University of Virginia Library



Ande sene I haf tald ȝou here
of theodera, to god sa dere,
sume thing þat suld mowe women
to lof god & þame-selfe kene,
þat of þaim na vertu hase
bot It cum of godis grace;
& alsua wele ma we se
hou þe feynde ma ourcumyne be,
be contryt harte & verray schryfte,
þat þe synnare ma vpe lifte,
with satisfaccion for þe Ill
þat he dois his nythboure til;
& takine of þe croice verray,
as he seis, [he] fleis away;
na in na place ma he nocht be
with myknes & vergynite,
& of disese lele pacience
agayne hyme oft makis defence.
& ensampil ma þai ta
of þe maydine Eugenia,
þat with maydinehed & meknes
in hard fandyng pacience was,
& our-com hyme for al his slicht,
& of hewine wan to þe licht,
þat god gyfis with glad cher


to þaim [þat] tholis for hyme here
ded and persecucione
of il folk or of fellone.
[s]er prothus & Iacinctus ware
ȝung lordis & set to lare
in rome with þis eugenia,
þat was of nobil kine alsa.
& þir twa ȝung men Ithandly
studyt in philosophy.
& hyr fadir, of gret mycht
a senatur, þat philpe hicht,
to quham for his wit & honour
þe hale senat gef þe cure
of Alysandir þe cyte,
þar lutenand þar-of to be.
for-þi to þat cite he went,
þat was betacht hym a lyf-rent,
& his wyf with hyme can ta,
þat had to rycht nam claudya,
& his twa sonnis wise & fare,
auyte, þe eldaste wes & ayr,
& fergusium, þe ȝongare bruthir,
he tuk with hyme, ane & vthir,
& his dochtir Evgenia
with hyr brethyre he tuk alsa.
fore scho had leyryte be maste part
of þe sewine sciens al þe harte,
& part had of al lateratour—
sa to lere had set hyr cure.
bot for prothus, I spak of are,
& Iacinctus hir feris ware
in study of philosophy,
þai wald nocht lefe hyre cumpany.
& to þat scho wes richt wyse


in al science at dewyce,
þar mycht na woman wysare be,
na farrare of fasone na of beute,
of gud aport & fare hafinge,
sobyr & wele tacht in spekine,
& fra wnleful luste of flesche
sa kepyt hyr in al clennes.
& quhen scho wes of fy[f]tene ȝere
as abil to be manis fere,
fele mychty men wald haf ben glad
to fere hyr til haf hade.
ymang þe lafe a nobil knycht,
þat aquilone to name hicht,
& son wes of a senatoure,
lufyt þis maydine paramoure;
&, þat to wed hyr wes his wil,
he mychty men send hyre til.
þe quhilkis, quhen þai had tane
þar charge, went til hir on ane
& did þare charge connandly
til hyr, þat ansuert wysely,
& sad: “gud men, wit suld ȝe
þat husband suld nocht chosine be
be gret riches na be kyne,
bot gvde thewis ware hyme in.”
ȝet þane wes scho of paian lay,
& al þe laf þat I of say,
na knew nocht þan þe suthfast king
þat, as hym lest, mad althing,
bot trewit as þare elderis dide;
fore oure treutht to þaim wes vnkid.
& fore scho had gret delyt
to red bukis & to wryt,
sa hapnyt hyre to rede percase
in a buk qu[h]are wrytine was


syndry epistolis of sancte paule,
þat tacht men to kepe þe saule.
fra þine in thewis & in wil
to cristis fay hir hart dreu til;
for of clergy be sutelte
hyr thocht [þat] þat treutht best suld be.
[o]f alisandir nere þe cyte,
quhare-of here mencion mak we,
a lytil tone wes wele fare,
quhar cristine men had repare,
of tholyng of þe oure-men,
þat þe cite gouernyt þene.
& ydirward on a day
scho went, as It ware to play,
& cristine men þare can scho here
syngand with hey voice & clere:
“al þai þat þe folk on cal
na godis are bot feyndis al,
bot verray god is þat mad hewine
& al þe warld in dais sewine.”
þane sad scho to protho & Iacinc:
“say me on quhat ȝe think,”
for þai twa had at study ben
with hyr & [had] mekil sene
þat suld gere þaim of kyndly skil
sone gyf þaim þe resone til.
þane sad scho to þaim: “me think
we haf bot wastit our swink
In al þat tym we besyly
studit in philosophy;
for tynt tyme is to ta tent
til aristotles argument,
or of plato þe sampelere,
or socrotais bydding sere;
for, schortly, quhat poetis seis,


