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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE XLIX. The Fox and Cat:
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FABLE XLIX. The Fox and Cat:

Or, One Shift better than Many.

A Fox and Cat, bound tow'rds a Wood, for Prey,
Shortned, with pleasing Chat, the Time and Way:
The Fox began his crafty Wiles to boast,
Which still were Help at hand, when needed most:
He said, He cou'd the Dogs and Huntsmen gull,
For he had Shifts at least a Budget full.
The Cat reply'd, She had but one Retreat
To save her self, and that ne'er fail'd her yet.
While thus they talk'd, and had forgot their Fears,
A sudden Cry of Hounds alarm'd their Ears:
Tybert to her old Method had recourse,
Climb'd a tall Tree, and there defy'd their Force.
Reynard, by Shifts, to save his Bacon thought,
But whi e he doubted which to try, was caught.


‘He whose uncertain Mind has various Drifts,
‘Trusts to vain Counsels, and deceitful Shifts;
‘Is in a Maze, when most with Danger press'd,
‘And lost, while he demurrs what Course is best.
‘But he who still by one sure Method steers,
‘Is unperplex'd with Doubts, and safe from Fears:


‘He gains his Ends by that secure Effort,
‘As Vessels, by the Compass, make their Port.