University of Virginia Library


The following resolution was adopted:

  • That the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, having been advised of the decision of the Trustees of the McGregor Fund not only to extend for another five-year period but also to increase the annual grants for the purchase of additions to the Tracy W. McGregor Library, join the President of the University in expressing their deep appreciation to the Trustees for this manifestation of satisfaction in the management of the McGregor Library;
  • That the Rector and Visitors have been gratified by the growth of the McGregor Library during the preceding three decades owing to the generous support of the McGregor Fund;
  • That the Rector and Visitors recognize that the support of the Trustees of the McGregor Fund in the appropriation of annual and special supplemental grants to the McGregor Library, in gifts to the University in support of its faculty in American History, and in its continuing counsel and friendly help through the Advisory Committee of the McGregor Library, has been of inestimable value in promoting the tremendous growth of its faculty and courses of instruction in American History to its present national eminence;
  • That the Rector and Visitors further resolve that for the next ensuing ten years they propose to continue at least in its present strength the staff of the Rare Book and Manuscript Divisions of its Library, of which the McGregor Library is an important and integral part; that the $2,500 which has annually for thirty years been spent by the University for additions to the McGregor Library be reassigned to the Rare Book and Manuscript Divisions for the next ensuing ten years, specifically designated for additions to the McGregor Library in the same manner as under the original Deed of Gift; and
  • That, in this Thirtieth year of the rewarding association of the University of Virginia with the Trustees of the McGregor Fund, the Rector and Visitors send warm greetings and felicitations to the Trustees of the McGregor Fund.