or fare spekaris ony-waise,
or quhat þat ony man can say,
in ------ resone is done away;
& þar-for se I clerly now
þar is bot a god in to trew.
for-þi, sen vsurpyt pouste
has mad me ȝoure lady be,
& wisdome me ȝoure cistir mad,
be we þane brethyre but a-bad
& folow criste but ony mare,
& trew in-[to] his suthfast lare!”
of þis consel þai ware content
& halely can til hyre consent
for to fulfil quhat þat scho
determyt for to byd ore do.
& for scho wald planly apere
til al as scho þare bruthir were,
a manis habit can scho ta,
& with þame til ane abbay ga;
quhare ane abbot was þat þane
þar cum thole wald na woman,
& elenus had til his name,
& man wes of gud fame;
for-þi thole wald he ne way
wemen to cum in his abbay.
& he, to defend be resone
our treutht, fel in disputacion
with ane erretike, þat richt wise
wes in clergy at dewyse,
þat sa wele schoke þe abbot, til
be resone of kyndly skyl
þat he had nocht to say nere-hand
agayne his resonnis, al wele seand.


for þe doctor sais, as we rede,
þat þe treutht þare has litil mede,
quhar manis reson ore wit
gifis ful resone to trow It.
for-þi þe abbot, þat nocht had
to schaw, gert a fyre be mad,
& sad, quhilk of þame ȝed in
þat fyre & mycht nocht bryne,
al his sawis ware suthfastnes,
& his þat brynt ware al les.
þe abbot þane, to scheld þe threpe,
in-to þe fyre but mare can lepe,
& duelt þar but merryng,
in hyd or hare or in clething,
bot of þe fyr come hale & sonde,
& bad þe erretik in fonde;
bot he wald nocht tak sic assay,
bot held his gat with scham away.
[a]nde quhen þire thre, as I sad are,
to þis abbot cumyne ware,
eugenia, þat turnyt had
hyr name & þar-of ewyne mad,
requeryt hyme for cheryte
þe abit & in þe house entre.
þe abbot sperit: “quhat art þu?”
“a man,” sad scho, “as ȝe se now.”
quod he: “þu ma wele cal þe man,
for, þo þu be a woman,
manlyk ar þi dedis al;
þarfor a man þu ma þe cal;”
for god had schawit hym quhat scho
wes; þar-for sa sad he hyre to.
þane ewyne & þir ȝung men twa
þe monkis abit þai can ta,
& scho gert al men trew but wene


þat ewyne hyr nam had bene.
& þane þir thre conuersit swa,
fra þai can þe habit ta,
þat to þe abbot þai ware dere,
& thankful to þe laf, but were.
for in þaim wes humylyte,
& kepyt þaim clene in al degre,
na wald haf na properte,
al-set þai ware of hee degre;
& to þare ourmen but offence
kepyt wele obedyence,
& renoncyt ay þar fre wil,
þe mar thankful to be god til,
& abstinence oysyt mare
þane in rewile þaim gyfine ware;
sa þat þai ware þe mast parfyt
þat in þis house bare habyt.
[h]yr fadir þan, þat wes at hame,
for his douchtir mad gret mane,
& soroful nycht and day
for his dochtir wes alvay;
bot þane þat fyrst he mad care,
quhen he saw cum ham hir chare,
& quhen hyre chawmir wast saw he,
quhare welthi wes scho wont to be,
wes na man cuth tel quhat wa
he had, & his wyf alsa.
& fergius als & auyte
had for þare cistir mykil syt,
þat wes a-way, þai ne wist quheþir,
with prothus & Iacinctus to-gyddir,
þat michty ware & of best kine,
duelland þat tym rome with-in.
& hyre fadir send to spere


