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If I'm in a prison, 'tis a neat one;
What Œdipus can resolve this riddle?
I ne'er gave just cause to any man
Basely to plot against my life. But what is
Become of my Baptista? for him I suffer
More than myself.


Remove that idle fear;
He's safe as you are.

Whosoe'er thou art,
For him I thank thee. I cannot imagine
Where I should be! Tho' I have read the table
Of errant knighthood, stuff'd with the relations
Of magical enchantments, yet am not I
So weakly credulous, to believe the fiend
Hath that way any power. Ha! music!

[A symphony.

Would you view the loveliest rose
Nature's fragrant charms disclose,
Every chilling thought remove,
Warm it with the breath of Love!

A song too! and that in flowing measure;
Be what it may that owns this tuneful voice,
It hath not much acquaintance with affliction.
Whoe'er you are that do inhabit here,
If not aerial forms alone, approach!
Enter HONORIA veil'd.
And make me know your end with me—Most strange!
What have I conjur'd up? Sure, if this be
A spirit, 'tis no damned one! If that your lovely face
Have not too much divinity about it
For mortal eyes to gaze upon; oh! perfect what
You have begun with wonder,
To my astonish'd senses. (She unveils.)
How! the Queen!



Rise, Sir, and hear my reasons, in defence
Of that constraint which I've by force put on you:
You perhaps may think, what for my love you've suffer'd
Is a common practice with me; but I call
Those ever shining lamps, and their great Maker,
As witnesses of my innocence, I ne'er saw
Man but your dear self, on whom I ever
(Except the King) vouchsaf'd an eye of favor.

The King, and only such a King, deserves
Your favor, Madam; for myself, great Queen,
I am a thing obscure, disfurnish'd of
All merit that can raise me higher, than
In my most humble gratitude, for your bounty,
To hazard my life for you, and that way,
I am most ambitious.

I desire no more
Than what you promise. If you dare expose
Your life, as you profess, to do me service,
How can it better be employ'd than in
Preserving mine? which only you can do,
Nay, must do, with the danger of your own.

Pray you forbear:
I would I did not understand too much
Already; by your lips I am instructed
To credit that, which not confirm'd by you,
I should have deem'd dissimulation,
Tho' an angel's voice had thus affirm'd it.
But were you cloy'd with happiness that's built
On lovely chastity, which I still doubt,


—Amid ten thousand every way more apt
To be thus wrought on, being your subjects,
Why should you deign to chuse out me, a stranger?
Proud in the tented field I'll fight your cause;
Or with this arm—

I need no champion
With sword to guard my beauty, or my honor;
In both I can defend myself, and live
My own protectress.

If these advocates,
The best that plead in my behalf, want pow'r,
What can be found in me to tempt you thus,
To war against yourself?

I will be plain:
It is your loyalty unto your wife,
Hath rais'd my envy, and inspir'd my love!

These are mere contraries: if you love me, Madam,
For my constancy, why seek you to destroy it?
In my keeping, it preserves me worth your favor!
Or if it be a jewel of that value,
As you with labour'd rhet'ric would persuade me,
What can you stake against it?

A Queen's fame,
And equal honors.

Is it in man
To resist such strong temptations?


He begins
To waver.

Madam, as you are gracious,
Grant me this one short night's deliberation,
And with the rising sun you shall
Receive my answer.

Tho' extremes
Hate all delay, I will deny you nothing—
This key will bring you to your friend. You're safe;
And all things that imagination could prepare,
For one I love and honour, wait upon you.—
Take counsel of your pillow; such a fortune
As with affection's swiftest wing now seeks you,
Will not again await you.
[Exit Honoria.

How my blood
Rebels!—I now could call her back, and yet
There's something stays me; if the King had tender'd
Such favors to my wife, 'tis to be doubted
They had not been refus'd—But as a man
I should not yield, and prove the first example
For her defence of frailty!—By this, perhaps
She's tempted too! but here I may examine.
[Looks at the Picture.
No, my Sophia's still the same—the same
Pure chrystal rock of innocence! perish all
Allurements that may alter me!—The snow
Of her sweet chastity hath quite put out
The fire that but e'en now began to flame;
And I by her confirm'd, rewards, nor titles,
Nor death in all its terrors, from the Queen herself,
Shall shake my constant faith!
