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The Works of John Hookham Frere In Verse and Prose

Now First Collected with a Prefatory Memoir by his Nephews W. E. and Sir Bartle Frere

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My God, my God, look on me! why dost thou—
In agony and distress—forsake me now,
Forlorn of help from thee?—my daily cry
Goes up before thy throne, O Lord, most high!
Incessant,—instant,—from the dawn of light,
And in the restless watches of the night:
But Thou remainest, stedfast, holy, pure,
Righteous, unchanged, and Thy decrees endure
Eternally predestin'd truly and well,


O Thou, the glory and praise of Israel!
Our Fathers hop'd in Thee; they cried and prayed
For help; and Thou didst grant them present aid;
They trusted and were holpen;—as for me
A worm and not a man—the last degree
Of deep debasement, ignominy, and scorn,
Oppresses me overwhelm'd and overborne—
An outcast of the people, a mark, a stock
For vulgar tongues and lips to taunt and mock;
Saying, “He trusted in his God to save him,
“Let God then interpose, if God will have him”—
Yes—Thou art He—that from my mother's womb
Deliveredst me to light,—my trust,—on whom
Whilst laid at rest upon the nursing breast,
My thoughts and hopes were daily and hourly dwelling:
Father and Lord in mercy and might excelling,
Whose glory and praise my lips were ever telling,
Leave me not here abandon'd and alone;
For trouble is hard at hand, and help is none!
The bestial herd of Basan close me round,
In boisterous outrage, with a savage sound
Of rage and outcry, like the lion's howl,
And eyes and gestures eager, fierce and foul—
And there I stand amongst them!—silent, slow,
Weak as the very water; faint and low;
My bones are out of joint; my heart within
Melts as the wax; my lips and tongue begin
To shrivel and wither with the parching breath—
And thou shalt bring me to the dust of death!—
The bloody dogs, the unclean are in the crowd!
With the hypocritic Elders stern and proud—
My feet and hands are pierc'd, and every bone
Naked and bare, and counted one by one!
In empty wonderment they gather round,
Gazing upon me, watching every wound!—
My garments are shar'd out—my vest unrent
Stak'd as a prize, with ribald merriment!—


But be not Thou far from me, O God my strength!
Father and Lord! incline thine ear at length—
Haste Thee to help me; save my soul from scath
Of fiendish rage; and thine appointed wrath,
The sword of Eden brandish'd early and long!—
So shall I praise Thee with a joyful song
Of victory and redemption; and proclaim
Thy justice and Thy mercies and Thy name
Amongst the brethren—Ye that fear the Lord!
Sons of the chosen seed! with one accord
Magnify and praise his name, with love and awe!
Sons of the covenant and of the law!
Children of Jacob and of Israel!
For ye can witness well,—that he the Lord
Hath not abhorr'd—nor shunn'd the deep infliction,
That dreadful interdiction undergoing,
His tears in anguish flowing, and his cry
Were heard and seen on high; the Almighty face
Was turn'd to pity and grace,—and pardon given,
And ratified in heaven!—A louder voice
Shall summon to rejoice, a congregation
From many a tribe and nation; wider far;
From where the appointed star
Leads forth the mystic eastern Sages hoar;
E'en to the silent, shady, western shore;
The guests are marshall'd, and the banquet spread,
With heavenly wine and bread—The bread of life!
Without restraint or strife, or fear, or sadness,
In singleness of heart, with love and gladness;
A company which death shall not dissever—
They share the food which leads to life for ever.
Lastly, the extremest tribes and every race
Of the World's utmost space,
Spelling aright,—the words of truth and light
Through dark confus'd tradition long abus'd,
Shall turn anew;—to recollect the true
Saviour—and Sacrifice,—and Child of Heaven,
—The great primæval Hope and Promise given!
The Lord is ruler; every Realm of earth


His heritage of birth, is claim'd and held
Subdued and quell'd,—beneath his awful sway;
Princes and kings obey; the noble and great
Sages and Chiefs of State, with humble cheer
Attend the table in fear; or serve and wait:
Bashful and late, the sad rejected Seed,
From guilt and error freed, return at length;
To be renew'd in strength, a mighty nation;
Again accounted as a generation,
Enroll'd and register'd before the Lord,
Upon the great record;—to testify
Of the Most High; the deeds which he hath done;
Pardon and grace with mighty struggles won,
And glory and rule ordain'd; for him the anointed
Amidst a race pre-destin'd and appointed.