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ΠΕΡΙ ΚΑΘΑΡΜΩΝ.—Frag. 77 & 78.

Ω φιλοι οι μεγα αστυ, κ.τ.λ.

Friends! kinsmen! inmates of the noble town,
Whose rocky-planted turrets guard and crown
Old Agrigentum's memorable seat;
Famous for courteous cheer and converse sweet,
My fellow-citizens!—I greet you well:
Within your gentle precincts here I dwell,


An earthly sojourner, but honoured more
Than ever human mortal was before,
Even as a visible Deity; with a crown,
With garlands and with fillets falling down,
With such a pomp of ornament, I meet
Your daily gaze, and move along the street.
When to the neighbouring city, as befals,
My progress leads me, far without the walls,
The multitude flock forth and crowd the way,
Men, women, old and young, in long array,
Eager in admiration or concern,
To know, what it imports them most to learn,
Of omens, expiations, prophecies,
Or politic advisements, deep and wise,
Or means of public safety for defence
Against the wasting power of pestilence—
Oh, poor pre-eminence! how mean! how base!
Amidst this earthly, transitory race,
To boast of worldly power, or name, or place.