (said the Duke) because this Boy is come
I second gladness shew, doe not suppose
I spread my Breast to give new Comforts roome,
That were to welcome rain where Nylus flowes.


Though the unripe appearance of a Page
For weighty trust, may render him too weak,
Yet this is he, who more then cautious Age,
Or like calm Death, will bury what we speak.


This, Birtha, is the Boy, whose skilless face
Is safe from jealousie of oldest spies;
In whom, by whisper, we from distant place
May meet, or wink our meaning to his Eyes.


More had he said to gain him her esteem,
But Orgo enters speechless with his Speed;
And by his looks more full of haste did seem,
Then when his spurs provok'd his flying steed.


And with his first recover'd breath he cryes;
Hayle my lov'd Lord; whom Fame does vallue so,
That when she swift with your successes flies,
She feares to wrong the World in being slow.


I bring you more then tasts of Fortune's love,
Yet am afraid I err, in having dar'd
To think her favours could your gladness move;
Who have more worth then Fortune can reward.


The Duke, with smiles, forewarns his hasty Tongue;
As loath he should proceed in telling more;
Kindly afraid to do his kindness wrong,
By hearing what he thought he knew before.


Thy diligence (said he) is high desert;
It does in youth supply defects of skil;
And is of duty the most useful part;
Yet art thou now but slow to Hurgonil.


Who hither by the Moons imperfect light
Came and return'd, without the help of day,
To tell me he has Orna's Virgin plight,
And that their nuptials for my presence stay.


Orgo reply'd, though that a triumph be
Where all false Lovers are, like savage Kings,
Led Captive after Love's great Victory,
It does but promise what your triumph brings.


It was the Eve to this your Holy-day!
And now Verona Mistriss does appear
Of Lombardy; and all the Flowers which May
E're wore, does as the Countrie's favours wear.



The weary Eccho from the Hills makes haste;
Vex'd that the Bells still call for her replies
When they so many are, and ring so faste;
Yet oft are silenc'd by the Peoples cries:


Who send to Heav'n the name of Rhodalind,
And then Duke Gondibert as high they raise,
To both with all their publick passion kinde,
If kindness shine in wishes and in praise.


The King this day made your adoption known,
Proclaim'd you to the Empire next ally'd,
As heir to all his Conquests and his Crown,
For royal Rhodalind must be your Bride.


Not all the dangers valor findes in war,
Love meets in Courts, or pride to Courts procures,
When sick with peace they hot in faction are,
Can make such fears as now the Duke endures.


Nor all those fears which ev'ry Maid has found,
On whose first Guards, Love by surprises steals,
(Whose sightless Arrow makes a cureless wound)
Are like to this which doubtful Birtha feels.


He from his looks wild wonder strives to chace;
Strives more to teach his Manhood to resist
Death in her Eyes; and then with all the grace
Of seeming pleasure, Orgo he dismist.


And Orgo being gone, low as her knees
Could fall, she fell; and soon he bends as low
With weight of heart; griev'd that no Grave he sees,
To sink, where love no more can sorrow know.


Her sighs as showrs lay windes, are calm'd with tears;
And parting life seems stay'd awhile to take
A civil leave, whilst her pale visage wears
A cleerer Sky, and thus she weeping spake.


Since such a Prince has forfeited his pow'r,
Heav'n give me leave to make my duty less,
Let me my vows, as sudden oathes abhor,
Which did my passion, not my truth express.


Yet yours I would not think were counterfeit,
But rather ill and rashly understood;
For 'tis impossible I can forget
So soon, that once you fatally were good.


Though cruel now as Beasts where they have pow'r;
Chusing, like them, to make the vveakest bleed;
For vveakness soon invites you to devour,
And a submission gives you ease to feed.



To fighting Fields, send all your honor back,
To Courts your dang'rous Tongue and civil shape,
That Country Maids may Men no more mistake,
Nor seek dark Death, that they may Love escape.


Now soon to Heav'n her Soul had found the way,
(For there it oft had been in pray'r and praise)
But that his vows did life with loudness stay,
And life's warm help did soon her Body raise.


And now he gently leads her; for no more
He lets th' unhallow'd Ground a faln Flowre wear,
Sweeter then Nature's Bosome ever wore;
And now these vows sends kindly to her Ear.


If (Birtha) I am false, think none to blame
For thinking Truth (by which the Soul subsists)
No farther to be found then in the name;
Think humane kind betraid even by their Priests.


Think all my Sex so vile, that you may chide
Those Maids who to your Mothers Nuptials ran;
And praise your Mother who so early dy'de,
Remembring whom she marry'd was a Man.


This great Court miracle you strait receive
From Orgo, and your faith the whole allows;
Why since you Orgo's words so soon believe
Will you less civilly suspect my vowes?


My Vowes, which want the Temples seal, will binde
(Though private kept) surer then publick Laws;
For Laws but force the Body, but my Minde
Your Vertue Councels, whilst your beauty draws.


Thus spake he, but his mourning looks did more
Attest his grief, and fear does hers renew;
Now losing (were he lost) more then before,
For then she fear'd him false, now thinks him true.


As sick Physitians seldome their own Art
Dare trust, to cure their own disease, so these
Were to themselves quite useless when apart;
Yet by consult, each can the other ease.


But from themselves they now diverted stood;
For Orgo's Newes (which need not borrow wings,
Since Orgo for his Lord believ'd it good)
To Astragon the joyful Houshold brings.


But Astragon, with a judicious thought,
This days glad news took in the dire portent;
A day which mourning Nights to Birtha brought;
And with that fear, in search of Birtha went.



And here he findes her in her Lovers Eyes,
And him in hers; both more afflicted grown
At his approach; for each his sorrow spies;
Who thus would counsel theirs, and hide his own.


Though much this fatall joy to anger moves;
Yet reasons aydes shall anger's force subdue;
I will not chide you for your hasty Loves,
Nor ever doubt (great Prince) that yours is true.


In chiding Love, because he hasty was,
Or urging errors, which his swiftness brings,
I finde effects, but dare not tax the cause;
For Poets were inspir'd, who gave him wings.


When low I digg, where desart-Rivers run,
Dive deep in Seas, through Forrests follow windes,
Or reach with Optick Tubes the ragged Moon,
My sight no cause of Love's swift motion findes.


Love's fatall haste, in yours, I will not blame,
Because I know not why his Wings were giv'n;
Nor doubt him true, not knowing whence he came,
Nor Birtha chide, who thought you came from Heav'n.


If you lay snares, we err when we escape;
Since evil practise learns Men to suspect
Where falshood is, and in your noble shape,
We should by finding it, our skill detect.


Yet both your griefs I'le chide, as ignorance;
Call you unthankful; for your great griefs show
That Heav'n has never us'd you to mischance,
Yet rudely you repine to feel it now.


If your contextures be so weak, and nice,
Weep that this stormy world you ever knew;
You are not in those Calmes of Paradice,
Where slender Flowers as safe as Cedars grew.


This which your Youth calls grief, was frowardness
In flatter'd Infancy, and as you beare
Unkindly now amidst Youth's joys distress,
So then, unless still rock'd you froward were.


Griefs conflicts gave these Haires their silver shine;
(Torne Ensignes which victorious Age adorne)
Youth is a Dress too garish and too fine
To be in foule tempestuous weather worne.


Griefs want of use does dang'rous weakness make;
But we by use of Burdens are made strong;
And in our practis'd Age can calmely take
Those sorrows, which like Feavers, vex the young.



When you in Lov's fair Books (which Poets keep)
Read what they hide, his Tragick History,
You will rejoyce that half your time is sleep,
And smile at Love when Nature bids you die.


Learn then that Love's diseases common are;
Doe not in sickness known (though new to you)
Whilst vital heat does last, of cure dispaire:
Love's vital heat does last, whilst Love is true.


Thus spake the kinde and prudent Astragon:
And much their kinde impatience he appeas'd,
For of his griefs (which heavi'er then their own
Were born by both) their dutious fears are eas'd.


She begs, that he would pardon her distress,
Thought that even sin which did his sorrow move;
And then with all her Mother's lowliness
His pardon craves for asking leave to love.


The Duke who saw fair Truth so undisguis'd,
And love in all, but love so unconcern'd,
Pitty'd the studious world, and all despis'd,
Who did not here unlearn, what they had learn'd.


I am reform'd (said he) not that before
I wanted love, or that my love was ill;
But I have learnt to perfect Nature more
By giving innocence a little skill.


For 'tis some skill in innocence to bear
With temper the distempers of our Stars;
Not doubling griefs already come by fear
Of more, for fears but hasten threatned Wars.


But we will bravely suffer to inure
Our strength to weights against the new are laid;
That when 'tis known how much we can endure,
Our sufferings may make our Foes afraid,


This Comet Glory shines but in portent;
Which from the Court does send her threatning Beams;
And looks as if it were by malice ment
To hasten Oswald's Faction to extreams.


