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Page 158


Associate Professor Hoxton.

Adjunct Professor Sparrow.

Mr. Macdonald.

Mr. Lamb.

Mr. Lawrence.

A laboratory fee of five dollars is charged for Physics 1, B1, C1, C2.

For Undergraduates.

Physics 1: Preparatory Course for Medicine: Absolves the minimum
requirements in Physics for entrance to the Department of Medicine. (No
B.A. or B.S. credit.) Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 11-12.
Laboratory: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Section I, 9-11; Section II,
12-2; Section III, 3-5. Rouss Physical Laboratory. Associate Professor
Hoxton, Adjunct Professor Sparrow, Mr. Macdonald, Mr. Lamb, Mr. Lawrence.

Physics B1: General Physics: A knowledge of solid geometry and of
the trigonometry of the right triangle, prerequisite.
—The elements of
Mechanics, Sound, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism, and Light. The classroom
instruction is given by text-books, recitations, problems, and experimental
demonstrations. In the laboratory each student performs experiments
upon which written reports are required. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6
session-hours.) Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 11-12. Laboratory:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Section I, 9-11; Section II, 12-2;
Section III, 3-5. Rouss Physical Laboratory. Associate Professor Hoxton,
Adjunct Professor Sparrow, Mr. Macdonald, Mr. Lamb, Mr. Lawrence.

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Physics C1: General Physics, Selected Topics: Physics B1, and Mathematics
A1, or A2, or the equivalent, prerequisite.
—The work in the class-room
emphasizes the general principles of dynamics and their application to
physical problems, special attention being given to the properties of matter
and thermodynamics. The laboratory work develops the basic principles of
accurate measurement. Laboratory work six hours per week. Hours by
appointment. Rouss Physical Laboratory. Adjunct Professor Sparrow.

Physics C2: Electricity and Optics: Physics B1, with the addition of
either Physics C1, Mathematics B2, or B3, or the equivalent, prerequisite.

Electricity is given during the first half-year, Optics during the second.
The elements of the classical mathematical theory and outlines of important
modern conceptions are given in the lectures. In the laboratory,
especial attention is paid to methods of measurement and studies of important
phenomena and principles. Laboratory work, four to six hours
per week. Hours by appointment. Rouss Physical Laboratory. Associate
Professor Hoxton.


Page 159

For Graduates.

The courses of this grade vary from year to year, ranging over the
more important fields of Physics in a cycle of about three years. The list
given below includes courses which have recently been given and those
which are offered for the coming session.

The formal preparation necessary for these courses varies somewhat
with the nature of the subjects treated. What is necessary is a certain
maturity of mind with reference to the subject. The student who has not
had training in Mathematics equivalent to Mathematics C1 will probably
be unable to follow with profit any D course dealing with the mathematical
side of Physics, while the student who has not had the equivalent of the
corresponding C course in Physics will be unable to pursue a D course dealing
with the experimental side.

Physics D1: Electromagnetic Theory: The mathematical theory of
substantially the same content as Maxwell's Treatise. Adjunct Professor
Sparrow. Given in 1914-1915.

Physics D2: Advanced Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases:
The mathematical theory and an account of the state of experimental knowledge
of the subject. Associate Professor Hoxton. Offered for 1916-1917.

Physics D3: Dynamics: A general course in Dynamics, including
Hydrodynamics and the Theory of Elasticity. Adjunct Professor Sparrow.
Given in 1913-1914. Offered for 1916-1917.

Physics D4: Conduction of Electricity Through Gases, Radioactivity:
Chiefly the experimental side of the subject. Associate Professor Hoxton,
Adjunct Professor Sparrow. Given in 1914-1915.

Physics D5: Theory of Electrons, Electromagnetic Theory of Light:
The mathematical theory and an account of the state of experimental
knowledge of the subject. Adjunct Professor Sparrow. Given in 1915-1916.

Journal Meeting: The Faculty and advanced students in Physics and
Astronomy meet once a week for the presentation and discussion of current
research. The students, as well as the professors, take an active part in the
presentation of these reports.

The Rouss Physical Laboratory is a commodious building, specially designed
for and devoted to the work in Physics. The building throughout
is characterized by structural stability. The rooms are abundantly lighted,
while some may be darkened at will. There is a general distribution of
water over the building, while all the rooms are supplied with steam heat,
gas and electricity.

The equipment includes an exceptionally rich set of demonstration apparatus,
and a good stock of apparatus for elementary laboratory instruction.
In addition to this there is a special line of electrical and optical instruments,
a 21½-foot concave grating with Rowland mounting, photographic
dark room, liquid air plant and storage battery, and an instrument


Page 160
shop for the repair and construction of physical instruments. For advanced
work in some lines the facilities offered are excellent.

For summer-school courses in Physics, on which college credit will be
allowed, see p. 256.