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Rvbbe, and A great Cast

Epigrams. By Thomas Freeman

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Epigram. 97. Ceneri Thomæ Baugh, qui dum ambit & amittit Rectoriam, S. Sepulchr. moriens, ibi Sepulchrum inuenit.

Epigram. 97. Ceneri Thomæ Baugh, qui dum ambit & amittit Rectoriam, S. Sepulchr. moriens, ibi Sepulchrum inuenit.

Stellified Baugh, St pulchers much mistooke
That tooke thee not, as worthy as another,
And knew'st as well to ope the seuen-seal'd Booke,
And bring them sweet Milk from the Church their Mother,
But they reiected thee as Berea Paul.
For which thy blessed soule shooke off her dust,
And let her fraile corruption mongst them fall,
And now shee sings and Saints it with the iust:
Now heauen her to a happier place prefer'th,
Then to be Saint Sipulchred here on earth.