tythand of hyre in landis sere,
hechtand reward quha mycht bring
of hyr til hym certane tything.
bot quhen þat al þat furth wer send,
had socht a hale ȝere til ende,
þai fand hyre nocht, bot com agane
& tynt þare trawale in-to wane.
It nedis nocht to recorde here
þe dole, þe soroful & ewil chere,
þat hyr fadir can for hir ma,
hyr modir & hir brethir twa.
þane gert he divynouris bryng,
þat knawlag had in althing,
& prayt þaim increly
þat þai wald trawale besyly
of his douchtir to get wityng,
& þare-of tel hym gud tything.
& þai went furth, &, þar craft don,
Come til hyme agayn rycht sone,
& sad þat goddis had hir tane
& ymang þe sterris with hir gane.
for-þi hyre faddir but a-bad
ane ymage of hyre gert be mad,
& gert al he had in cure
do ilke day þare-to honoure,
& þat suld be bath mare & les
rycht as til a godes.
bot ewyne & hyr feris twa
in-to þe purpos þai can ta,
perseveryt stalouartly,
& seruit to god Ithandly;
sa þat, quhen þe abbot wes dede,
ewyne chosine wes in his stede;
& sa wele gouernyt þe houss þan
þat thankful wes to god & man.


of alysandir in þe cyte
þat tyme a matrone cuth be,
fayr, nobil, & of gret kyne,
habundand of warldis wyne,
& to name had melanceane;
& with fel fevrys wes oure-tane,
þat trawalit hir hard & hat;
& of strinthis mad hyr mat.
bot alsone scho herd tel
þat in sic ane abbay can duel
a man þat ewyne had to nam,
a man reput of gud fame,
þat he mycht helpe hyre of þat Il,
gyf hym lykit to cum hyre til.
& scho, þo scho payane wes,
trawalit yddir nocht-þe-les,
& prayt hyme parcheryte
to remed hyr Infyrmyte,
wenand scho man had bene
in-to sic abit cled vnclene.
& scho, þat þan þar can apere
in habit as a monk scho were,
gert bryng oyle & It blissit sone,
& in a bost it gef hyr sone,
& bad hyr þare-with pas hir way,
& anoynt hyre but delay.
& as scho bad, scho has scho don,
& parfyt heile þar-of gat son
of þe fel fevyr scho had tane,
þat callit is þe quartane.
þane send scho sere presentis gret
of gold, siluir, wyne, & quhet,
to þe abbot of þat abbay,
quham-of before ȝe herd me say;
bot he þar-of tuk na thing,


bot bad þe matron ȝeld lowing
to god, quhom thru scho gat heile,
& hauld at hame hyr warldis wele.
[þ]is matron þan mycht nomare
wald sum tyme to þe abbay fare,
& with þe abbot gladly meile,
& ȝeld of[t] thank of hyre heile,
woman þocht scho cane be,
wenand at a man was he;
quhare thru sic luf scho kist til
hyme, þat to syn with hym scho had wil
in lustful delyt of flesch;
sa vnreulyt hyr wil wes.
& to fulfil hyr fals desyre,
scho brynt as scho had ben in fyre,
& socht ay oportunyte
how it mycht fulfillit be.
þane fenȝeit scho hir sek & sare,
& for sic cause mad gret care,
& to þe abbot, þat wes meke,
send to tel quhou scho wes seke,
& for his awne godis sak
requeryt hym he wald on hand tak
to vysit hyre of his gud wil,
sen scho mycht nocht trawel hym til.
& ewyne, þat dressit hym to be
ay in parfyt cheryte,
grantyt [it], & passit hyr til
for til helpe [hir] in gud wil;
& wes resawit reuerently,
& to þe matron brocht in hy
with-in þe curtenȝeis til hir bede,
þat richely wes þan oure-sprad.
þane þe matron takine can ma,
þat gert hyr men of chaumir ga;


& fra scho persawyt þat,
þe monk in armys son scho gat,
& mad of hyme, in gud wil
hyr wrechit ȝarnyng to fulfil,
& let hyme wit but [mare] abade
quhat passand luf til hym scho had,
& prayt hym for to ly
þane in-to bed hyr by,
ore ellis mycht scho nocht be hale
of hyr seknes, but end in bale.
& fra þe abbot vtrely
persawit hyr wil, in gret hy
gat on his fete & stert hir fra,
& lewit lyand in mekil wa,
hafand at hyr gret wlatsumnes,
fra he wist at hyr wil was,
& sad: “þu, þat douttis na scham,
melancia has wele to name;
þat is to say, of wikitnes
fillit of fule myrknes.”
& quhen scho schaw [þat] scho wes sa
refusit, scho can sorou ma,
& dred discouerit to be
of hyr wgly Iniquite.
þar-for scho thocht wele to wricht
in hyme hir wikitnes alsuyth,
& plenȝe on hyme, or he had
til ony of hyr complant mad.
for-þi hyr face scho skratit þare,
& of hyre hewid rugit þe hare,
& dayng hyr-self mouth & nesse,
til athyre of þame bludy wes;
& þar-with criyt increly,
til hyr menȝe com in hy,
& franyt [at] hyr quha durst do


