Flamma sine Fumo or, poems without fictions. Hereunto are annexed the Causes, Symptoms, or Signes of several Diseases with their Cures, and also the diversity of Urines, with their Causes in Poetical measure. By R. W. [i.e. Rowland Watkyns] |
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Certain Rules to know the disposition of the Body by the Urine or Complexion.
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Certain Rules to know the disposition of the Body by the Urine or Complexion.
The sight of Urine and Complexion, shews
Where each Disease is seated, whence it flows.
Into four parts the the Urine we divide,
Which do our reason and our judgment guide.
The first the Circle is, which floats above;
By this, what pains lie in the Head, we prove.
The second part under this Circle lies,
The pain of Breast and Lungs which signifies.
And the third part the middle doth possess,
Which doth the Stomach, Liver, Milt express.
The fourth part is the bottom, which doth tell
What pains in Kidnies, Guts, and Bladder dwell.
When any of these four parts mixed be
With other matters by contingencie;
We then perceive wherein the chiefest harm
Or grief consists: We use the Urine warm,
Or fresh the morning. 'Tis a rule for all,
Safely to close, or stop the Urinal:
The Urine else will thicken and divide,
And must again by fire be rectifi'd.
Where each Disease is seated, whence it flows.
Into four parts the the Urine we divide,
Which do our reason and our judgment guide.
The first the Circle is, which floats above;
By this, what pains lie in the Head, we prove.
The second part under this Circle lies,
The pain of Breast and Lungs which signifies.
And the third part the middle doth possess,
Which doth the Stomach, Liver, Milt express.
The fourth part is the bottom, which doth tell
What pains in Kidnies, Guts, and Bladder dwell.
When any of these four parts mixed be
With other matters by contingencie;
We then perceive wherein the chiefest harm
Or grief consists: We use the Urine warm,
Or fresh the morning. 'Tis a rule for all,
Safely to close, or stop the Urinal:
The Urine else will thicken and divide,
And must again by fire be rectifi'd.
When th' Urine's red, and thick, 't's understood
The Patient's body's hot, and full of blood:
The best Physitians wisely do relate,
And his complexion Sanguine nominate.
When th' Urines red, and thin seems to the eye,
The Patient's body is both hot and dry:
We Cholerick do this complexion call,
Whose foul disease proceedeth from the gall:
When th' Urine's white and thick, I truly hold
The Patient is by nature moist and cold:
He's Flegmatick; for we by reason know,
From watry humors his diseases flow,
But when the Urine is both thin, and white,
The Patient's cold and dry; and takes delight
In no companion; but his constant folly
Doth make him subject unto Melancholy:
His blood by nature like the earth is dull,
His face is pale, his heart of sadness full.
When the Urine yellow, like the purest gold,
Digestion's good, and perfect then we hold.
If th' Urine doth like watry blood appear,
Or else like Saffron, or the flames of fire;
These colours in sick bodies do foretell
Heat in the Liver, and hot Fevers dwell:
But that burnt moisture shews, which like red wine,
Or red earth doth to heaviness incline.
When th' Urine looks like Ashes, or like Lead,
Some grievous sickness in the body's bred.
A deadly sickness I did oft foresee
By Urine, which is black as coal may be:
Black Urine doth proceed, as I presume,
From burning heat, which nature doth consume:
Black Urine shews the Milt is stopt, and then
The Yellow-Jaundise will endanger men.
The Urine pale, wherein white sands we spy,
Doth in the Bladder the Stone signifie.
When th' Urines thick and fat, but red the sand,
The cruel Stone the Kidnies doth command.
When th' Urine's pale, with scum and fome, we find
The head is moist, the belly full of wind.
Urine like milk, which comes but little out,
Foreshews the sickness which we call the gout.
When th' Urine's subtile, or like water thin,
Pains in the Milt, or Dropsie may begin.
The Urine red, with pibbles or with bells,
Upon the breast some foul Imposthume tells:
The Urine, which is in hot Fevers green,
Deadly by reason of too much heat hath been.
If th' Urine looks like Lead, when that a dry
Consumption holds the Patient, he will die.
When that a swimming cloud is found or known
In womans Urine driving up and down,
And mixt with shells; this symptom ne'r beguil'd,
But plainly shews, that woman is with child.
The Patient's body's hot, and full of blood:
The best Physitians wisely do relate,
And his complexion Sanguine nominate.
The Patient's body is both hot and dry:
We Cholerick do this complexion call,
Whose foul disease proceedeth from the gall:
When th' Urine's white and thick, I truly hold
The Patient is by nature moist and cold:
He's Flegmatick; for we by reason know,
From watry humors his diseases flow,
But when the Urine is both thin, and white,
The Patient's cold and dry; and takes delight
In no companion; but his constant folly
Doth make him subject unto Melancholy:
His blood by nature like the earth is dull,
His face is pale, his heart of sadness full.
When the Urine yellow, like the purest gold,
Digestion's good, and perfect then we hold.
If th' Urine doth like watry blood appear,
Or else like Saffron, or the flames of fire;
These colours in sick bodies do foretell
Heat in the Liver, and hot Fevers dwell:
But that burnt moisture shews, which like red wine,
Or red earth doth to heaviness incline.
When th' Urine looks like Ashes, or like Lead,
Some grievous sickness in the body's bred.
A deadly sickness I did oft foresee
By Urine, which is black as coal may be:
Black Urine doth proceed, as I presume,
From burning heat, which nature doth consume:
Black Urine shews the Milt is stopt, and then
The Yellow-Jaundise will endanger men.
The Urine pale, wherein white sands we spy,
Doth in the Bladder the Stone signifie.
When th' Urines thick and fat, but red the sand,
The cruel Stone the Kidnies doth command.
When th' Urine's pale, with scum and fome, we find
The head is moist, the belly full of wind.
Foreshews the sickness which we call the gout.
When th' Urine's subtile, or like water thin,
Pains in the Milt, or Dropsie may begin.
The Urine red, with pibbles or with bells,
Upon the breast some foul Imposthume tells:
The Urine, which is in hot Fevers green,
Deadly by reason of too much heat hath been.
If th' Urine looks like Lead, when that a dry
Consumption holds the Patient, he will die.
When that a swimming cloud is found or known
In womans Urine driving up and down,
And mixt with shells; this symptom ne'r beguil'd,
But plainly shews, that woman is with child.
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