Since Hurgonil, who just fore-ran the Boy
Could not instruct us, we as much may know
Of the first light, as of these fires of joy;
Which is, that both did out of darkness grow.


Yet this the King might hide in Kingly skill,
Wisely to make his bounty more his own:
Kings stoop for Councel, who impart their will;
His Acts, like Heav'ns, make not their Causes known.



Yet with as plain a heart as Love untaught
In Birtha wears, I here to Birtha make
A vow, that Rhodalind I never sought,
Nor now would with her love her greatnesse take.


Loves bonds are for her greatness made too straight;
And me Ambition's pleasures cannot please;
Even Priests who on the higher Altar wait;
Think a continu'd rev'rence losse of ease.


Let us with secrecy our love protect;
Hiding such precious wealth from publick view;
The proffer'd glory I will first suspect
As false, and shun it when I finde it true.


They now retire because they Goltho saw,
Who hither came to watch with Ulfinore
If much the Duke's woo'd Mistris did him awe;
Since love woo'd him, and in the shape of Pow'r.


But when he mark'd that he did from them move
With sodain shyness, he suppos'd it shame
Of being seen in chase of Birtha's love;
As if above it grown since Orgo came.


Goltho by nature was of Musick made,
Cheerful as Victors warm in their success;
He seem'd like Birds created to be glad,
And nought but love could make him taste distress.


Hope, which our cautious Age scarce entertains,
Or as a Flatt'rer gives her cold respect,
He runs to meet, invites her, and complains
Of one hours absence as a years neglect.


Hope, the world's welcom, and his standing Guest,
Fed by the Rich, but Feasted by the Poor;
Hope, that did come in triumph to his Breast,
He thus presents in boast to Ulfinore.


Well may I (Friend) auspicious Love odore,
Seeing my mighty Rivals takes no pride
To be with Birtha seen; and he before
(Thou knowst) injoyn'd that I his love should hide.


Nor do I break his trust when 'tis reveal'd
To thee, since we are now so much the same,
That when from thee, it is from me conceal'd,
For we admit no diff'rence but in name.


But be it still from ev'ry other Ear
Preserv'd, and strictly by our mutual vow:
His Laws are still to my obedience dear,
Who was my Gen'ral, though my Rival now.



And well thou knowst how much mine Eies did melt,
When our great Leader they did first perceive
Love's Captive led; whose sorrows then I felt,
Though now for greater of mine own I grieve.


Nor do I now by love in duty err;
For if I get what he would fain possesse,
Then he a Monarch is, and I preferr
Him, who undoes the World in being lesse.


When Heav'n (which hath preferr'd me to thy Brest
Where Friendship is inthron'd,) shall make it known
That I am worth thy love, which is exprest
By making Heav'nly Birtha all mine own.


Then at this quiet Eden thou wilt call,
And stay a while, to mark if Love's prais'd Plant
Have after Spring a ripeness, and a Fall,
Or never of the first abundance want.


And I shall tell thee then if Poets are
In using Beauty's Pencil false, or blinde;
For they have Birtha drawn but sweet and faire;
Stiles of her Face, the Curtain of her Minde!


And thou at parting shalt her Picture weare,
For Nature's honor, not to shew my pride;
Try if her like the teeming World does beare,
Then bring that Copy hither for thy Bride.


And they shall love as quietly as we;
Their Beauty's pow'r no civil War will raise;
But flourish, and like neighb'ring Flowres agree;
Unless they kindly quarrel in our praise.


Then we for change will leave such luscious peace;
In Camps their Favors shall our Helms adorn;
For we can no way else our joys increase,
But by beholding theirs at our return.


Thus cloth'd in Feathers, he on Steeples walks;
Not guessing yet, that silent Ulfinore,
Had study'd her of whom he loosly talks,
And what he likes did solidly adore.


But Ulfinore with cold discretion aw'd
His passion, and did grave with Love become;
Though Youthfully he sent his Eies abroad,
Yet kept with Manly care, his Tongue at home.


These Rival's hopes, he did with patience hear;
His count'nance not uneasy seem'd, nor strange;
Yet meant his cares should more like Love appear,
If in the Duke Ambition bred a change.



But as the Duke shun'd them for secrecy,
So now they from approaching Orgo move,
Made by Discretion (Love's strict Tutor) shy,
Which is to Lovers painful as their Love.


But Orgo they did ill suspect, whose Youth
And nature yielded Lovers no offence;
Us'd by his Lord for kindness and for truth;
Both native in him as his innocence:


And here pass'd by in haste, to Court imploy'd,
That Birtha may no more have cause to mourn:
Full was his little Breast! and overjoy'd
That much depended on his quick return!


Many like Orgo in their Manhoods Morn,
As Pages did the noble Duke attend;
The Sons of Chiefs, whom beauty did adorn,
And fairer Vertue did that beauty mend.


These in his Heroe's Schools he bred (which were
In Peace his Palace, and in War his Tent)
As if Time's self had read sage Lectures there
How he would have his howres (life's Treasure) spent


No action, though to shorten dreaded warre,
Nor needful Counsels, though to lengthen Peace,
Nor Love, of which wise Nature takes such care,
Could from this useful work his cares release.


But with the early Sun he rose, and taught
These Youths, by growing vertue to grow great;
Shew'd greatness is without it blindly sought,
A desp'rate charge which ends in base retreat.


He taught them shame, the sodain sence of ill;
Shame, Nature's hasty Conscience, which forbids
Weak inclination ere it grows to will,
Or stays rash will, before it grows to deeds.


He taught them Honor, Vertue's bashfulness;
A Fort so yeildless, that it fears to treat;
Like Pow'r, it grows to nothing, growing less;
Honor, the moral Conscience of the Great!


He taught them kindness; Soul's civilitie,
In which, nor Courts, nor Citys have a part;
For theirs is fashion, this from falshood free;
Where Love, and pleasure, know no Lust nor Art.


And Love he taught; the Soul's stolne Visit made
Though froward Age watch hard; and Law forbid;
Her walks no Spie has trac'd, nor Mountain staide;
Her friendship's cause, is as the Loadstone's hid.



He taught them love of Toyle; Toyle which does keep
Obstructions from the Minde, and quench the blood;
Ease but belongs to us like sleep, and sleep
Like Opium, is our Med'cine, not our Food.


To Dangers us'd them; which Death's Visards are,
More uggly then himself, and often chace
From Batail Coward-life; but when we dare
His Visard see, we never fear his Face.


Canto the Third.


The Poet takes the Wise aside, to prove
Even them concern'd in all he writes of Love.
The dutious Orgo from the Court returns
With joys, at which again fair Birtha mourns.
The Duke with open Armes does entertain
Those Guests whom he receives with secret pain.


Thou, who some Ages hence these Roles dost read
(Kept as Records by Lovers of Love's pow'r)
Thou who dost live, when I have long been dead,
And feed'st from Earth, when Earth does me devowr:


Who liv'st, perhaps, amidst some Cities joys,
Where they would fall asleep with Lazy peace,
But that their triumphs make so great a noise,
And their loud Bells cannot for nuptials cease:


Thou, who perhaps, proudly thy bloomy Bride
Lead'st to some Temple, where I wither'd lie;
Proudly, as if she Age's Frosts defy'd;
And that thy springing self could never die:


Thou, to whom then the cheerful Quire will sing,
Whilst hallow'd Lamps, and Tapers brave the Sun
As a Lay-Light; and Bells in triumph ring,
As when from sallies the Besiegers run.


That when the Priest has ended, if thine Eies
Can but a little space her Eies forbear,
To shew her where my Marble Coffin lies;
Her Virgin Garlands she will offer there:


Confess, that reading me she learnt to love;
That all the good behaviour of her heart,
Even tow'rds thy self, my doctrine did improve;
Where Love by Nature is forwarn'd of Art,


She will confess, that to her Maiden state
This Story shew'd such Patterns of great Life,
As though she then could those but imitate,
They an Example make her now a Wife.



And thy life's fire could she awhile outlive
(Which were, though lawful, neither kinde nor good)
Then, even her sorrows would examples give;
And shine to others through dark widowhood.


And she will boast, how spite of Cynick Age,
Of bus'ness, which does Pow'r uncivil make,
Of ruder Cells, where they Love's Fire asswage
By study'ng Death, and fear for Vertue take:


And spite of Courts (where loving now is made
An Art, as dying is in Cells) my Laws
Did teach her how by Nature to perswade,
And hold by vertue whom her beauty draws.


Thus when by knowing me, thou know'st to whom
Love owes his Eies, who has too long been blinde;
Then in the Temple leave my Bodies Tomb,
To seek this Book, the Mon'ment of my Minde.


Where thou mai'st read; who with impatient Eies
For Orgo on the guilded Tarras stay;
Which high, and golden shews, and open lies,
As the Morne's Window when she lets out Day.


Whose height Two rising Forrests over-looks;
And on Pine-tops the Eiesight downward casts;
Where distant Rivers seem bestrided Brooks,
Churches but Anchor'd Ships, their Steeples, Masts.