sa outrageouse a scorn hir to.
þane sad scho: “behald & se
hou-gat ȝone monk has graþit me,
þat for I wend he had bene lele,
gert hym cum here me for to heile,
as he come befor þis did;
bot he is wolf in lamskine hyd,
& ful verray ypocrite,
to syne with me haffand delyt
had me felly diffulyt now,
as be pruff ȝe ma wele trew,
had I nocht þe mare stalouartly
helpyt my-self & can cry.”
with þat scho gert cal hir chaumerer,
& bad hyr say [þat] scho wes nere,
quhen þe monk assalȝeit sa
hyr laydy þar for ned to ta,
& sa gat scho fals witnes
agayne þe monk, þat wes sakles;
for nedly scho wald haf hym schent,
for he wald nocht til hyr consent.
& wrytine is in þe haly wryt,
& we mone treu þat suth is It,
þat na serpent has a hed sa fel,
sa venamuse, na sa cruel,
as þe hed of þe colubre is,
na is na wikitnes I-wyse
as is þe ewil of þe woman,
quhare scho wald wengeans be tan,
as men may in genesys
ensampil se þat [suth] It is,
of Ioseph, þat cuth nocht beware
with þe wikit wyf of putefere,
þe quhilk, for he ne wald ly hir by,
gert hyme be tane falsely


& haldine lang in-to preson
thru hyr wikit suggestione;
bot lord god sa did of his pyte,
þat lord of egype syne wes he.
ane vthyr ensampil ma we ta,
to schaw þat wemen ar thra
one hyme þat wil nocht do þer wil,
to vengeance þaim agane skil,
be þe wyf of þe emperoure
Oto, þat wes predecessoure
of þe gud emperoure henry,
þat first wes duk of barvary.
with emperoure oto wes þane
ane erle þat wes a fare man,
quham for beute & waloure
þe emprice luffit paramoure,
sa fere, þat scho prayt hyme
þat he wald flescly with hir syn;
& he, þat lele wes til his lord,
be na way wald þar-to [a]cord,
&, quhen it com to poynt, sad: “na,”
& with hyr magre passit away.
& scho, þat wes refusit sa,
sone gert þe lord þe ȝerle ta,
& but forsicht ore ony rede
at hyr tysing gert hym vnhed,
& he sakles neuir-þe-les,
as eftyr-wart wele kend was.
for, quhen he had wes for to sla,
he bad his wyf, þat mad wa,
þat scho suld profe, as þe law wes,
he to ded wes put saklas.
for-þi, quhen he wes put to dede,
his wyf a-way wane with þe hed,
& held it, til cesar gert mak


set day quhen he for godis sak
suld ger al wrangis mendyt be,
þat twechit oþir land or see,
þane namly it þat mycht ryne
til wydow or til orphanyne.
for-þi þe wedou wald nocht
be þine, & þe hede with hyr brocht,
& to cesare it schawit son,
& askit [hyme] quhat suld be don
of hyme þat sleu a saklas man.
& he, as rychtwyse, dome gef þan
þat he suld de quhat-euir he ware.
& sad scho: “it is ȝou, cesare,
þat but cause gert my husband sla,
as I sal prowe It is alsa
be Iugment of yrne hat.”
þan wes brocht þare a lang plat
of fyftene fute of lynth & mare,
& scho on it with fet bare
but abaysing it ouremet,
vnhurt or hafand ony lat.
& quhen cesar þat sene had,
he wes anoyt, & but bad
hyme-self þar gef þe widou til
to be punyst at hyr wil.
þane al þat ware in þe sted
thocht law ware to put hym to ded.
nocht-þan þai ordenyt gret landis to bet
þe schath; þe quhilkis are ȝet,
& hafis nam þar-of be ton & tone,
of þe ded in to mencione.
þan can þe emperoure gud-sped
þe suthfastnes spere of þat ded,
& fand his wyf gert hyme sla.
þar-for son gert he hyr ta,


