University of Virginia Library

The book of Esther.

The first Chapiter.

Ahasuerus or Darius,
for so some doo him call:
A royall feast he princely kept,
to cheer bothe great and small.
The Queen sent for to come in sight,
shee did send flat her nay:
Shee is deuorst and law is made,
eche wife for to obay.

The ii. chapiter.

Beeing appeased of his wrath,
the King had counsel then:
That virgins should be chosen out,
the fairst among women.
So were they chose and purified,
with garmentes gayly drest:
The King had choise whiche should be Queen
so Esther likte him best.

The iii. chapiter.

Courted now is a wicked man
that Haman hight by name:
Who wanting glory to his wil,
he sought a bloody fame.
By false report he got consent,
the Iewes to kil and slay:
The postes were sent to euery cost,
and pointed was the day.

The iiii. chapiter.

Doleful cryes and shouts were made,
the Iewes were so agast:
Mardocheus to Court he came,
the Queen was sore abasht.
Shee sent him woord to fast and pray
and so to wil the rest:
Her life shee should in daunger put,
yet was shee therto prest.

The v. Chapiter.

Esther then in her best aray,
came foorth before the King:
He likt her wel and Septer shewd,
to testify the thing.
The King did to her banket go,
and Haman with him took:
Who comming home vnto his house
ful wicked councel took.

The vi. Chapiter.

Found out it was Mardocheus,
the King had saued vnfeed:
Who Haman axt what suche a one,
should haue vnto his meed?
In goodly robes to ride saith hee,
with honour and with praise:
To Mardocheus said the King,
go doo the same straight wayes.

The vii. Chapiter.

Gon to banket is Haman now,
to drink his last carrouse:
The Queen then tolde her doleful hap,
to her and to her house.
Unto the King, who rose in wrath
gainst Haman for the fact:
His gallous for another made,
his neck therin it crackt.

The viii. chapiter.

Hamans house Merdocheus had,
his office therunto:
The Queen did beg her peoples life,
the King did graunt therto
The posts were sent the ioy was great,
the Iewes had suche releef:

The woork of God on them so wrought,
made some of their beleef.

The ix. chapiter.

In like as should the Iewes haue had
so on their foes it fel:
For some were slain, some hangd on tree
the King did like it wel.
Then did they point that day to keep,
holy from yeer to yeer:
With laudes & praise, wt deeds of almes,
as there it dooth appeer.
As Esthers book is finished,
so Iob ye shall haue next:
The patient man, we wil you shew,
according to the text.
No Iew he was, but gentile born,
yet did he walke aright:
He was before that Moyses was,
who did this book indight.