University of Virginia Library


Ω Πελιου θυγατερ, κ.τ.λ.
—l. 435.

Fare thee well, good and fair, Pelias's noble heir,
Thy course is done;
Good and gracious things betide thee,
In the dark mansion that must hide thee,
From yon fair sun.
The Sovereign of the Realm. And he that at the Helm
Steers in the murky stream his dusky wherry,
(Wafting the feeble sprites that flit below,)
Shall hear and know,
That never did a nobler spirit pass
The Infernal Ferry.
Firm and fond, far far beyond
The best of woman-kind that have been ever;
Whilst here on earth above,
Thy constant worth and love,
Shall form the theme of emulous endeavour,
Wherever minstrels sing—or where they strike the string:
Whether in Sparta's ancient state austere,
When the revolving year
Brings round the high Karneian festival,
And the moon's awful and full orbed ball,
Fills and illumines all:
Or where proud Athens hails the festive day,
With pomp and art and prosperous display.