& bryne þar in til a fyre,
for Iustice, & nocht for Ire.
& þis case tyd nyne hundreth ȝere
eftyr crist oure flesch tuk here,
foure score & four ȝere þar-til.
& ensampil quha-sa wil,
ma tak wele be theodera,
þat for lyk cause tholit wa,
as men ma se in þe next tale
here-befor contenyt hale.
bot sample wil I tel no ma,
for dout wemen cal me þar fa.
bot a thing sa I nocht-þe-les.
quhen ony wemen wil hir dress
to do ocht, be It neuir sa Il,
scho sal nane ey haf reson til
bot in hir-selfe bryne as fyre,
til scho eschewe of hyr desyre,
hafand na ey to godis blame
na to consel of gud fame,
as til parele can apere
til hyr or til hir frendis nere,
or ȝet of lyf ore of ded,
of saule or body but remed,
bot at þat al til end be brocht,
quhare-on sadly scho settis thocht;
& sufranely a-beowe althing,
quhen wemen settis hir lykyne
of ony man, hyme to wyne
In sic degre with hyr to syne,
gyf he ne wil consent hir til,
fra scho haf lattyn hym wit hir wil,
wes neuir lenx þat schuttis fyre,
mare fulfillit of breth & yre,
quhen hir qwhelpis ar tan hir fra,


to chas þe takaris, þaim to sla,
þan scho sal be to purches Il
til hyme þat denyit hir wil.
[r]icht sa tyd of melancia,
quhen scho wes refusit sa,
& thru hyr mycht durst do na Il
bot be law þis abbot til,
went to þe Iug & playnt mad
of þe abbot, þat na wit had,
þat in hyr bed he can hyre oure-ta,
& mad hyr sa bludy & bla,
& skratit hir, & befte als,
& held hyr sa fast in þe hals
þat, had nocht helpe cumyne hir til,
he had hir wonnyn at his wil,
bot scho sa fast can ȝel & cry
þat hyr seruandis com in hy,
þat gert hyme fle away his gat
& lewit hir þar mad & mat;
& ȝet, had nocht helpe bene
of hir chaumerare þat it had sene,
he had eschewit of his wil
or ony helpe had cumyne hir til.
for-þi, scho sad, men suld nocht treu
to þe wikit men þat prechis now
þe lar of Ihesu crist, þar lord,
fra quhais theching þai discord,
gyf It be suth þai of hym say
þat rychtwisnes he tacht al-way.
& phil[i]p, þat prowest wes
of alysandir, fra he þis case
herd, he wes ful wrath,
& men of armys send ful rath,
& command[it] þaim þai suld ta


with his feris eugenia
& bynd þaim fast, but audiens,
& bryng þame son til his presens;
fore he wes flammyt as of fyre.
þocht he wes fadir & syre
of eugenia, he wend but wene
þat he þan a monk had bene;
for his douchtir he treuyt ay
but recouer had bene a-way.
þer armyt men þan but delay
held þat gat to þe abbay,
& tuk þe abbot, & hym band
& al þe monkis þai with hym fand,
& harlyt þaim dispytuisly
til alysandir in gret hy,
& þar in presone can þame thring
of þe prefet at þe bydyng
to nest day of Iugment,
in hope þat þai suld be schent.
& quhen þai come, he gert set
þe stule of Iuge in þe merket,
& sat þar, law to do,
& gert þe monkis bryng hym to,
þat ordenyt had, ore he com þare,
þat þe abbot for-out mare
wyld bestis suld be gyfyn til,
til ete & Ryfe of hym þare fil.
melancia, þat wes nocht swere
to wre þe abbot, can apere,
& sad: “sir Iuge, do me rycht
of þis fals monk, þat of his slycht
þat in my chawmir gylfully
ewyne to my bed, quhare I can ly,
for til diffors [me] at his wil.”


