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Grade.—The grade of a student in any course, either for a term or for
the session, is determined by his class standing and his examination grade,
combined in such proportion as the professor in charge of the course in
question may decide.

Grade Required for Passing.—For passing in any course a grade of
seventy-five per cent is required.

Absence from Examinations will not be excused except for sickness on
the day of examination, attested by a physician's certificate, or for other
cause which the Faculty by special order may approve. An unexcused absence
is counted as a total failure.


Page 172

Special Examinations.—A student whose absence from an examination
is excused, is entitled to a special examination on a date to be arranged between
himself and the professor in charge.

Change of Schools can be made only with the consent of the Dean and
of the professors concerned.