Hence, by his little Regian Courser brought,
Orgo they spie, with diligence indu'd,
As if he would o'ertake forerunning Thought;
And he by many swiftly seem'd pursu'd.


But his light speed left those awhile behinde;
Whilst with rais'd Dust, their swiftness hid theway
Yet Birtha will, too soon, by Orgo finde
What she by distance lost in this survay.


Orgo a precious Casket did present
To his dear Lord, of Podian Saphyr wrought;
For which, unknown to Birtha, he was sent;
And a more precious Pledg was in it brought.


Then thus proclaim'd his joy! Long may I live!
Sent still with blessings from the Hea'nly Powers;
And may their bountys shew what they can give;
And full as fast as long expected Showres!


Behold the King, with such a shining Traine
As dazles sight, yet can inform the Blind;
But there the Rich, and Beautious shine in vaine,
Unless they distance keep from Rhodalind.



Methinks, they through the Middle Region come;
Their Chariots hid in Clouds of Dust below,
And o're their Heads, their Coursers scatter'd Fome
Does seem to cover them like falling Snow.


This Birtha heard, and she on Orgo cast
A piteous look (for she no anger knew)
But griev'd he knows not, that he brings too fast
Such joys, as fain she faster would eschew.


So Gondibert this Gust of glory took
As Men whose Sayls are full, more weather take;
And she so gaz'd on him, as Sea-men look
On long sought shore, when Tempests drive them back.


But now these Glorys more apparent be;
And justly all their observation claim'd;
Great, as in greatest Courts less Princes see,
When entertain'd to be eclips'd, and sham'd.


West from Verona's Road, through pleasant Meads
Their Chariots cross; and to the Palace steer;
And Aribert this winged triumph leads;
Which like the Planets Progress did appear.


So shin'd they, and so noisless seem'd their speed;
Like Spartans, touching but the silken Reynes,
Was all the conduct which their Coursers need;
And proudly to sit still, was all their pains.


With Aribert sat royal Rhodalind;
Calm Orna by the Count; by Hermegild
(Silver'd with time) the Golden Gartha shin'd;
And Tybalt's Eies were full by Laura fill'd.


The lesser Beauties, numberless as Stars,
Shew'd sickly and far off, to this Noon-day;
And lagg'd like Baggage Treasure in the Wars;
Or only seem'd, another milkie way.


The Duke perceiv'd, the King design'd to make
This visit more familiar by surprise;
And with Court art, he would no notice take
Of that, which Kings are willing to disguise.


But as in heedless sleep, the House shall seem
New wak'd with this Alarm; and Ulfin strait
(Whose fame was precious in the Courts esteem)
Must, as with casual sight, their entrance wait.


To Astragon he doubles all his Vows;
To Birtha, through his Eies, his Heart reveal'd;
And by some civil jealousies he shows
Her beauty from the Court must be conceal'd.



Prays her, from Envy's danger to retire;
The Palace war; which there can never cease
Till Beauty's force in age or death expire:
A War disguis'd in civil shapes of Peace,


Still he the precious Pledg kept from her view;
Who guess'd not by the Casket his intent;
And was so willing not to fear him true,
That she did fear to question what it ment.


Now hasts she to be hid; and being gon,
Her Lover thinks the Planet of the day
So leaves the mourning World to give the Moon
(Whose Train is mark'd but for their number) way.


And entring in her Closet (which took light
Full in the Palace Front) she findes her Maids
Gather'd to see this gay unusual sight;
Which Commet-like, their wondring Eies invades.


Where Thula would by climbing highest be,
Though ancient grown, and was in stature short;
Yet did protest, she came not there to see,
But to be hid from dangers of the Court.


Their curious longing Birtha durst not blame
(Boldness, which but to seeing did aspire)
Since she her self, provok'd with Courts great Fame,
Would fain a little see what all admire.


Then through the Casement ventur'd so much Face
As Kings depos'd, shew when through grates they peep,
To see Deposers to their Crowning passe;
But strait shrink back, and at the triumph weep.


Soon so her Eies did too much glory finde;
For ev'n the first she saw was all; for she
No more would view since that was Rhodalind;
And so much beauty could none others be.


Which with her Vertue weigh'd (no less renown'd)
Afflicts her that such worth must fatal prove;
And be in tears of the Possessor drown'd,
Or she depose her Lover by her Love.


But Thula (wildly earnest in the view
Of such gay sights as she did ne'r behold)
Mark'd not when Birtha her sad Eies withdrew;
But dreamt the World was turn'd again to Gold.


Each Lady most, till more appear'd, ador'd;
Then with rude liking prais'd them all alowd;
Yet thought them foul and course to ev'ry Lord;
And civilly to ev'ry Page she bow'd



The objects past, out-sigh'd even those that woo;
And strait her Mistris at the Window mist;
Then finding her in grief, out-sigh'd her too;
And her fair Hands with parting passion kist:


Did with a Servants usual art profess
That all she saw, was to her beauty black;
Confess'd their Maids well bred, and knew to dress,
But said those Courts are poor which painting lack.


Thy praise (said Birtha) poyson'd is with spite;
May blisters cease on thy uncivil Tongue,
Which strives so wickedly to do me right,
By doing Rhodalind and Orna wrong.


False Fame, thy Mistris, tutor'd thee amiss;
Who teaches School in streets, where Crowds resort;
Fame, false, as that their beauty painted is;
The common Country slander on the Court.


With this rebuke, Thula takes gravely leave;
Pretends she'll better judge ere they be gon;
At least see more, though they her sight deceive;
Whilst Birtha findes, wilde Fear feeds best alone.


Ulfin receives, and through Art's Palace guides
The King; who owns him with familiar grace;
Though Twice seven Years from first observance hides
Those Marks of valor which adorn'd his Face.


Then Astragon with hasty homage bows:
And says, when thus his beams he does dispence
In lowly visits, like the Sun he shows
Kings made for universal influence.


Him with renown the King for Science pays,
And Vertue; which Gods likest Pictures bee;
Drawn by the Soul, whose onely hire is praise;
And from such Salary not Heav'n is free.


Then kindly he inquires for Gondibert;
When, and how far his wounds in danger were?
And does the cautious progress of his Art
Alike with wonder and with pleasure heare.


Now Gondibert advanc'd, but with delay;
As fetter'd by his love for he would fain
Dissembled weakness might procure his stay,
Here where his Soul does as in Heav'n remain.


Him, Creature like, the King did boldly use
With publick love; to have it understood
That Kings, like God, may chuse whom they will chuse;
And what they make, judge with their own Eies good.



This grace the Duke at bashful distance takes;
And Rhodalind so much concern'd is grown,
That his surprisal she her troubles makes;
Blushing, as if his blushes were her own.


Now the bright Train with Astragon ascend;
Whilst Hermegild, with Gartha moves behinde;
Whom much this gracious visit did offend;
But thus he practis'd to appease her minde.


Judge not you strangely in this visit showe;
As well in Courts think wise disembling new;
Nor think the kindness strange, though to your Foe,
Till all in Courts where they are kinde are true.


Why should your closer mourning more be worn?
Poor Priests invented Blacks for lesser cost;
Kings for their Syres in Regal Purple mourn;
Which shews what they have got, not what they lost.


Though rough the way to Empire be, and steep,
You look that I should level it so plain,
As Babes might walk it barefoot in their sleep;
But Pow'r is the reward of patient pain!


This high Hill Pow'r, whose Bowels are of Gold,
Shews neer to greedy and unpractis'd sight;
But many grow in travail to it old,
And have mistook the distance by the height.


If those old Travailers may thither be
Your trusted Guides, they will your haste reform;
And give you fears of Voyages by Sea;
Which are not often made without a storm.


Yet short our Course shall prove, our passage faire,
If in the Steerage you will quiet stand,
And not make storms of ev'ry breath of Aire;
But think the Helm, safe in the Pilots hand.


You like some fatal King (who all Men hears
Yet trusts intirely none) your trust mistake,
As too much weight for one: One Pillar bears
Weight that would make a Thousand Shoulders ake.


Your Brothers storm I to a calm have turn'd;
Who lets this guilded sacrifice proceed
To Hymen's Altar, by the King adorn'd,
As Priests give Victims Gerlonds ere they bleed.


Hubert to triumph would not move so faste;
Yet you (though but a kinde Spectator) mean
To give his triumph Laws, and make more haste
To see it pass, then he does to be seen.



With patience lay this Tempest of your heart!
For you, ere long, this Angels form shall turn
To fatal Man's; and for that shape of Art,
Some may, as I for yours of Nature, mourn.


Thus by her Love-sick Statesman she was taught;
And smil'd, with joy of wearing Manly shape;
Then smil'd, that such a smile his Heart had caught;
Whose Nets Camps break not through, nor Senates scape.


Canto the Fourth.


The King to Gondibert is grown so kinde,
That he prevents the bounteous Rhodalind
In giving of her love; and Gondibert
Laments his Breast holds but a single heart;
Which Birtha grieves her beauty did subdue,
Since he undoes the world in being true.