& gretand fast record[yt] þare
hyr playnt, as ȝe herd me sa are.
þe Iuge þan þat wes angry,
sad to þe abbot fellonly:
“say, wikyt man & ypocryte,
þat couertly has þat habyt
tane, þat [þu] mare couertly
may gere leile folk in þe affy,
& sa betrese þaim thru slicht,
quhat suld þu do, & þu had mycht?
say, wikit wrech, of bounte bare,
of criste, ȝoure god, is þat þe lare
þat he tacht ȝou, to be bowne
to fyle ȝou of corrupcione?
quhare-for, monk, þocht it lykit þe
to fyle þi flesch in sic degre,
a commowne woman byrd wel gan
to þe, þat þu put nocht þi payne
for wantones of þi foule cors
gentil wemen til difforse.
for-þi me think wod he were,
þat wald trew in ȝoure cristis lare.
& þu with þis dede is wele taynt,
þat makis na ansuere to þis plant.”
eugenia had sum dele aw,
þat hyr fadir þar suld hir knaw.
for-þi done scho held þe hed mare,
& murly mad sic ansuere:
“criste, oure lord, þat lowit ay be,
tacht his men to luf chastite,
& til his seruandis þat þer flesch
for his sak kepis in chastines,
but ende lyf in his lestand blis
sal gyf, þat he has dicht for his,
þat is sa gud þat na man may


think it in hart, na tong say.
& thocht þis woman wele ma we
prowe fals & fellon for to be,
bettir is we thole þis lytil blam
þan þat scho de with lestand scham;
for, gyf þe suth til hir scheu we,
scho wat wele scho ma punyst be
bot þe med of oure pacience
we wil nocht tyne in þi presence.
nocht-þane, gyf scho has witnesing
of hyre controwit fals lesyng,
lat hyr gere þaim here apere,
[þat] þare fals witnes we ma here;
for certis, had scho dred schame,
scho & hyre witnes ware at ham.”
[m]elancia, as wikyt woman,
hyre chamerare had redy þan,
þat fals witnes can here bere,
as scho befor til hir cane lere,
word be word, & lewit nocht,
fore þat thank get scho thocht.
& hyre famyle mare & les,
as þai ware tacht, bare fals witnes,
sayand þai fand hyre in hir bede
wele nere smoryt & for-blede.
eugenia a tyme stud stil,
til scho [þe] Iuge saw in wil
to gyf a-gane hir fel sentence,
bot scho þe sonare mad defence;
þan [sad]: “as þe wyse ecclesyastes
sais in his buk forout les
rycht in to þe thred chapytere,
recordand þare of tymys sere,
þat tyme is to hald men stil,


& tyme als to spek with skyl.
bot now to be stil tyme is nocht,
sene to spek I ame besocht;
þare-for ma I nocht be styl,
suppos þare-to I haf wil,
bot, for I ne wil þis wyf but scham
in cristis seruandis set sic blame,
I mon spek now, & nocht fore pride,
bot for I wil falsede vnhyd;
& þat falsat nocht Ioysit be
fore til ourcum þe verite,
bot at wysdome ourcum ma
malyce, þe suth now I wil say,
þocht me ware lath it com þar-to
gyf I mycht ony bettir do,
bot fore to put men out of dout
þat I ame cristis vndirloute,
&, as he tacht me, ay my flesch
has kepit ȝet in-[to] clennes,
& fore þat cause tuk þis habit,
& nocht as dois ane ypocrite.”
with þat scho kest þe cule away
& scapelry but delay,
& raf hyre kyrtil til hir kne,
þat al þare opynly mycht se
þat scho werray wes womane.
&, þat don, helyt hir lycame,
& to þe prefet þat had sene
of þis þe suthfastnes with ene,
sad: “fadir dere, gud tent þu ta
to þi douchtir eugenia,
& claudya, þat is þe by,
þat bare me of hir awne body,
& auytus, my bruthir dere,
& fergius, þat is his fere—


for ȝoure cystir kene ȝe nocht me,
& þire twa, þat wont ware to be,
protho & Iacinctus, in study
with me lerand besyly?
bot ȝe myskene ws now al thre.
þare-of ferly gret think me.”
þe Iuge þane tuk gude tent
til hyre þat had hyre kirtil rent,
& increly beheld hyre face,
& knew wele scho his dochtir wes,
& of þat sicht wes rycht blyth,
& hynt hyre in his armis suyth
& kissit hyre of[t] and gret
þat he had with his douchtir mete.
& scho gret als, fore þai ware
in erroure þane as þai ware are.
& hyr modir & brethyre twa,
fra þai kneu eugenia,
gat hyre in [þar] armys suyth,
& kissit hyr a hundreth sith,
&, as hyr fadir did, can gret
for Ioy þai can with hir met;
be-cause na man durst þaim kene
þe suthfast treutht of cristine men.
þane hynt þai hir on hicht alsone,
& cled hyr wele forout howne
in clath, dyopret of gold fyne—
for cumyne scho wes of nobil lyne—
furrit with ermyn fare & clene,
as scho douchtir ware of a quene.
& protho & Iacincto, þat ware
hyr feris ay at þe lare
& with hyr had þe abyt tane,
hyr fadir hynt þaim, ore he fane,
& be hyme-self set on hicht,


