University of Virginia Library


The Rector called to the attention of the Board the recent death of President A. Whitney Griswold
of Yale University, an institution with which the University of Virginia has had many close ties
as fellow members of the Association of American Universities and in many other happy relationships.
He proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that in the untimely death of
A. Whitney Griswold the world's scholars and the cause of scholarship everywhere have lost a brave
and eloquent spokesman. Dedicated to free inquiry, he vigorously supported the dignities of teachers,
and boldly defended the right of students to uncensored access to ideas. Selfless in his devotion to
Yale University, Mr. Griswold placed all universities in his debt by his reassertion of the meaning
of academic freedom. The death of Mr. Griswold deprives us of his counsel but cannot dim the wide
and salutary influence he has exerted as a vigilant defender of the search for truth

It was ordered that copies of the foregoing resolution be sent to Mrs. Griswold and to the Corporation
of Yale University