Full grows the Presence now, as when all know
Some stranger Prince must be receiv'd with state;
When Courts shew those, who come to see the Show;
And all gay Subjects like Domesticks waite.


Nor Ulfinore nor Goltho absent were;
Whose hopes expect what list'ning Birtha (hid
In the adjoyning Closet) fears to heare,
And beggs kinde Heav'n in pitty would forbid.


The King (who never time nor Pow'r mis-spent
In Subjects bashfulness, whiling great deeds
Like Coward Councels, who too late consent)
Thus to his secret will aloud proceeds.


If to thy Fame (brave Youth) I could add wings,
Or make her Trumpet louder by my voice,
I would (as an example drawn for Kings)
Proclaim the cause, why thou art now my choice.


But this were to supect the world asleep,
Or all our Lombards with their envy blinde,
Or that the Hunns somuch for bondage weep,
As their drown'd Eies cannot thy Trophies finde.


When this is heard, none dare of what I give
Presume their equal merit might have shar'd;
And to say more, might make thy Foes believe,
Thy dang'rous worth is grown above reward.


Reward even of a Crown, and such a Crown,
As by Heav'n's Model ancient Victors wore;
When they, as by their Coyn, by Laws were known;
For Laws but made more currant Victors pow'r.



A Crown soon taught, by whom Pow'r first was given;
When Victors (of Dominion cautious made
By hearing of that old revolt in Heav'n)
Kept Pow'r too high for Subjects to invade.


A Crown, which ends by Armies their debate,
Who question height of Pow'r; who by the Law
(Till plain obedience they make intricate)
Would not the People, but their Rulers aw.


To Pow'r adoption makes thy Title good;
Preferring worth, as birth give Princes place;
And Vertue's claim exceeds the right of Blood,
As Souls extraction does the Bodies Race.


Yet for thy Bloods long walk through Princes veins,
Thou maist with any Lombard measure time;
Though he his hidden house in Illium feigns;
And not step short, when Hubert's self would climbe.


And Hubert is of highest Victors breed;
Whose worth I shall for distant Empire chuse;
If he will learn, that you by Fate precede,
And what he never had, he cannot lose.


His valor shall the Gothick conquest keep;
And would to Heav'n that all your mighty mindes
As soon were pleas'd, as Infants are with sleep,
And you had Musick common as the windes.


That all the Year your Seasons were like Spring;
All joy'd as Birds, and all as Lovers kinde;
That ev'ry famous Fighter were a King,
And each like you could have a Rhodalind.


For she is yours, as your adoption free;
And in that gift my remnant Life I give;
But 'tis to you, brave Youth! Who now are she;
And she that Heav'n where secondly I live.


And richer then that Crown (which shall be thine,
When Life's long Progress I am gone with Fame)
Take all her love; which scarce forbears to shine
And own thee, through her Virgin-Curtain, shame.


Thus spake the King; and Rhodalind rppear'd
Through publish'd Love, with so much bashfulness,
As young Kings shew, when by surprise o're-heard
Moaning to Fav'rite Eares a deep distress.


For Love is a distress, and would be hid
Like Monarchs griefs, by which they bashful grow;
And in that shame beholders they forbid;
Since those blush most, who must their blushes show.



And Gondibert with dying Eies did grieve
At her vail'd love (a wound he cannot heal)
As great Mindes mourn, who cannot then relieve
The vertuous, when through shame they want conceal.


And now cold Birtha's rosy looks decay;
Who in fear's Frost had like her beauty dy'd,
But that Attendant Hope perswades her stay
A while, to hear her Duke; who thus reply'd.


Victorious King! Abroad your Subjects are
Like Legats safe; at home like Altars free!
Even by your fame they conquer as by warre;
And by your Laws safe from each other be.


A King you are o're Subjects, so as wise
And noble Husbands seem o're Loyal Wives;
Who claim not, yet confess their liberties,
And brag to strangers of their happy lives.


To Foes a winter storm; whilst your Friends bow
Like Summer Trees, beneath your bountys load;
To me (next-him whom your great self, with low
And cheerful duty serves) a giving God.


Since this is you, and Rhodalind (the Light
By which her Sex fled Vertue finde) is yours;
Your Diamond, which tests of jealous sight,
The stroke, and fire, and Oisel's juice endures;


Since she so precious is, I shall appear
All counterfeit, of Art's disguises made;
And never dare approach her Lustre neer;
Who scarce can hold my vallew in the shade.


Forgive me that I am not what I seem;
But falsly have dissembled an excess
Of all such vertues as you most esteem;
But now grow good but as I ils confess.


Far in Ambition's Feaver am I gone!
Like raging Flame aspiring is my Love;
Like Flame destructive too, and like the Sun
Does round the world tow'rds change of Objects move.


Nor is this now through vertuous shame confess'd;
But Rhodalind does force my conjur'd feare,
As Men whom evil spirits have possess'd,
Tell all when saintly Votaries appeare,


When she will grace the Bridal Dignitie,
It will be soon to all young Monarchs known;
Who then by posting through the World will trie
Who first can at her Feet present his Crown.



Then will Verona seem the Inn of Kings;
And Rhodalind shall at her Palace Gate
Smile, when great Love these Royal Sutors brings;
Who for that smile would as for Empire waite.


Amongst this ruling Race she choyce may take
For warmth of Valor, coolness of the minde,
Eies that in Empire's drowsie Calms can wake,
In storms look out, in darkness dangers find.


A Prince who more inlarges pow'r then lands;
Whose greatness is not what his Map contains;
But thinks that his, where he at full commands;
Not where his Coyn does pass, but pow'r remains.


Who knows that Pow'r can never be too high
When by the Good possest; for 'tis in them
The swelling Nyle; from which though People fly,
They prosper most by rising of the stream.


Thus (Princess) you should chuse; and you will finde;
Even he, since Men are Wolves must civilize
(As light does tame some Beasts of savage kinde)
Himself yet more, by dwelling in your Eies.


Such was the Duke's reply; whih did produce
Thoughts of a diverse shape through sev'ral Eares:
His jealous Rivals mourn at his excuse;
But Astragon it cures of all his feares:


Birtha his praise of Rhodalind bewayles;
And now her hope a weak Physitian seems,
For Hope, the common Comforter, prevailes
Like common Med'cines, slowly in extreams.


The King (secure in offer'd Empire) takes
This forc'd excuse, as troubled bashfulness,
And a disguise which sodain passion makes,
To hide more joy then prudence should express.


And Rhodalind (who never lov'd before,
Nor could suspect his love was giv'n away)
Thought not the treasure of his Breast so poore,
But that it might his debts of honor pay.


To hasten the rewards of his desert,
The King does to Verona him command;
And kindness so impos'd, not all his Art
Can now instruct his duty to withstand.


Yet whilst the King does now his time dispose
In seeing wonders, in this Palace shown,
He would a parting kindness pay to those
Who of their wounds are yet not perfect grown.



And by this fair pretence, whilst on the King
Lord Astragon through all the House attends,
Young Orgo does the Duke to Birtha bring;
Who thus her sorrows to his bosome sends.


Why should my Storm your Life's calm voyage vex?
Destroying wholly vertue's Race in one;
So by the first of my unlucky Sex,
All in a single ruine were undone.


Make Heav'nly Rhodalind your Bride! Whilst I
Your once lov'd Maid, excuse you, since I know
That vertuous Men forsake so willingly
Long cherish'd life, because to Heav'n they go.


Let me her servant be! A Dignity,
Which if your pity in my fall procures;
I still shall vallew the advancement high,
Not as the Crown is hers, but she is yours.


E're this high sorrow up to dying grew,
The Duke the Casket op'ned, and from thence
(Form'd like a Heart) a cheerful Emrauld drew;
Cheerful, as if the lively stone had sence.


The Thirti'th Carract it had doubled Twice;
Not tak'n from the Attick Silver Mine,
Nor from the Brass, though such (of nobler price)
Did on the Necks of Parthian Ladies shine:


Nor yet of those which make the Ethiop proud;
Nor taken from those Rocks where Bactrians climbe;
But from the Scythian, and without a Cloud;
Not sick at fire, nor languishing with time.


Then thus he spake! This (Birtha) from my Male
Progenitors, was to the loyal she
On whose kinde Heart they did in love prevail,
The Nuptial Pledge, and this I give to thee!


Seven Centuries have pass'd, since it from Bride
To Bride did first succeed; and though tis known
From ancient lore, that Gemms much vertue hide,
And that the Emrauld is the Bridal Stone.


Though much renown'd because it chastness loves,
And will when worn by the neglected wife,
Shew when her absent Lord disloyal proves,
By faintness, and a pale decay of life;


Though Emraulds serve as Spies to jealous Brides,
Yet each compar'd to this does councel keep;
Like a false Stone, the Husbands falsh-hood hides,
Or seems born blinde, or feigns a dying sleep,



With this take Orgo, as a better Spy;
Who may in all your kinder feares be sent
To watch at Court, if I deserve to die
By making this to fade, and you lament.