& honoryt þaim as men of mycht.
þane in presence of þaim al
þat þare ware gadryt, gret & smal,
a blese of fyre as brynstane bla
Come of þe hewine one melancia
& hyre modir, þat fals witnes
bare, & hyre famile mare & les
brynt sodenly in poudir smal,
thru godis vengeance, seand al.
hyr fadir þane, þat has sene
sic wondir wrocht be-for his eyne,
& his wyf, & his sonnis twa
conuertyt to criste with al þai
& al þat of þat cunctre ware,
þat saw þis ore of It mycht here.
þane wes kirkis mad ful fele
be þaim þat becumyne ware lele,
& vntreu ware cumand ay
as þai durst to cristis fay;
& prestis als ware mony made,
to baptyse þame but abade.
[a]nd quhene to rome fra alysandir
Come word as for sclandyr
of philpe, þat cumyne wes cristyn man
with þame he had in ledyng þan,
& þat he tholyt þat cunctre
to cristine treutht vndirlout to be,
þai reputyt hym as man vnwise
til hym til haf ony office.
for-þi ordenyt þe senat
to degrad hyme of his stat,
sene þat he changit has his ryt;
& þar-apone gert til hym wryt
& hyme depriwit but abade
of office, & ane vthire made.


& he þare-of ful glad þat he
fore cristis sak mycht lawit be.
for he office & signory
gerris men mysdo commonly;
& als men seis þere master-men
for hey estate þaim-self mysken,
& hey estate and humylyte
in a persone seldine se we.
þar-for he lowit godis mycht,
þat hyme remowit fra sic hicht.
& þan al þat conuertyt ware
to crist, tuk hyme but ony mare,
& ordenyt hyme bischope to be
in godis name of þat cunctre.
þan he be-com ane vthir mane
þan he befor wes, fra þane.
he gef hyme hale to abstinence
& to thole wrang with pacience,
& schupe hyme Ithandly to be
in-to chaste lyf & cheryte,
in-to prayere & wakkyne,
& to spend his tyme in preching.
& ay he first did in gud wil
It at he prechit vthyre til,
sa þat his ded sample suld gefe
to subditis hou þai suld lyf,
& perseueryt þare-in ay
of his lyf to þe last day;
& sa to god ful mony man
thru ded & lare in his tym wan,
quhare-at Ill-trewand had inwy
þat he lefit sa wertuisly.
& for he wes fra þare ryte gane
& cristine lacht til hym had tane,
þai waytit hym with gret lasere,


& fand hyme makand his prayere
kneland: & þare-in can hym take,
& a martir of hyme cane make,
to god to be sacrifice
ful thankful for his seruice.
[q]wene he wes dede, þan claudya
to rome a-gayne hir way can ta,
& cristine fay þare opynly
prechit ful wele & thriftly,
& godis word sa wele schew þare
to þame þat vncristine ware,
& it þat scho in worde prechit
sa douchtly in dede scho dede,
þat thru þe grace of god scho wan
to cristine treutht mony man,
& happely mad syne endynge,
as eftir wrytine ȝe sal fynde.
the fame of gud evgenia
wes sa fare sprede to & fra,
þat word come to þe emperoure
hou besyly scho set hyre cure
to peruert þe folk away
fra þe treuth þai trewit ay,
“þat scho gert mony fal fra,
for quhen of þaim defence can ma,
& forcis hyre faste to preche
a new lare & It to teche
of ane Ihesu of galyle,
þat Iowis hangit on a tre,
þat scho sais god is anerly,
& nane vthyre, in til affy.
for-þi and scho be tholit lang,
scho sal do til oure godis wrang,


