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He shall rejoice, O Lord, our rightful King,
Exulting in thy succour, conquering
The eternal enemy with Thy strength and aid.
—Sin, Death and Sorrow and Pain are captive made—
—His heart's desire thou grantest him—the scope
Of every supplication, prayer, and hope!
With bounty, and love, and favor overflowing,
With blessing thou preventest him; bestowing
On his anointed head, the regal ring
Incorruptible, as Conqueror, Priest and King!
The gold thereof is perfect; purified
Tormented in the furnace, prov'd and tried.
Life was the boon he sought; yet not to live
Alone; but life eternal didst thou give:
Great is his glory and praise, atchieved at length
In Thy salvation, with thy power and strength.
Thy countenance shall gladden him; and display
A second self; with delegated sway
Co-ordinate; a fountain, and a store,
Of mercy, and Hope, and Grace for evermore,
For all the nations! For his faith was tried;
For that his trust in Thee was testified;


Thy mercy shall maintain him on the throne,
Time without end, unshaken and alone!
King! Conqueror!—in thy wrath thou shalt arise
And thy right hand shall reach thine enemies
With ready vengeance—as the flames and heat,
That round the vaulted furnace rave and beat,
Enkindling and devouring all within;
Thy judgments shall consume the sons of sin,
The fuel of wrath, outrageous, fiery, rife,
With inextinguishable fury and strife
Kindled to self destruction; branch and root
Thou shalt eradicate them!—seed and fruit
Exterminated!—neither name nor place
Left upon earth—nor memory, nor trace!—
For why? the malice of their hearts was bent
Against Thy kingdom and name;—The vain intent
Is baffled, and recoils;—Thy vengeful bow,
Arm'd and up-rais'd, is visible below!—
Stunn'd and amaz'd, the thunder of the string,
Strikes on their ear, Thy shafts are on the wing!
O Lord, our succour in that fearful hour
Exalt Thyself in Thine own strength and Power;
So shall we praise Thy blessed name, and sing
Our Conqueror and Deliverer, Lord and King.