Had now an artfull Pencil Birtha drawn
(With grief all dark, then strait with joy all light)
He must have fancy'd first, in early dawn,
A sudden break of beauty out of Night.


Or first he must have mark'd what paleness, Fear,
Like nipping Frost, did to her visage bring;
Then think he sees, in a cold backward year,
A Rosy Morn begin a sudden Spring.


Her joys (too vaste to be contain'd in speech)
Thus she a little spake! Why stoop you down,
My plighted Lord, to lowly Birtha's reach,
Since Rhodalind would lift you to a Crown?


Or why do I, when I this plight imbrace,
Boldly aspire to take what you have given?
But that your vertue has with Angels place,
And 'tis a vertue to aspire to Heav'n.


And as tow'rds Heav'n all travail on their Knees;
So I tow'rds you, though Love aspire, will move:
And were you crown'd, what could you better please
Then aw'd obedience led by bolder Love?


If I forget the depth from whence I rise,
Far from your bosome banish'd be my heart;
Or claim a right by beauty to your Eyes;
Or proudly think, my chastity desert.


But thus ascending from your humble Maid
To be your plighted Bride, and then your Wife,
Will be a debt that shall be hourly paid,
Till Time my duty cancel with my life.


And fruitfully if Heav'n ere make me bring
Your Image to the World, you then my pride
No more shall blame, then you can tax the Spring
For boasting of those Flowres she cannot hide.


Orgo, I so receive as I am taught
By duty to esteem what ere you love;
And hope the joy he in this Jewel brought,
Will luckyer then his former triumphs prove.


For though but Twice he has approach'd my sight,
He Twice made haste to drown me in my Tears:
But now I am above his Planets spite,
And as for sin beg pardon for my fears.



Thus spake she; and with fix'd continu'd sight,
The Duke did all her bashful beauties view;
Then they with kisses seal'd their sacred plight;
Like Flowres still sweeter as they thicker grew.


Yet must these pleasures feel, though innocent,
The sickness of extremes, and cannot last;
For Pow'r (Love's shun'd Impediment) has sent
To tell the Duke, his Monarch is in hast:


And calls him to that triumph which he fears
So as a Saint forgiven (whose Breast does all
Heav'n's joys contain) wisely lov'd Pomp forbears;
Lest tempted Nature should from blessings fall.


He often takes his leave, with Love's delay;
And bids her hope, he with the King shall finde,
By now appearing forward to obay,
A meanes to serve him less in Rhodalind.


She weeping to her Closet-window hies;
Where she with teares does Rhodalind survey;
As dying Men, who grieve that they have Eyes,
When they through Curtains spy the rising day.


The King has now his curious sight suffis'd
With all lost Arts, in their revival view'd;
Which when restor'd, our pride thinks new devis'd:
Fashions of Mindes, call'd new when but renew'd!


The busie Court prepares to move, on whom
Their sad offended Eyes the Country caste;
Who never see enough where Monarchs come;
And nothing so uncivil seems as haste.


As Men move slow, who know they lose their way,
Even so the Duke tow'rds Rhodalind does move;
Yet he does dutious fears, and wonder pay,
Which are the first, and dangerous signes of Love.


All his addresses much by Goltho were
And Ulfinore observ'd; who distant stand;
Not daring to approach his presence neer;
But shun his Eyes to scape from his command:


Least to Verona he should both require;
For by remaining here, both hope to light
Their Hymen's Torches at his parting fire;
And not dispaire to kindle them to night.


The King his Golden Chariot now ascends;
Which neer fair Rhodalind the Duke containes;
Though to excuse that grace he lowly bends;
But honor so refus'd, more honor gaines.



And now their Chariots (ready to take wing)
Are even by weakest breath, a whisper stay'd;
And but such whisper as a Page does bring
To Laura's Woman from a Houshold Maid.


But this low voice did raise in Laura's Eare
An Eccho, which from all redoubled soon;
Proclaiming such a Country beauty here,
As makes them look, like Ev'ning to her Noon.


And Laura (of her own high beauty proud,
Yet not to others cruel) softly prays,
She may appear! but Gartha, bold, and loud,
With Eyes impatient as for conquest, stays.


Though Astragon now owns her, and excus'd
Her presence as a Maid but rudely taught,
Infirm in health, and not to greatness us'd;
Yet Gartha still calls out, to have her brought!


But Rhodalind (in whose relenting Breast
Compassion's self might fit at School, and learn)
Knew bashful Maids with publick view distrest;
And in their Glass, themselves with fear discern;


She stopt this Challenge which Court-Beauty made
To Country shape; not knowing Nature's hand
Had Birtha dress'd, nor that her self obay'd
In vain, whom conqu'ring Birtha did command.


The Duke (whom vertuous kindness soon subdues)
Though him his Bonds from Birtha highly please,
Yet seems to think, that lucky he, who sues
To wear this royal Mayd's, will walk at ease.


Of these a brief survey sad Birtha takes;
And Orgo's help directs her Eye to all;
Shews her for whom grave Tybalt nightly wakes;
Then at whose feet wise Hermegild does fall.


And when calm Orna with the Count she saw,
Hope (who though weak, a willing Painter is,
And busily does ev'ry Pattern draw)
By that example could not work amiss.


For soon she shap'd her Lord and her so kinde,
So all of love; till Fancy wrought no more
When she perceiv'd him sit with Rhodalind;
But froward-Painter-like the Copy tore.


And now they move; and she thus robb'd, believes
(Since with such haste they bear her wealth avvay)
That they at best, are but judicious Thieves,
And knovv the noble vallue of their Prey.



And then she thus complain'd! Why royal Maid!
Injurious Greatness! Did you hither come
Where Pow'r's strong Nets of Wyre were never laid?
But childish Love took Cradle as at home.


Where can we safe our harmless blessings keep,
Since glorious Courts our solitude invade?
Bells which ring out, when th'unconcern'd would sleep;
False lights to scare poor Birds in Country shade!


Or if our joys their own discov'ry make,
Envy (whose Tongue first kills whom she devours)
Calls it our Pride; Envy, The poys'nous snake,
Whose breath blasts Maids, as innocent as Flowres!


Forgive me beautious Greatness, if I grow
Distemper'd with my fears, and rudely long
To be secure; or praise your beauty so
As to believe, that it may do me wrong!


And you my plighted Lord, forgive me too,
If since your worth and my defects I find,
I fear what you in justice ought to do;
And praise your judgment when I doubt you kind.


Now sudden fear o'er all her beauty wrought
The pale appearance of a killing Frost;
And careful Orgo, when she started, thought
She had her Pledg, the precious Emrauld, lost.


But that kinde Heart, as constant as her own,
She did not miss; 'twas from a sudden sence,
Least in her Lover's heart some change was grown,
And it grew pale with that intelligence.


Soon from her bosome she this Emrauld took:
If now (said she) my Lord my Heart deceaves,
This Stone will by dead paleness make me look
Pale as the Snowy skin of Lilly Leaves.


But such a cheerful green the Gemm did fling
Where she oppos'd the Rayes, as if she had
Been dy'de in the complexion of the Spring,
Or were by Nimphs of Brittain Valleys clad.


Soon she vvith earnest passion kist the Stone;
Which ne'r till then had suffer'd an Eclipse;
But then the Rayes retir'd, as if it shone
In vain, so neer the Rubies of her Lips.


Yet thence remov'd, vvith publick glory shines!
She Orgo blest, vvho had this Relique brought;
And kept it like those Reliques lock'd in shrines,
By vvhich the latest Miracles vvere vvrought.



For soon respect was up to rev'rence grown;
Which fear to Superstition would sublime,
But that her Father took Fear's Ladder down;
Lose steps, by which distress to Heav'n would climbe.


He knew, when Fear shapes Heav'nly Pow'r so just,
And terrible (parts of that shape drawn true)
It vailes Heav'n's beauty, Love; which when we trust,
Our courage honors him to whom we sue!


Canto the Fifth.


The deep Designes of Birtha in distress;
Her Emrauld's vertue shews her Love's success,
Wise Astragon with reason cures despair;
And the Afflicted chides for partial Pray'r.
With grief the secret Rivals take their leave;
And but dark hope for hidden love receive.


To shew the Morn her passage to the East,
Now Birtha's dawn, the Lover's Day, appears!
So soon Love beats Revellies in her Breast;
And like the Dewy Morn she rose in tears:


So much she did her jealous dreams dislike.
Her Maids strait kindle by her light their Eyes;
Which when to hers compar'd, Poets would strike
Such sparks to light their Lamps, ere Day does rise.


But O vain Jealousie! Why dost thou haste
To find those evils which too soon are brought?
Love's frantick Valor! which so rashly faste
Seeks dangers, as if none would come unsought.


As often fairests Morns soon cover'd be,
So she with dark'ning thoughts is clouded now;
Looks so, as weaker Eyes small objects see,
Or studious Statesmen who contract the Brovv.