sa outrageouse, þat nan sal do
honoure na reuerence þaim to,
na ȝet sal nocht in al þe land
of oure godis a tempil stand.
þare-for, lorde, we ȝow rede
þat ȝe be tyme se for remede,
& þat but bad be lachtful dome
of al þe senatouris of rome.”
þe emperoure þat þis worth wrath,
& callit his consel til hym rath,
& askyt [þame] quhat wes to do
þar-of. & þai ansuert hym to,
þat to sla hyr wes mast spede;
“for, and scho lifit, scho suld lede
in-to mys-treutht sa mony men
þat þare godis þai sal mysken;
& bettir is scho de alane
þan vengeance be of mony tane.”
þe emperoure consentit sone,
&, as þai conselit, has done.
þane tormentouris socht hir & fand,
& band hyr bath fut & hand,
& til hyr nek, ore þai fayne,
þai band faste a gret mylstan,
& in-to tybre syne hir swang,
for scho to þare godis did wrang.
bot þare men mycht se godis mycht
done opynly in manis sycht;
fore, in þe riuere quhen scho
wes castine, mony gowand to,
hyr band lousit but delay,
& þe gret mylstan fel away,
& scho cane one þe watir stand
wpe-richt, as It ware on dry land,
& þar a quhile ȝede to & fra.


bot men eftsone can hyr ta,
& band hyr bath fut & hande,
& put hyr in ane oyne brinande.
bot, as scho þer-in wes done,
þe fellone het wes stanchit son,
& scho vnharmyt, þat al has sene,
as scho in softe bath had bene;
for It cuth hire wele refresche,
suppos it hat-brinand was,
as þame thocht, to manis sicht;
sa opynly god kythit his mycht
in hyr þat wes hale & fere,
þat þai wend war ded but were.
ȝet tuk þai hyr & band agane,
thinkand to put hyre to new payne,
& kyst hyr in a depe dongeone,
fore til eke hyre confusione,
& closit it sa wele with slicht
þat entre mycht na-kyne lycht,
but met ore drink, Il ore gude,
ore ocht þat suld be manis fude.
bot god gert þare licht leyme,
wes clerare þan þe sonnis beyme.
& quhen þat scho had ben tene days
in þat presone, as þe buk sais,
with multitud of sanctis sere,
god til hyre [þar] cane apere,
& gef hyre brede bath fare & fres,
quhytare þan euir snaw was,
& sad: “of my hand tak þis fude,
þat I gyfe þe, my douchtir gude!
for I ame god, þi saweoure,
þat þu to serwe did al þi cure
& lufit me oure al warldis thing,
quhare-in ȝung men has lyking.
þar-for I cum to tel þe


þat þu sal cum þat day to me
þat I til erde come fra hewyne.”
þare-for one ȝulday next ewine
þai send to se gyf scho lyfande
ware; & ȝet þane in lyf hir fande,
farrare þane scho fede bene hade
with þe beste met euir man made.
þe basare þan, þat had na dout
of god, son hynt hyre owt,
& strak hyr nek son in twa,
& a martir mad of hyr swa
to [god], þat tuk hyre til his blis,
quhare-at he euir duelland is.
& þat houre forout were,
þat scho wes slane, scho can apere
til hyr modir, & sad þat scho
þe next sonday suld cum hir to,
in-to Ioy ay lestande [to] duell,
þat hou gud is, can na man tele.
& þar-eftyr þe next sonday,
quhene claudia in prayer lay,
sodendly þe geste scho ȝalde,
þat god resawit in his halde.
thane prothus & Iacinctus alsa,
þat wald nocht lef eugenia
fore wele na way þat þai had sene,
for þai hyre falowis had bene,
ware tane, fra to dede scho wes don,
& to þe tempil þai harlyt þaim son,
þat þai thru þare prayere gert fal
with þare ydolis in poudir smal.
þan þai þat þaim brocht ware way,
quhen þai þare templis saw fal swa;
nocht-þane þai sad: “gyf ȝe wil


mak sacrifice oure godis til
& lew ȝoure wikit sorcery
quhare-in sa mekil ȝe affy,
ȝet sal men thole ȝou life
& gret riches alsa ȝou gyfe,
for-cause ȝe are of nobil kyne,
& ȝe wil of ȝoure erroure blyne.”
þane ansuert þai in a woyce:
“we trew in god þat deit on croice,
& for his sak are in gud wil
to thole quhat ded þat ȝou wil;
for sacrify sal we neuirmare
til ydolis, þat bot dewilis are.”
þane wikit men þaim can tak,
& in sondir þare nekis strak.
& þai be þe reknyne of rome
fulfillit sa þar martirdome
fra god tuk flesch of oure laydy
twa hundir ȝere sex & fyfty.
þare-for I pray þir sanctis sere
þat [þai] to pray now be nocht swere
for ws, þat we of lyf ma twyn
but schame, det, & dedly syne.