Or like some thinking Sybill that vvould finde
The sence of mystick vvords by Angels given!
And this fair Politick bred in her minde
(Restless as Seas) a deep designe on Heav'n.


To Pray'rs plain Temple she does hast unseen;
Which though not grac'd with curious cost for shovv,
Was nicely kept; and now must be as clean
As Tears make those who thence forgiven goe.


For her own Hands (by which best Painters drew
The Hands of Innocence) will make it shine;
Pennance which newly from her terrors grew;
And was (alass!) part of her deep designe.



And when this holy huswifry was past,
Her vows she sends to Heav'n, which thither fly
Intire; not broken by unthinking hast;
Like Sinners Sparks that in ascending dy.


Thence she departs; but at this Temple Gate
A needy Crowd (call'd by her Summons there)
With such assurance for her bounty waite,
As if ne'r failing Heav'n their Debtor were.


To these she store of Antick Treasure gave
(For she no Money knew) Medals of Gold,
Which curious Gathe'rers did in travail save,
And at high worth were to her Mother sold.


Figures of fighting Chiefs, born to o'rcome
Those who without their leave would all destroy;
Chiefs, who had brought renown to Athens, Rome,
To Carthage, Tyre, and to lamented Troy.


Such was her wealth, her Mothers Legacy;
And well she knew it was of special price;
But she has begg'd what Heav'n must not deny;
So would not make a common Sacrifice.


To the black Temple she her Sorrow bears;
Where she outbeg'd the tardy begging Thief;
Made weeping Magdaline but poor in Tears,
Yet Silent as their Pictures was her Grief.


Her purpos'd penance she did here fulfil;
Those Pictures dress'd, and the spent Lamp reliev'd
With fragrant Oyles, dropp'd from her Silver Still;
And now for those that there sat mourning, griev'd.


Those Penitents, who knew her innocence,
Wonder what Parents sin she did bemoan;
And venture (though they goe unpardon'd thence)
More sighs for her redress then for her own.


Now jealousie no more benights her face,
Her courage beautious grows, and grief decayes;
And with such joy as shipwrack'd Men imbrace
The Shore, she hastens to the House of Praise.


And there the Gemm she from her bosome took,
(With which till now she trembled to advise)
So far from pale, that Gondibert would look
Pale if he saw, how it out-shin'd her Eyes.


These Rayes she to a Miracle prefers;
And lustre that such beauty so defies,
Had Poets seen (Love's partial Jewellers,
Who count nought precious but their Mistress Eyes)



They would with grief a miracle confess!
She enters strait to pay her gratitude;
And could not think her beauty in distress,
Whilst to her Love, her Lord is still subdu'd.


The Altar she with Imagry array'd;
Where Needles boldly, as a Pencil wrought,
The story of that humble Syrian Maid,
Who Pitchers bore, yet Kings to Juda brought.


And there she of that precious Linnen spreads,
Which in the consecrated Month is spun
By Lombard Brides; for whom in empty Beds
Their Bridegrooms sigh till the succeeding Moon.


'Tis in that Moon bleach'd by her fuller Light;
And wash'd in Sudds of Amber, till it grow
Clean as this Spredders Hands; and those were white
As rising Lillies, or as falling Snow.


The voluntary Quire of Birds she feeds,
Which oft had here the Virgin-Consort fill'd;
She diets them with Aromatick seeds;
And quench'd their Thirst with Rainbow-Dew distill'd.


Lord Astragon, whose tender care did waite
Her progress, since her Morn so cloudy broke,
Arrests her passage at this Temple Gate,
And thus, he with a Father's license spoke.


Why art thou now, who hast so joyful liv'd
E're love thou knew'st, become with Love so sad?
If thou hast lost fair Vertue, then be griev'd;
Else shew, thou know'st her worth by being glad.


Thy love's high soaring cannot be a crime;
Nor can we if a Spinster loves a King,
Say that her love ambitiously does climbe:
Love seeks no honor, but does honor bring.


Mounts others value, and her own lets fall!
Kings honor is but little, till made much
By Subjects Tongues! Elixer-Love turns all
To pow'rful Gold, where it does only touch.


Thou lov'st a Prince above thine own degree:
Degree is Monarch's Art, Love, Nature's Law;
In Love's free State all Pow'rs so Levell'd be,
That there, affection governs more then aw.


But thou dost love where Rhodalind does love;
And thence thy griefs of Jealousie begin;
A cause which does thy sorrow vainly move;
Since 'tis thy noble fate, and not thy Sin.



This Vain and voluntary Loade of grief
(For fate sent Love, thy will does sorrow bear)
Thou to the Temple carry'st for relief;
And so to Heav'n art guided by thy fear.


Wilde Fear! Which has a Common-wealth devis'd
In Heav'n's old Realm, and Saints in Senates fram'd;
Such as by which, were Beasts well civiliz'd,
They would suspect their Tamer Man, untam'd.


Wilde Fear! Which has the Indian worship made;
Where each unletter'd Priest the Godhead draws
In such a form, as makes himself afraid;
Disguising Mercy's shape in Teeth and Claws.


This false Guide Fear, which does thy Reason sway,
And turns thy valiant vertue to despair,
Has brought thee here, to offer, and to pray;
But Temples were not built for Cowards pray'r.


For when by Fear thy noble Reason's led
(Reason, not Shape gives us so great degree
Above our Subjects, Beasts) then Beasts may plead
A right in Temples helps as well as we.


And here, with absent Reason thou dost weep
To beg success in love; that Rhodalind
May lose, what she as much does beg to keep;
And may at least an equal audience find.


Mark Birtha, this unrighteous war of prayer!
Like wrangling States, you ask a Monarchs aide
When you are weak, that you may better dare
Lay claim, to what your passion would invade.


Long has th' ambitious World rudely preferr'd
Their quarrels, which they call their pray'rs, to Heav'n;
And thought that Heav'n would like themselves have err'd.
Depriving some, of what's to others given.


Thence Modern Faith becomes so weak and blinde,
Thinks Heav'n in ruling other Worlds imploy'd,
And is not mindful of our abject Kinde,
Because all Sutes are not by all enjoy'd.


How firm was Faith, when humbly Sutes for need,
Not choice were made? then (free from all despair
As mod'rate Birds, who sing for daily Seed)
Like Birds, our Songs of Praise included prayer.


Thy Hopes are by thy Rival's vertue aw'd;
Thy Rival Rhodalind; whose Vertue shines
On Hills, when brightest Planets are abroad;
Thine privately, like Miners Lamps, in Mines.



The Court (where single Patterns are disgrac'd;
Where glorious Vice, weak Eies admire;
And Vertu's plainness is by Art out fac'd)
She makes a Temple by her Vestal Fire.


Though there, Vice sweetly dress'd, does tempt like bliss
Even Cautious Saints; and single Vertue seem
Fantastick, where brave Vice in fashion is;
Yet she has brought plain Vertue in esteem.


Yours is a vertue of inferior rate;
Here in the dark a Pattern, where 'tis barr'd
From all your Sex that should her imitate,
And of that pomp which should her Foes reward.


Retyr'd, as weak Monasticks fly from care;
Or devout Cowards steal to Forts, their Cells,
From pleasures, which the worlds chief dangers are:
Hers passes yours, as Valor fear excels.


This is your Rival in your sute to Heav'n:
But Heav'n is partial if it give to you
What to her bolder Vertue should be given;
Since yours, pomps, Vertu's dangers, never knew:


Your sute would have your love with love repay'd;
To which Arts conquests, when all science flowes,
Compar'd, are Students dreams; and triumphs made
By glorious Courts and Camps but painted showes.


Even Arts Dictators, who give Laws to Schools,
Are but dead Heads; Statesmen, who Empire move,
But prosp'rous Spys, and Victors, fighting Fools,
When they their Trophies rank with those of Love.


And when against your fears I thus declame,
(Yet make your danger more, whilst I decry
Your worth to hers) then wisely fear I blame;
For fears are hurtfull'st when attempts are high:


And you should think your noble dangers less,
When most my praise does her renown prefer;
For that takes off your hasty hope's excess;
And when we little hope, we nothing fear.


Now you are taught your sickness, learn your cure;
You shall to Court, and there serve Rhodalind;
Trie if her vertue's force you can endure
In the same Sphear, without eclipse of mind.


Your Lord may there your Souls compare; for we,
Though Souls, like Stars make not their greatness known;
May find which greater then the other be;
The Stars are measur'd by Comparison!



Your plighted Lord shall you ere long preferr
To neer attendance on this royal Maid;
Quit then officious Fear! The Jealous fear
They are not fearful, when to death afraid.


These words he clos'd with kindness, and retir'd;
In which her quick-ey'd-Hope three blessings spy'd;
With joy of being neer her Lord, inspir'd,
With seeing Courts, and having Vertue try'd!


She now with jealous questions, utter'd faste,
Fills Orgo's Ear, which there unmark'd are gone,
As Throngs through guarded Gates, when all make haste,
Not giving Warders time t' examine one.


She ask'd if Fame had render'd Rhodalind
With favour, or in Truth's impartial shape?
If Orna were to humble Vertue kinde,
And beauty could from Gartha's envy scape?


If Laura (whose faire Eyes those but invites,
Who to her wit ascribe the Victory)
In conquest of a speechless Maid delights?
And ere to this prompt Orgo could reply,


She ask'd, in what consist the Charms of Court?
Whether those pleasures so resistless were
As common Country Travailers report,
And such as innocence had cause to feare?


What kinde of Angels shape young Fav'rites take?
And being Angels, how they can be bad?
Or why delight so cruelly to make
Fair Country Maids, return from Court so sad?


More had she ask'd (for study warm'd her brow,
With thinking how her love might prosp'rous be)
But that young Ulfinore approach'd her now,
And Goltho, warmer with designe then she.


Though Goltho's hope (in Indian Feathers clad)
Was light, and gay, as if he meant to flie;
Yet he no farther then his Rival had
Advanc'd in promise, from her Tongue, or Eye.


When distant, talk'd, as if he plighted were;
For hope in Love, like Cowards in the Warr,
Talks bravely till the enterprise be neer;
But then discretion dares not venture farr.


He never durst approach, her watchfull Eye
With studious gazing, nor with sighs her Eare;
But still seem'd frolick, like a Statesman's Spy;
As if his thoughtful bus'ness were not there.



Still, Superstitious Lovers Beauty paint,
(Thinking themselves but Devils) so divine,
As if the thing belov'd, were all a Saint;
And ev'ry place she enter'd, were a Shrine.


And though last Night were the auspitious time
When they resolv'd to quit their bashful fears;
Yet soon (as to the Sun when Eaglets climbe)
They stoop'd, and quench'd their daring Eyes in tears.


And now (for Hope, that formal Centry, stands
All Winds and Showrs, though where but vainly plac'd)
They to Verona beg her dear commands;
And look to be with parting kindness grac'd,


Both daily journies meant, 'twixt this and Court:
For taking leave is twice Love's sweet Repast;
In being sweet, and then in being short;
Like Manna, ready still, but cannot last.


Her Favours not in lib'ral looks she gave,
But in a kinde respectful lowliness,
Them honor gives, yet did her honor save;
Which gently thus, she did to both express.


High Heav'n that did direct your Eyes the way
To chuse so well, when you your friendship made,
Still keep you joyn'd, that daring Envy may
Fear such united Vertue to invade!


In your safe Brests, the Noble Gondibert
Does trust the secret Treasure of his love;
And I (grown Conscious of my low desert)
Would not, you should that wealth for me improve.


I am a Flow'r that merit not the Spring!
And he (the World's warm Sun!) in passing by
Should think, when such as I leave flourishing,
His Beams to Cedars haste, which else would die.


This from his humble Maid you may declare
To him, on whom the good of humane kinde
Depends; and as his greatning is your care,
So may your early love successes finde!


So may that beautious She, whom eithers Heart
For vertue and delight of life shall chuse,
Quit in your siege the long defence of Art,
And Nature's freedom in a treaty lose.


This gave cold Ulfinore in Love's long Night
Some hope of Day; as Sea-men that are run
Far Northward finde long Winters to be light,
And in the Cynosure, adore the Sun.



It shew'd to Goltho, not alone like Day,
But like a wedding Noon; who now grows strong
Enough to speak; but that her beauties stay
His Eyes, whose wonder soon arrests his Tongue.


Yet something he at parting seem'd to say,
In pretty Flow'rs of Love's wild Rhetorick;
Which mov'd not her, though Orators thus sway
Assemblies, which since wilde, wilde Musick like.


Canto the Sixth.


Here Ulfin reads the art to Ulfinore
Of wisely getting, and increasing Power.
The Rivals to Verona haste, and there
Young Goltho's frailty does too soon appear.
Black Dalga's fatal beauty is reveal'd;
But her descent and Story is conceal'd.


Old Ulfin parting now with Ulfinore,
His study'd thoughts, and of a grave import
Thus utter'd, as well read in ancient Lore;
When prudence kept up greatness in the Court.


Heav'n guide thee, Son, through Honor's slipp'ry way;
The Hill, which wary painfulness must climbe;
And often rest, to take a full survey.
Of every path, trod by Experienc'd Time.


Rise glorious with thy Master's hopeful Morn!
His favour calls thee to his secret Breast;
Great Gondibert! to spacious Empire born;
Whose careful Head will in thy bosome rest.


Be good! and then in pitty soon be great!
For vertuous men should toile to compass pow'r,
Least when the Bad possess Dominion's Seat,
We vainly weep for those whom they devour.


Our vertue without pow'r, but harmless is!
The Good, who lazily are good at home,
And safely rest in doing not amiss,
Fly from the Bad, for fear of Martyrdome!


Be in thy greatness easie, and thy Brow
Still cleer, and comforting as breaking Light;
The Great, with bus'ness troubled, weakly bow;
Pow'r should with publick Burdens walk upright!


We chearfulness, as innocence commend!
The Great, may with benigne and civil Eyes
The People wrong, yet not the wrong'd offend;
Who feel most wrong, from those who them despise!



Since wrongs must be, Complaints must shew the Griev'd;
And Favorites should walk still open Ear'd;
For of the suing Croud half are reliev'd
With the innate delight of being heard.


Thy greatness be in Armes! who else are great,
Move but like Pageants in the People's view;
And in foul weather make a scorn'd retreat;
The Greeks their painted Gods in Armor drew!


Yield not in storms of State to that dislike
Which from the People does to Rulers grow;
Pow'r (Fortune's Sail) should not for threatnings strike;
In Boats bestorm'd all check at those that row.


Courts little Arts contemn! dark Holes to save
Retreated Pow'r, when fear does Friendship feigne;
Poor Theeves retire to Woods! Chiefs, great, and brave,
Draw out their Forces to the open Plaine!


Be by thy Vertue bold! when that Sun shines,
All Art's false lights are with disgrace put out;
Her straitness shews it self and crooked Lines;
And her plain Text the Scepticks dare not doubt.


Revenge (weak Womens Valor, and in Men,
The Ruffians Cowardise,) keep from thy Breast!
The factious Palace is that Serpent's Den;
Whom Cowards there, with secret slaughter Feast.


Revenge is but a braver Name for Fear,
'Tis Indians furious fear, when they are fed
With valiant Foes; whose Hearts their Teeth must tear
Before they boldly dare believe them dead.


VVhen thou giv'st death, thy Banners be display'd!
And move not till an open Foe appears!
Courts lurking war shews Justice is afraid;
And no broad Sword, but a closs Ponyard wears.


To kill, shews Fear dares not more fears endure!
VVhen wrong'd, destroy not with thy Foes thy fame;
The Valiant by forgiving mischief, cure;
And it is Heav'n's great conquest to reclame!


Be by thy bounty known! for since the needs
Of life, so rudely press the bold and wise;
The bountious heart, all but his God exceeds;
VVhom bounty best makes known to Mortal Eies!


And to be bountiful, be rich! for those
Fam'd Talkers, who in Schools did wealth despise,
Taught doctrine, which at home would Empire lose,
If not believ'd first by their Enemies.



And though in ruling Ministers of State,
The People wretched poverty adore,
(Which Fools call innocence, and wise Men hate
As sloth) yet they rebell for being poore,


And to be rich, be diligent! Move on
Like Heav'ns great Movers that inrich the Earth;
Whose Moments sloth would shew the world undone,
And make the Spring strait bury all her birth.


Rich are the diligent! who can command
Time, Nature's stock! and could his Hour-glass fall,
Would, as for seed of Stars, stoop for the sand;
And by incessant Labour gather all.


Be kinde to Beauty! that unlucky Shrine!
Where all Love's Thieves come bowing to their Prey;
And honor steal; which Beauty makes divine:
Be thou still kinde, but never to betray!


Heav'n study more in Nature, then in Schools!
Let Nature's Image never by thee pass
Like unmark'd Time; but those unthinking Fools
Despise, who spie not Godhead through her Glass!


These precepts Ulfinore, with dutious care,
In his Hearts Closet lock'd, his faithful Brest!
And now the Rival-Friends for Court prepare;
And much their Youth is by their haste exprest.


They yet ne'r saw Verona nor the Court;
And expectation lengthens much their way;
Since by that great Inviter urg'd, Report;
And thither fly on Coursers of Relay,


E're to his Western Mines the Sun retir'd;
They his great Mint for all those Mines behold,
Verona, which in Towres to Heav'n aspir'd;
Guilt doubly, for the Sun now guilt their gold.


They make their Entry through the Western Gate!
A Gothick Arch! Where, on an Elephant
Bold Clephes as the second Founder sate;
Made to mock life, and onely life did want.


Still strange, and divers seem their Objects now;
And still increase, where ere their Eyes they cast;
Of lazy Pag'ant-Greatness, moving slow,
And angry bus'ness, rushing on in haste.


All strange to them, as they to all appear;
Yet less like strangers gaz'd then those they see;
Who this glad day the Duke's Spectators were;
To mark how with his fame his looks agree.



And guess that these are of his fighting Train,
Renown'd in Youth; who by their wonder stay'd,
And by their own, but slowly passage gain;
But now much more their progress is delay'd:


For a black Beauty did her pride display
Through a large Window, and in Jewels shon,
As if to please the World, weeping for day,
Night had put all her Starry Jewels on.


This Beauty gaz'd on both, and Ulfinore
Hung down his Head, but yet did lift his Eyes;
As if he fain would see a little more:
For much, though bashful, she did beauty prise.


Goltho did like a blushless Statue stare;
Boldly her practis'd boldness did out-look;
And even for fear she would mistrust her snare,
Was ready to cry out, that he was took!


She, with a wicked Woman's prosp'rous Art,
A seeming modesty, the Window clos'd;
Wisely delay'd his Eyes, since of his Heart
She thought, she had sufficiently dispos'd.


And he thus strait complain'd! Ah Ulfinore,
How vainly Glory has our Youth misled?
The Winde which blowes us from the happy Shore,
And drives us from the living to the Dead.


To Bloody slaughters, and perhaps of those
Who might beget such beauties as this Maid;
The Sleepy here are never wak'd with Foes;
Nor are of ought but Ladies frowns afraid.


Ere he could more lament, a little Page,
Clean, and perfum'd (one whom this Dame did breed
To guess at ills, too manly for his age)
Steps swiftly to him, and arrests his Steed.


With civil whisper cries, My Lady Sir!
At this, Goltho alights as swiftly post
As Posters mount; by lingring loath to err,
As Wind-bound Men, whose sloth their first Wind lost.


And when his Friend advis'd him to take care;
He gravely, as a Man new potent grown,
Protests he shall in all his Fortunes share;
And to the House invites him as his own.


And, with a Rival's wisdom, Ulfinore
Does hope, since thus blinde Love leads him astray,
Where a false Saint he can so soon adore,
That to Birtha ne'r will finde the way.



They enter, and ascend; and enter then
Where Dalga with black Eyes does Sinners draw;
And with her voice holds fast repenting Men;
To whose warm Jett, light Goltho is but Straw.


Nicely as Bridegrooms, was her Chamber drest,
Her Bed, as Brides; and richer then a Throne;
And sweeter seem'd then the Circania's Nest,
Though built in Eastern Groves of Cinamon.


The price of Princes pleasures; who her love
(Though but false ware) at rates so costly bought;
The wealth of many, but may hourly prove
Spoils to some one by whom her self is caught.


She, sway'd by sinful Beauty's destiny,
Findes her Tyrannick pow'r must now expire;
Who ment to kindle Goltho with her Eye,
But to her Breast has brought the raging fire.


Yet even in simple love she uses Art;
Though weepings are from looser Eyes but leaks,
Yet oldest Lovers scarce would doubt her heart;
So well she weeps, and thus to Goltho speaks.


I might, if I should ask your pardon, Sir,
Suspect that pitty which the noble feel
When Women fail; but since in this I err
To all my Sex, I would to Women kneel.


Yet happy were our Sex, could they excuse
All breach of modesty, as I can mine;
Since 'tis from passion which a Saint might use,
And not appear less worthy of a Shrine.


For my brave Brother you resemble so
Throughout your shape; who late in Combate fell;
As you in that an inward vertue show,
By which to me you all the World excell.


All was he, which the Good as greatness see,
Or Love can like! in judgment match'd by none;
Unless it fail'd in being kind to me;
A crime forbid to all since he is gone.


For though I send my Eyes abroad, in hope
Amongst the streams of Men still flowing here,
To finde (which is my passions utmost scope)
Some one that does his noble Image beare;


Yet still I live recluse; unless it seem
A liberty too rude, that I in you
His likeness at so high a rare esteem,
As to believe your heart is kinde and true.



She casts on Ulfinore a sudden look;
Stares like a Mountebank, who had forgot
His Viol, and the cursed poison took
By dire mistake before his Antidote.


Prays Goltho that his Friend may strait forbear
Her presence; who (she said) resembled so
Her noble Brother's cruel Murderer,
As she must now expire, unless he go!


Goltho, still gravely vain, with formal Face
Bids Ulfinore retire; and does pretend
Almost to know her Parents, and the place,
And even to swear her Brother was his Friend.


But wary Ulfinore (whose beautious Truth
Did never but in plainest dress behold)
Smiles, and remembers Tales, to forward Youth
In Winter Nights by Country Matrons told:


Of witches Townes, where seeming Beauties dwell,
All hair, and black within, Maides that can fly!
Whose Palaces at Night, are smoky Hell,
And in their beds their slaughter'd Lovers lie.


And though, the Sun now setting, he no Lights
Saw burning blew, nor steam of Sulphur smelt;
Nor took her Two black Meroen Maids for Sprites;
Yet he a secret touch of honor felt.


For not the craft of Rivalship (though more
Then States, wise Rivals study interest)
Can make him leave his Friend, till he restore
Some cold discretion to his burning Breast.


Though to his fears this cause now serious shows;
Yet smiles he at his solemn loving Eye;
For Lust in reading Beauty solemn grows
As old Physitians in Anatomie.


Goltho (said he) 'tis easie to discern
That you are grave, and think you should be so;
Since you have bus'ness here of grave concern;
And think that you this House and Lady know.


You'l stay, and have your sleep with musick fed;
But little think to wake with Mandrakes grones;
And by a Ghost be to a Garden led
At midnight, strew'd with simple Lovers Bones:


This Goltho is inchantment, and so strange,
So subt'ly false, that whilst I tell it you,
I fear the spell will my opinion change,
And make me think the pleasant Vision true.



Her dire black Eyes are like the Oxes Eye,
Which in the Indian Ocean Tempest brings;
Let's go! Before our Horses learn to fly,
Ere she shew cloven Feet, and they get wings!


But high rebellious Love, when counsell'd, soon
As sullen as rebuk'd Ambition grows;
And Goltho would pursue what he should shun,
But that his happy'r fate did interpose:


For at the Garden Gate, a Summons, loud
Enough, to shew authority, and haste,
Brought cares to Dalga's Brow; which like a Cloud
Did soon her shining beauty over-cast.


Like Thieves surpris'd, whil'st they divide their Prise,
Her Maids run and return through ev'ry Room;
Still seeming doubtful where their safety lies;
All speaking with their looks, and all are dumb.


She, who to dangers could more boldly wake,
With words, swift as those errands which her heart
Sends out in glances, thus to Goltho spake:
My Mother, Sir! Alass! You must depart!


She is severe, as dying Confessors,
As jealous as unable Husbands are,
She Youth in Men, like age in Maids abhors;
And has more Spies then any civil Warre.


Yet would you but submit to be conceal'd,
I have a Closet secret as my Brest,
Which is to Men, nor Day, no more reveal'd,
Then a closse Swallow in his Winters Nest.


To this good Goltho did begin to yield;
But Ulfinore (who doubts that it may tend
To base retreat, unless they quit the Field)
Does by example govern and defend.


And now his Eyes even ake with longingness,
Ready to break their Strings, to get abroad
To see this Matron, by whose sole access
Dalga in all her furious hopes is aw'd.


And as he watch'd her civil Mercury,
The hopeful Page; he saw him entrance give,
Not to a Matron, still prepar'd to die;
But to a Youth wholly design'd to live.


He seem'd the Heir to prosp'rous Parents toiles;
Gay as young Kings, that woo in forraign Courts;
Or youthful Victors in their Persian spoiles;
He seem'd like Love and Musick made for sports.



But wore his clothing loose, and wildly cast,
As Princes high with Feasting, who to wine
Are seldom us'd: shew'd warm, and more unbrac't
Then Ravishers, oppos'd in their designe.


This Ulfinore observ'd, and would not yet
In civil pitty, undeceive his Friend;
But watch'd the signes of his departing Fit;
Which quickly did in bashful silence end.


To the Dukes Palace they inquir'd their way;
And as they slowly rod, a grave excuse
Griev'd Goltho frames; vowing he made this stay
For a discov'ry of important use.


If Sir, (said he) we heedlesly pass by
Great Towns, like Birds that from the Country come
But to be skar'd, and on to Forrests fly,
Let's be no travail'd Fools, but roost at home.


I see (reply'd his Friend) you nothing lack
Of what is painful, curious, and discreet
In Travailers; else would you not look back
So often to observe this House, and Street:


Drawing your City Mapp with Coasters care;
Not onely marking where safe Channels run,
But where the Shelves, and Rocks, and Dangers are;
To teach weak Strangers what they ought to shun.


But, Goltho, fly from Lust's experiments!
Whose heat we quench much sooner then asswage;
To quench the Furnace-Lust, stop all the vents;
For, give it any Air, the flames will rage.